Battle of the Milvian Bridge oor Sweeds

Battle of the Milvian Bridge

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

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The Battle of the Milvian Bridge shows the battle that took place on 28 October 312 between the Roman Emperors Constantine I and Maxentius.
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312 – Constantine the Great enters Rome after his victory at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, stages a grand adventus in the city, and is met with popular jubilation.
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Battle of the Milvian Bridge, 312 Thus, in the West, the situation came down to a struggle between Constantine and Maxentius.
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Proclaimed Augustus of the western empire upon the death of his father on 25 July 306, he became sole ruler of the western empire after the Battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312.
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Before he went to fight a battle near Rome at the Milvian Bridge in 312 C.E., he claimed that he was told in a dream to paint the “Christian” monogram —the Greek letters khi and rho, the first two letters of Christ’s name in Greek— on his soldiers’ shields.
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