Dynamic Systems Development Method oor Sweeds

Dynamic Systems Development Method

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


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He is also developing experimental and theoretical methods to investigate nonlinear dynamical systems by measuring and analyzing the intermodulation ( frequency mixing, frequency mixing ), this method was patented and was developed for use in atomic force microscopy .
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Yet, there are approaches providing full coverage over the development life cycle (dynamic systems development method, or DSDM, and the IBM Rational Unified Process, or RUP), while most of them are suitable from the requirements specification phase on (feature-driven development, or FDD, for example).
Om en av en avtalsslutande part skyddad beteckning är identisk med en av den andra avtalsslutande parten skyddad beteckning, skall båda beteckningarna skyddas, förutsatt att den aktuella geografiska benämningen har använts traditionellt och konsekvent och att inte konsumenterna felaktigt bibringas uppfattningen att vinet har sitt ursprung inom den andra avtalsslutande partens territoriumParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
There is a particular need for such project systems when developing the know-how and methods that the dynamic of regional innovation ecosystems require in a way that ensures that they serve both as local hubs for European innovation activity and as innovation facilitators for the whole region.
Hermione, kom utEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It must therefore become involved in a methodical, planned, collective and dynamic manner in the globalisation process, in order to develop proper rules of operation in the new world system.
Europeiska konventet, vars finansiering krävde en tilläggs- och ändringsbudget (nr #), som innebar att en budgetpost infördes i avsnitt I i budgeten (parlamentet) (artikel #), och en överföring på # miljon euro från kapitelEuroparl8 Europarl8
In these field, differential geometric methods are used to study continuous dynamical systems and to develop structure preserving numerical integration algorithms.
Det måste vara paret BottelloParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
1.3 The EESC advocates applying the Community Method in those areas where Europeans' expectations are at present highest: relaunching the European economy, making our education, innovation and research systems more dynamic, ensuring secure energy supplies, supporting sustainable development and the fight against the serious problems caused by climate change, promoting equality of opportunity and entrepreneurship, freedom of movement and the mobility of people whilst respecting social rights and developing services of general interest in a European context, in particular in relation to communications, the environment, health, security and civil protection.
Du harbetalt dyrt för att få höra din egen röstEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Since 2008 new methods have been developed for dynamic rock reinforcement, and major new systems for recording and analysing seismic activity have been installed.
Har ni ens känt på den?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
—Software, Grids, security and dependability: technologies, tools and methods for dynamic and trusted software, architectures and middleware systems that underpin knowledgeintensive services, including their provision as utilities; service- oriented, interoperable and scale-free infrastructures, grid-like virtualisation of resources, network-centric operating systems; open platforms and collaborative approaches for development of software, services and systems; composition tools; mastering emergent behaviours of complex systems; improving dependability and resilience of large-scale, distributed and intermittently connected systems and services; secure and trusted systems and services, including privacy-aware access control and authentication, dynamic security and trust policies, dependability and trust metamodels.
Stödberättigande kostnader: Artikel #.# a ii: Stöd för inkomstförluster till följd av karantänstvångEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Software, Grids, security and dependability: technologies, tools and methods for dynamic and trusted software, architectures and middleware systems that underpin knowledgeintensive services, including their provision as utilities; service- oriented, interoperable and scale-free infrastructures, grid-like virtualisation of resources, network-centric operating systems; open platforms and collaborative approaches for development of software, services and systems; composition tools; mastering emergent behaviours of complex systems; improving dependability and resilience of large-scale, distributed and intermittently connected systems and services; secure and trusted systems and services, including privacy-aware access control and authentication, dynamic security and trust policies, dependability and trust metamodels.
Tilltron till de europeiska institutionerna är låg, och avståndet mellan "dom i Bryssel" och "oss här hemma" kan kännas väldigt stort för den enskilde medborgaren.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
- Software, Grids, security and dependability: technologies, tools and methods for dynamic and trusted software, architectures and middleware systems that underpin knowledge-intensive services, including their provision as utilities; service-oriented, interoperable and scale-free infrastructures, grid-like virtualisation of resources, network-centric operating systems; open platforms and collaborative approaches for development of software, services and systems; composition tools; mastering emergent behaviours of complex systems; improving dependability and resilience of large-scale, distributed and intermittently connected systems and services; secure and trusted systems and services, including privacy-aware access control and authentication, dynamic security and trust policies, dependability and trust meta-models.
Kommissionen kommer särskilt att ta hänsyn till eventuella konsekvensbedömningar som medlemsstaten gjort av den föreslagna åtgärdennot-set not-set
- Software, Grids, security and dependability : technologies, tools and methods for dynamic and trusted software, architectures and middleware systems that underpin knowledge-intensive services, including their provision as utilities; service-oriented, interoperable and scale-free infrastructures, grid-like virtualisation of resources, network-centric operating systems; open platforms and collaborative approaches for development of software, services and systems; composition tools; mastering emergent behaviours of complex systems; improving dependability and resilience of large-scale, distributed and intermittently connected systems and services; secure and trusted systems and services, including privacy-aware access control and authentication, dynamic security and trust policies, dependability and trust meta-models.
Beslut #/#/EG skall upphöra att gällaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Primarily, the candidate should connect complex analytic methods with dynamical systems in order to strengthen and develop the research covered by the analysis and dynamical systems group at the Division of Mathematics LTH and Numerical Analysis.
Men det är jag inteParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Workplace Innovation and Quality Management group uses and develops analytical tools and methods for handling and enabling processes of change in which employees participate, and explores ways to develop innovative skills through better understanding of social systemsdynamics.
Detta anslag är avsett att täcka utgifter för löner (inklusive övertidsersättning) för lokalt anställda samt tillhörande arbetsgivaravgifter för socialförsäkringParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
My general research focus is the development of analysis methods and measurement protocols for the pressure and flow dynamics of the fluid system surrounding the brain and spine, particularly regarding pulsatile aspects related to the cardiac cycle.
Yttrande från Regionkommittén om Paketet bättre lagstiftning # ochParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
My general research focus is the development of analysis methods and measurement protocols for the pressure and flow dynamics of the fluid system surrounding the brain and spine, particularly regarding pulsatile aspects related to the cardiac cycle.
Som ni ser är jag en polisParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
He developed methods that have become invaluable in systems where short-run dynamics are affected by large random disturbances and long-run dynamics are restricted by economic equilibrium relationships. Examples include the relations between wealth and consumption, exchange rates and price levels, and short and long-term interest rates.
Kulventilens diameter får inte vara mindre än provtagningsrörets innerdiameter och den skall kunna öppnas/stängas på mindre än #,# sekunderParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Theme System studies and methods develops methods and algorithms, which are adopted and utilized in a hybrid and electric vehicle setting by exploiting dynamic models, computational methods and simulation techniques.
Det är supen vi inte tog förutParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The course contains different theories, concepts, methods and tools for leadership, systems thinking, organizational change, organizational learning, transformative change, dialogic organization development, organizational dynamics and facilitation of cooperation between different disciplines, organizational units and sectors of society.
Är jag inte vid mötesplatsen en halvtimme efter avtalad tid, vet du vad du ska göraParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
demonstrate deepened knowledge about different theories, concepts, methods and tools for leadership, systems thinking, organizational change, organizational learning, transformative change, dialogic organization development, organizational dynamics and facilitation of cooperation between different disciplines, organizational units and sectors of society, and how these relate to strategic sustainable development.
Bra jobbat, du låg med skådisenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
LTH forms the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University, with approximately 9 000 students. The research carried out at LTH is of a high international standard and we are continuously developing our teaching methods and adapting our courses to current needs. This position is aimed towards research within analysis and dynamical systems.
Herr talman!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
My main interest has been in the quantum dynamics of small molecules that interact with ultra-rapid laser pulses, and in analysis and development of theoretical models and numerical methods, with a view to carrying out a thorough study of reactions in large molecular systems.
Titta på migParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
“This order is proof that our method for realistically simulating ballistics is still world leading.We are constantly developing the technology to improve system performance and satisfy new requirements,” says Åsa Thegström, head of business unit Training & Simulation within Saab business area Dynamics.
Det är viktigt att övervakning av avvecklings- och leveransrisker beaktar tillgängligheten av system som erbjuder lämpligt skydd för att minska dessa riskerParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
FOI employs a multidisciplinary way of working and makes use of a broad portfolio of methods, for example field studies and trials, simulations and user-centred development. FOI works within an overall perspective which takes account of the complex interaction between man, technology and organisation (MTO) that takes place when communications platforms and communications systems are used in dynamic situations such as accidents, crises and serious disruption of the normal functions in society.
Ja, hm, ändå sedan jag arresterades, så verkar det som om ingen velat ha något med mig att göraParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
23 sinne gevind in 26 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.