Barry Bonds oor Sweeds

Barry Bonds

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Barry Bonds

That man gets walked more than anybody in baseball except for Barry Bonds.
Han får mer frigångar än nån annan, förutom Barry Bonds.
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
And if it's Garfield and it blows up like barry bonds's skull we're finished.
Kontrollen av varje delleverans, innan den inlagras på interventionslagret, får begränsas till en kontroll av vattenhalt, andel orenheter och avsaknad av levande insekterOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He felt like Bon Jovi for a moment, or Spider-Man, or Barry Bonds.
Ja, vid hennes hotellLiterature Literature
Deca is also one AAS that Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens are alleged to have used.
Det är dit de offentliga medlen bör gå i stället för att investeras i de globaliserade idrottsarenornas falska gudar.Literature Literature
Only Barry Bonds has more with seven.
Det är ingen målkodWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Is this the " Barry Bonds " Pete or the " Hank Aaron " Pete?
Jag måste ge mitt äktenskap en ny chansOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That man gets walked more than anybody in baseball except for Barry Bonds.
Jag sträckte larmuskelnOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The fourth song, "Pilots", which describes travelers floating in the atmosphere above the earth, was inspired by John Barry's James Bond theme songs.
Hur fick en fåne som du så god smak?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He’d worked with Swing Out Sister and produced the John Barry soundtrack for the James Bond film The Living Daylights.
Chip, jag kan inte går till dansen med digLiterature Literature
It has occasionally been suggested that Barry, not Norman, composed the "James Bond Theme".
Menar du det?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
• Best of Barry - Just some of the highlights of John Barry’s soundtracks for Bond
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In memory of music maestro John Barry (11 James Bond films) who was born 81 years ago (2014-11-03)
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Even if you'd been waiting for the nineties-ending crash throughout the nineties, even if you'd believed all along that further terrorism in New York was only a matter of when and not of whether, what you felt on Tuesday morning wasn't intellectual satisfaction, or simply empathetic horror, but deep grief for the loss of daily life in prosperous, forgetful times: the traffic jammed by delivery trucks and unavailable cabs, "Apocalypse Now Redux" in local theatres, your date for drinks downtown on Wednesday, the sixty-three homers of Barry Bonds, the hourly AOL updates on J. Lo's doings.
Den specifika kontexten kännetecknas av en kombination av tre stora cykler.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
One of the most requested scores from film music fans around the world in recent years has proved to be John Barry's soundtrack for the 11th James Bond film, Moonraker (1979) (1979).
David will continue to be involved with the 50th anniversary of Bond and recently produced the John Barry Memorial Concert at the Royal Albert Hall.
I det bifogade beslutet fastställs därför att det är sannolikt att den föreslagna transaktionen påtagligt skulle hämma en effektiv konkurrens, särskilt då en dominerande ställning skapas, och att transaktionen tycks vara oförenlig med den gemensamma marknaden och EES-avtalets funktion alla de tre relevanta marknadernaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The music in Moonraker is one of the finest examples of Barry's more mature approach to Bond, putting a heavy emphasis on symphonic adventure scoring as opposed to the more rebellious, guitar-based sound of earlier films like Goldfinger - some would argue this score IS the turning point in his 007 legacy.
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John Barry, who would later go on to compose the music for eleven Bond films, arranged the Bond theme, but was uncredited—except for the credit of his orchestra playing the final piece.
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Burlingame devotes a chapter to each Bond film, providing the backstory for the music (including a reader-friendly analysis of each score) from the last-minute creation of the now-famous "James Bond Theme" in Dr. No to John Barry's trend-setting early scores for such films as Goldfinger (1964) and Thunderball (1965).
Rättigheter för personer som beviljats pension före den # juni # kan på deras begäran omprövas enligt bestämmelserna i förordning (EEG) nrParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
John Barry had huge success in the world of film music, having written some of the best soundtracks for the silver screen including, of course, the James Bond films.
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His grandson Mark swiftly hitches a ride on a humorous journey of filmic discovery where Bond movies fire like bespoke bullets at a Reagan-era Catholic childhood marked with divorce, a closet-gay adolescence sound-tracked by John Barry and an adult life as a comedy writer still inspired by that Broccoli movie magic.
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19 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.