Euro-Arab cooperation oor Sweeds

Euro-Arab cooperation

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Mediterranean and Euro-Arab Cooperation
Efter allt vi har varit igenom hemlighåller du ändå saker för mignot-set not-set
The amounts for the Institute for Mediterranean and Euro-Arab Cooperation on A-3039 shall be increased by 0,1 mio Euro to 0,3 mio Euro.
Vinnaren är " Zoo- wee Mama " av Rowley Jefferson!not-set not-set
Heading A-3059 of the 1998 General Budget refers to the Institute for Research on Mediterranean and Euro-Arab Cooperation, as well as adopted Amendment 789.
Utredningen är en föreställningEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Is the Commission aware that the economic difficulties described above may prevent the operation of this important project for Euro-Arab cooperation in a region vital to European interests, as pointed out in a number of Parliament's resolutions and Commission and Council statements?
Välkomna till Isengård, mitt herrskap!not-set not-set
The exact location of this centre is not specified in the texts made available to Members nor in the justification incorporated into the amendment concerned. Therefore, could the European Commission tell us where this Research Institute for Mediterranean and Euro-Arab Cooperation is situated?
Det är vad EU behöver, och vi kommer att stå fast vid detta, fatta de svåra besluten och ta ansvar där andra misslyckas.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In 1996 and 1997, after the Barcelona Conference its main activities were setting up a social, economic and political database on the Mediterranean and Arab regions, which can be accessed on Internet and is also available on paper (there are already 280 files in English and French), establishing an Internet bulletin board (Medeatrade) to facilitate contact between European and Mediterranean businesses, organising meetings and parliamentary visits to improve relations between the Community and certain Arab countries, priority being given to the Mediterranean region, and providing organisational support for the Parliamentary Association for Euro-Arab Cooperation.
Men, dagens största nyhet: det länge väntade bröllopet mellanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
REAFFIRMING that cooperation between the Community and the GCC Countries is complementary to the Euro-Arab dialogue and not a substitute for it,
Hur tolkar och kommenterar kommissionen denna situation?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Does the Commission have the political will to provide the Euro-Arab Management School with the greatest possible cooperation and financial aid, since this is a project that will make a very positive impact on the exchange of experience and the training of business managers from the Arab world and Europe?
Även om detta var ett litet framsteg, var det ändå ett viktigt steg mot en enhetlig, långsiktig politik för Ryssland.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Points out that, owing to the deadlock in the Middle East ‘Road Map’, the Barcelona process is increasingly taking the form of a Euro-Arab dialogue focused mainly on economic cooperation, and without any progress on human rights and democracy; expects, in this regard, a more effective and coherent action in this field in the framework of the ‘New Neighbourhood Initiative’;
Samtidigt som reformen av säkerhetsrådet naturligtvis är en fråga av stor vikt får den inte tillåtas att försena hela processen med viktiga reformer av andra FN-institutioner eller andra viktiga områden där framsteg behövs.not-set not-set
We have already decided to start the cultural dialogue at the political level, as well as with religious leaders and other intellectuals, to start a Euro-Arab dialogue and to start a debate on the role of women within the context of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation.
Regionkommittén välkomnar den rättsakt som reglerar hur ett europeiskt järnvägsnät för konkurrenskraftig godstrafik ska fungeraEuroparl8 Europarl8
It is true that Euro-Mediterranean cooperation, as shaped in Barcelona in 1995, has become embroiled in the Arab-Israeli conflict and has not brought about the expected results.
Glada nyheter, allesammansEuroparl8 Europarl8
WHEREAS the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Arab Republic of Egypt, of the other part (1) (‘the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement’), which entered into force on 1 June 2004, provides for scientific and technological cooperation;
Bredvid ett par under ett planeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
whereas respect for human rights is an essential part of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, manifested in a Cooperation Agreement between the EU and Syria and an Euro‐Mediterranean Association Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Syrian Arab Republic, of the other part still to be finalised,
Därför måste vi ständigt tänka på hur vi kan förbättra våra insatser, och denna debatt har hjälpt oss att göra just detta.not-set not-set
whereas respect for human rights is an essential part of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, manifested in a Cooperation Agreement between the EU and Syria and an Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Syrian Arab Republic, of the other part still to be finalised
Denna konventions syfte är att främja, skydda och säkerställa det fulla och lika åtnjutandet av alla mänskliga rättigheter och grundläggande friheter för alla personer med funktionsnedsättning och att främja respekten för deras inneboende värdeoj4 oj4
whereas respect for human rights is an essential part of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, manifested in a Cooperation Agreement between the EU and Syria and an Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Syrian Arab Republic, of the other part still to be finalised,
Uppgifter om suppleantens namn och titel skall meddelas kommitténs presidium för godkännandeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Regional development cooperation with a grouping such as the Arab Maghreb Union is entirely in keeping with the policy guidelines formulated by the Euro-Mediterranean foreign ministers at their summit in Valencia on 22 and 23 April.
Vi bör beakta de brott som sker mot de mänskliga rättigheterna i Guatemala och den straffrihet vi kan konstatera i samband med dessa brott.Europarl8 Europarl8
A. whereas respect for human rights is an essential part of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, manifested in a Cooperation Agreement between the EU and Syria and an Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Syrian Arab Republic, of the other part still to be finalised,
Innan du sätter i Penfill cylinderampull i ditt injektionshjälpmedel, ska du föra ampullen upp och ner mellan läge a och läge b (se bilden), så att glaskulan flyttas från den ena änden av ampullen till den andra minst # gångerEurLex-2 EurLex-2
having regard to the importance of developing Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in all areas, particularly transport, energy and job creation; having regard to the need to strengthen cooperation with the region’s institutions, particularly the Arab League, and sub-regional institutions such as the Gulf or Maghreb Cooperation Councils,
En heltäckande handling som beskriver alla avkända komponenter med strategi för feldetektion och aktivering av felindikation (fast antal körcykler eller statistisk metod), inklusive en förteckning över relevanta avkända sekundära parametrar för varje komponent som OBD-systemet övervakar och en förteckning över alla OBD-utkoder med format (med en förklaring av var och en) som har sammanhang med enskilda utsläppsrelaterade komponenter i kraftöverföringen och enskilda icke-utsläppsrelaterade komponenter, ifall övervakning av komponenten används för att avgöra om felindikationen ska aktiverasnot-set not-set
CONSIDERING the desirability of amplifying the framework of relations between the European Community and the Middle East, and of regional cooperation between the Middle East countries, and recognising that cooperation with the Republic of Yemen forms an integral part of the European Community's policy in favour of strengthening Euro-Arab relations in both the Mediterranean and the Middle East;
Om inte annat följer av punkt # ska det för överföring av en person som ska återtas på grundval av någon av skyldigheterna enligt artiklarna # och # erfordras att en ansökan om återtagande inges till den behöriga myndigheten i den anmodade statenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The aim of these consultations was to grant to Egypt, pending the conclusion of the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement and according to Article 22 of the Cooperation Agreement, preferences equivalent to those provided for in the Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Arab Republic of Egypt.
Vet du vad som gör mig urförbannad?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The aim of these consultations was to grant to Egypt, pending the conclusion of the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement and according to Article 22 of the Cooperation Agreement, preferences equivalent to those provided for in the Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Arab Republic of Egypt.
Toxicitetsstudier djur (råtta, apa, mus) har inte uppvisat något konsekvent toxicitetsmönster, förutom leverförstoring i samband med hepatocellulär hypertrofi, vilket förekom då höga doser stiripentol administrerades till såväl gnagare som icke-gnagareEurLex-2 EurLex-2
63 sinne gevind in 19 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.