Dreux oor Sweeds


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


Some spiteful character envious of my standing in Dreux.
Nån hätsk karaktär avundsjuk på min position i Dreux.
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Its farming activity and its location on the road from Paris to Dreux and Normandy brought prosperity to the village, culminating in the end of the 13th century, the so-called "century of Saint Louis", famous for the prosperity of northern France and the building of Gothic cathedrals.
Tig är den enda som vet sanningenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dreux had been acquitted in April 1680, but was arrested a second time because of the testimony of Joly.
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Some spiteful character envious of my standing in Dreux.
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The family left Paris for Saint-Cloud and from there to Dreux, where they parted and made their way to England in different groups.
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She claimed that Dreux had poisoned two former lovers, Pajot and de Varennes; that she had tried to poison the Duchess de Richelieu, the wife of her lover Duke de Richelieu; that she had plans to murder her brother and sister-in-law Monsieur and Madame Saintot, as well as all rivals who was ever visible around her lover Duke de Richelieu.
Det var därför som vi tog bort de ökända artiklarna 24 och 25 från direktivet så att det inte skulle vara möjligt att åsidosätta dessa rättigheter genom att utnyttja kryphål.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
His wife, Yolande of Dreux, was pregnant but by November 1286 all hope of her bearing a living child had passed.
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Should he go to Dreux or Pierrefonds to find Odette?
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After the Battle of Dreux in December 1562, which claimed 6,000 lives, that first war of religion drew to a close.
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Mr President, I must inform you that, for several years, the company L.G. Philips has been axing jobs not only in the constituency of Dreux, but also in Aix-la-Chapelle, the Netherlands and Hungary.
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Come to Dreux with me... in uniform to convince him.
Antal: två på varje sidaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Work began in 1751 and was finished in 1788 by Gabriel's student Le Dreux de La Châtre.
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However, problems developed immediately after their arrival at Dreux.
Försök komma till sakenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rachid Assam from Dreux, France, is a State-certified nurse anesthetist in his early 40’s.
Jag kan ordna det här, snällajw2019 jw2019
The case against Françoise de Dreux and Marguerite Leferon, as well as that of Marguerite de Poulaillon, attracted attention as they were the first clients, and the first members of the upper classes to be implicated in the affair, and the light sentences toward them, despite their guilt, was considered damaging for the legitimacy of the court; they were obviously a proof of class discrimination, as other accused for the same crime in the case, but belonging to a different social class, were sentenced to be executed for the same crime.
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The poor embassy interpreter... is retained in Dreux for her wedding anniversary.
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The marriage of the infant Alix to Capetian cadet Pierre Mauclerc in 1213, began the new House of Dreux.
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Dreux Museum of Art and History (6.7 mi/10.8 km from the city centre)
De strider även mot den överenskommelse som gjordes 1979 och ratificerades 1986 och som tagits upp i de texter som utgör den grundläggande källan till gemenskapslagstiftningen.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Dreux Located in Dreux city centre, this Premiere Classe offers rooms with private bathroom and free private parking.
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Hotels near Dreux Museum of Art and History
Förteckning över geografiska beteckningar för jordbruksprodukter och livsmedelParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Each room at Premiere Classe Dreux has a desk, a wardrobe and a TV... vis andet
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For more information about this technology, please contact Frederic Dreux.
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Currently our most popular Droisy hotel is INTER-HOTEL Dreux Ouest Le Relais des Carnutes, which has been booked 31 times in the last hour.
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Search hotels near Dreux Museum of Art and History in Dreux
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Studio en plein centre ville - tout confort - Apartments for Rent in Dreux, Centre-Val de Loire, France
Om en av en avtalsslutande part skyddad beteckning är identisk med en av den andra avtalsslutande parten skyddad beteckning, skall båda beteckningarna skyddas, förutsatt att den aktuella geografiska benämningen har använts traditionellt och konsekvent och att inte konsumenterna felaktigt bibringas uppfattningen att vinet har sitt ursprung inom den andra avtalsslutande partens territoriumParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Though Vert-en-Drouais might not have many well-known attractions, you don't need to venture far to visit Dreux Saint-Louis Royal Chapel and Stade Joel-Cauchon.
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41 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.