Eöl oor Sweeds


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Eöl, the Dark Elf, was a Sinda and lord of the forest of Nan Elmoth, a fief, north-east of Doriath.
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Turgon would not allow Eöl to leave Gondolin, offering only the choice of staying or dying.
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Turgon decreed Eöl was to be put to death by being thrown from a cliff.
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Eöl followed her, and in judgment before Turgon, the king of Gondolin, he attempted to kill Maeglin with a poisoned javelin, but hit Aredhel instead.
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When he entered the lands of Beleriand, the Sindar from Doriath recognised Eöl's kinship, and accepted him fairly quickly among the high court of Menegroth, due to his skills.
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Eöl would not acknowledge any authority of Turgon over him and refused to remain, choosing instead death for himself and his son, Maeglin.
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Eöl resented the pride and presumptive authority of the Noldor and, given to secrecy much like Turgon, refused permission for Aredhel and Maeglin to leave Nan Elmoth to seek out their Noldorin kin, the sons of Fëanor.
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Aredhel left Eöl, and took her son (who stole his father's sword, Anguirel) with her, returning to Gondolin.
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316: Aredhel departs from Gondolin and comes to Eöl.
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She called for her brother to spare Eöl, but the javelin was poisonous and she died before she could speak her last words.
He was an Elf, the son of Eöl the Dark Elf and Aredhel daughter of Fingolfin.
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Before he died, Eöl called out a curse on his son for betraying him, that Maeglin should suffer the same fate of his father.
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Eöl gave his child the name Maeglin when he was 12.
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Eöl devised galvorn, a black metal of great strength and malleability, which he fashioned into armour that he wore when he went abroad.
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Eöl pursued them and entered the Hidden Way of Gondolin, and was captured by the guards and brought before Turgon, the king.
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400: Aredhel and Maeglin return to Gondolin; later, Eöl and Aredhel die.
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