Epidaurus oor Sweeds


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So the next time you visit Greece, you are invited to come to Epidaurus.
Nästa gång du besöker Grekland är du också välkommen att besöka Epidauros.
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It was the growing and widespread popularity of drama that created the need for large theaters, such as the one at Epidaurus.
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Modern architect Mános Perrákis reflects the general opinion of researchers when he calls Epidaurus “the most famous and the best-preserved Greek theater.”
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Later, Argos accepted the authority of the unified Provisional Government of the First National Assembly at Epidaurus, and eventually became part of the Kingdom of Greece.
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11 The Theater of Epidaurus—Intact Throughout the Centuries
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Each summer the Epidaurus theater extends hospitality to many Greek and foreign theatrical companies, which present performances of ancient plays.
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The discovery of the Epidaurus theater has been important both for archaeology and architecture.
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Greek geographer Pausanias, of the second century C.E., wrote that at Epidaurus ‘there is the most remarkable theater of the ancient world.
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Although Roman theaters are more magnificent and imperial, no architect can compete with the beauty and the harmony of the Epidaurus theater.’
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Located approximately 40 miles [60 km] south of the Greek city of Corinth is the small village of Epidaurus.
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The performance of ancient drama has been revived in Greece at Epidaurus and elsewhere.
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Originally the Epidaurus theater had a seating capacity of 6,000.
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Greece highlights a scheme of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security to give performance vouchers providing free admission to theatrical performances, summer open-air cinemas, concerts and other arts events and free tickets for performances at Epidaurus and other ancient theatres.
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“We have become a theatrical spectacle to the world, and to angels, and to men,” wrote the apostle Paul to the Christians in Corinth, who were living close to Epidaurus.
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His exact route is uncertain, but it took in Epidaurus; Pausanias describes temples built there by Hadrian, and his statue – in heroic nudity – erected by its citizens in thanks to their "restorer".
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After seeing its impressive theater, you may reach the same conclusion as Pausanias: ‘No architect can compete with the beauty and the harmony of the Epidaurus theater.’
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So the next time you visit Greece, you are invited to come to Epidaurus.
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The worship of Aesculapius is introduced from Epidaurus to Rome in the hope of averting the plague.
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The theater of Epidaurus is famous for its outstanding acoustics.
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Other Greek filming locations include Olympia, Delphi, and Epidaurus.
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While most of the remaining ancient theaters have suffered partial destruction or undergone reconstruction, the Epidaurus theater has remained intact down through the centuries because it was safely covered by more than 20 feet [6 m] of soil.
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Because the ancient Greeks used meticulous care and skill when constructing theaters such as this one at Epidaurus, spectators could easily see and hear dramas.
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Epidaurus and Ancient Drama Today
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The Theater of Epidaurus—Intact Throughout the Centuries
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The amphitheatric, semicircular shape of the Epidaurus theater is credited with producing such fine acoustics.
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In the Asclepieion of Epidaurus, three large marble boards dated to 350 BC preserve the names, case histories, complaints, and cures of about 70 patients who came to the temple with a problem and shed it there.
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