Carl Gustaf Pilo oor Sweeds

Carl Gustaf Pilo

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

Carl Gustaf Pilo

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Of major importance was also Carl Gustaf Pilo, who became a court painter in Denmark.
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In 1745 Krafft went to Copenhagen, where he came under Carl Gustaf Pilo's influence, as seen in the 1748 autographed portraits of Anna Bohr and a Miss Leijonhufvud as a shepherdess.
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Carl Gustaf Pilo was one of the 18th century Swedish artists who left Sweden to make their fortune abroad.
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It was further added to in 1912 and 1913 at Bukowskis’ a uctions in Stockholm, when the museum purchased bank director Rudolf Gagge’s collection of drawings, which included works by Lorens Pasch the older and younger as well as Louis Jean Desprez and Carl Gustaf Pilo, to name just a few.19 In 1915 Romdahl was able to acquire some 20 prints from Count Gustaf Adolf Sparre’s collection.
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