Education in Austria oor Sweeds

Education in Austria

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For the most part, there has always been open access to higher education in Austria.
Dessutom kommer det att orsaka sociala problem och omotiverat äventyra nettobidragsgivarnas välstånd.not-set not-set
34 In the present case, Paragraph 36 of the UniStG lays down the conditions governing access to higher or university education in Austria.
Ytterligare studier lades fram för att visa att sirapen, den orala lösningen och de munsönderfallande tabletterna behandlas av kroppen på samma sätt som tabletterna och att de är säkra att ges till barnEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The grants are available only to recipients of education allowances in Austria and differ from reduced transport fares.
Vilka procenttal råder för de andra länderna i euroområdet?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
39 – For example, the British child of British parents who had worked in Austria for the previous 10 years, and who had completed his secondary education in Austria, would not have been eligible for a student loan to assist with his maintenance costs on taking up a place at Cambridge.
Kommittén välkomnar de åtgärder som anges inom de prioriterade områdena i konsumentstrategin och ser fram emot genomförandet av åtgärderna. EESK konstaterar att de resurser (både ekonomiska och mänskliga) som GD Hälsa och konsumentfrågor förfogar över i själva verket är begränsadeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In so far as the Austrian Government, in order to justify the restriction of free movement of capital, refers to the objective underlying the scheme for preferential tax treatment, namely that of promoting education in Austria, I agree with that argument to the extent that education can be an overriding reason in the public interest.
Jag menar:Vi gosar imorgon, älsklingEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Organisation of events for young people, e.g. training events, information events, youth days, youth projects, competitions, exhibitions, educational trips in Austria and, where necessary, abroad (Article # of Regulation (EC) No
Textfilen med licensenoj4 oj4
If you had trouble getting on a higher education course in Austria for example, because you were of a certain race, this place would have been in a complete uproar.
De iakttar oss förmodligen just nuEuroparl8 Europarl8
Organisation of events for young people, e.g. training events, information events, youth days, youth projects, competitions, exhibitions, educational trips in Austria and, where necessary, abroad (Article 15 of Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006)
Ta tag i honom!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Austrian legislation mentioned provides that all applicants wishing to study in a certain field in a higher education institution in Austria must show that their school-leaving certificate entitles them to an unconditional study place in the field of their choice in the country which issued the certificate.
FönsterputsareEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Apprenticeships play a quantitatively and qualitatively important role as a continuation of secondary education in Denmark, Germany and Austria.
han har misskött företaget i många årEurLex-2 EurLex-2
40 The Republic of Austria disputes the Commission’s analysis according to which access to higher education is subject in Austria to a two-stage procedure consisting of, first, recognition on an equal basis of diplomas awarded on completion of secondary studies and, second, verification of other conditions.
Den nuvarande kommissionens främsta ansvar är därför att förena sig med medborgarna.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
An interesting example can be found in Austria , with systematic application of practice firms in vocational secondary education.
Syftet är att närmare ange vilka bokslutshandlingar som skall tas med i dokumentet, vilka perioder dessa skall täcka, hur gamla dessa handlingar får vara samt övrig finansiell informationEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In Austria religious education is compulsory for all pupils under 14 years of age, who belong to a legally recognised church or religious community.
Gör som din mamma sägernot-set not-set
* While Ireland, Finland, Spain and the Netherlands are experiencing employment growth in all sectors of the economy, albeit strongest in the high-education sectors, in other countries such as Germany, Austria and Sweden, employment growth has been positive only in high-education sectors while actually negative in other sectors.
Har du kombinerat det med stugans namn eller gatunamnet...?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Declares that, by failing to take the necessary measures to ensure that holders of secondary education diplomas awarded in other Member States can gain access to higher and university education organised by it under the same conditions as holders of secondary education diplomas awarded in Austria, the Republic of Austria has failed to fulfil its obligations under Articles # EC, # EC and # EC
Innehavaren av ett inlösbart finansiellt instrument eller ett instrument som ålägger företaget att vid likvidation överlämna en proportionell andel av företagets nettotillgångar till en annan part kan göra transaktioner med företaget i en annan egenskap än som ägareoj4 oj4
The total expenditure per pupil/student compared to GDP per capita in primary education amount to more than 20 % in Denmark, Greece, Italy, Austria, Portugal, Sweden, Latvia and Poland.
Alla här lyder borgmästarens minsta vinkEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In terms of basic skills 70% of the young EU population (aged 25-34) had attained at least upper secondary education in 2000 ranging from above 80% in Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Sweden, and the UK to below 60% in Italy, Portugal and Spain.
Stämmer.Allt eller ingetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Declares that, by failing to take the necessary measures to ensure that holders of secondary education diplomas awarded in other Member States can gain access to higher and university education organised by it under the same conditions as holders of secondary education diplomas awarded in Austria, the Republic of Austria has failed to fulfil its obligations under Articles 12 EC, 149 EC and 150 EC;
g/# ml # g/# ml # g/# ml Kommer att placeras i övre högra hörnet av kartongens framsida för att ange behållarens totala innehåll och volymEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Did the Commission in any way hint to decision‐makers in Austria that aspects of education and training could be included in the incoming Austrian Commissioner's portfolio, thus favouring the nomination of the former Science Minister?
Nej, jag vet inte hurnot-set not-set
So the objective as formulated comes down to a pure criterion of location, to which recourse may of course not be had in order to justify the differential treatment of gifts to education, research and academic institutions in Austria and in other Member States.
Det är lugntEurLex-2 EurLex-2
I note that, in its opinion on the draft Decree, the Belgian Council of State already appeared to entertain some doubts as to whether what was being proposed was not direct discrimination – at all events, it pointed out that the national legislation at issue in Commission v Austria treated Austrian students who had obtained their secondary education diploma outside Austria in the same (adverse) manner as students from other Member States.
Hon kan inte säga så om Heathcliff och så gifta sig med LintonEurLex-2 EurLex-2
75 Having regard to the foregoing considerations, it must be held that, by failing to take the necessary measures to ensure that holders of secondary education diplomas awarded in other Member States can gain access to higher and university education organised by it under the same conditions as holders of secondary education diplomas awarded in Austria, the Republic of Austria has failed to fulfil its obligations under Articles 12 EC, 149 EC and 150 EC.
Vi är alla medvetna om att den smältande isen i Arktis är ett dramatiskt hot mot artens överlevnad.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
14 – See, for example, D’Hoop (cited in footnote 7, paragraph 32): ‘That consideration is particularly important in the field of education.’ Similar wording is also used in Commission v Austria (cited in footnote 11, paragraph 44).
Insats # deltagande vid marknaderEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This objective is formulated in such a way as to be satisfied by almost all education, research and academic institutions resident in Austria, while there is not a single example of an institution in another Member State that meets that objective.
När mer än en värderingsgrund använts i de finansiella rapporterna, exempelvis när vissa tillgångsslag omvärderas, behöver företaget bara ge en indikation om de slag av tillgångar och skulder som varje värderingsgrund tillämpats påEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Compulsory education lasts until the age of 15 in Germany and Austria, 16 in France, the UK and The Netherlands.
År # upprättade kommissionen ett forum för användarna av finansiella tjänster (FIN-USE) som ska ta tillvara expertinlägg från ett användarperspektiv i Europeiska kommissionens politik för finansiella tjänster så att användarna blir mer aktivt involverade och kan framföra sina synpunkterEurLex-2 EurLex-2
215 sinne gevind in 86 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.