Free Democratic Party oor Sweeds

Free Democratic Party

Free Democratic Party (Germany)

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Free Democratic Party (Germany)
The German Free Democratic Party has also come onboard, which is welcome news.
Tysklands liberala parti FDP har också anslutit sig, vilket är goda nyheter.
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The German Free Democratic Party has also come onboard, which is welcome news.
Vi borde nog diskutera vad som drog dig till GloriaEuroparl8 Europarl8
Nicola Beer (born 23 January 1970 in Wiesbaden) is a German politician of the Free Democratic Party (FDP).
Bilaga I bör därför ändras i enlighet med dettaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However, both the Free Democratic Party and his own PDS disputed the verdict, and Gysi appealed against the finding.
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The compromise is significantly cheaper than the Commission's proposal, which has meant that the German Free Democratic Party can support it.
Det är som att vänta i duschen på att balsamet får effektEuroparl8 Europarl8
Together with the Liberals and the German Free Democratic Party (FDP), I would argue that we focus on small and medium-sized enterprises.
Kan, vid tillämpningen av principen att förorenaren ska betala och av proportionalitetsprincipen, personer som är verksamma inom det förorenade området åläggas att vidta åtgärder som saknar direkt samband med respektive persons individuella bidrag och inte är proportionellt mot detta bidrag?Europarl8 Europarl8
(DE) Mr President, the MEPs belonging to the German Free Democratic Party did not participate in the vote on the motion for a resolution.
Jag får sådan migrän och ibland svullnar min hals så jag inte får luftEuroparl8 Europarl8
Soon after his resignation, Alasania withdrew into opposition to the Mikheil Saakashvili administration, setting up the Our Georgia – Free Democrats party in July 2009.
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(DE) Madam President, allow me to begin by saying that the Members of the Free Democrat Party (FDP) have allowed a free vote for tomorrow.
Skulle Europaparlamentet besluta att påföra dessa ekonomiska sanktioner kommer stödmottagaren att få en skriftlig underrättelse om dettaEuroparl8 Europarl8
The German Free Democratic Party in the European Parliament is of the opinion that it is necessary to remove such criminal content as quickly as possible.
Vidare ansåg rådet att punkterna #–# i denna artikel borde utgåEuroparl8 Europarl8
in writing. - (DE) In today's vote on the text of the directive on consumer rights, some members of the German Free Democratic Party (FDP) in the European Parliament abstained.
Rådets ordförandeskap kommer att sträva efter att delta i sammanträdena i parlamentsutskottenEuroparl8 Europarl8
The members of the German Free Democratic Party in the European Parliament are of the opinion that criminal content of this kind must be deleted as quickly as possible.
Jag såg Big Z göra detEuroparl8 Europarl8
(DE) Mr President, the German Free Democratic Party (FDP) delegation in the European Parliament today voted against the resolution from several groups to implement the recommendations of the Goldstone report.
Joseph mötte oss med ett gevärEuroparl8 Europarl8
Most importantly, however, I would like to highlight the fact that the Friedrich-Naumann foundation in Germany, a foundation which has close links with the German Free Democratic Party, was involved in the coup in Honduras.
Kommissionen ska i enlighet med det föreskrivande förfarande som avses i artikel #.# anta bestämmelser om följandeEuroparl8 Europarl8
in writing. - (DE) The legal basis used, Article 13(1) of the EC Treaty, is not appropriate considering that, in the opinion of the German Free Democratic Party (FDP), the principle of subsidiarity is not being observed.
Återigen visar Gannicus att han är en arenans gud!Europarl8 Europarl8
in writing. - (DE) The legal basis used, Article 13(1) of the EC Treaty, is not appropriate considering that, in the opinion of the German Free Democratic Party (FDP), the principle of subsidiarity is not being adhered to.
Man bör framför allt lösa två diskrepanser i det nuvarande systemet: det faktum att # % av medlen kommer från BNI, vilket åtminstone formellt ska spela en mindre roll, och att ca # % av de totala beloppen härrör från medel som i själva verket inte är egna och därför direkt tillfaller unionenEuroparl8 Europarl8
(DE) Mr President, on behalf of the Members from the German Free Democratic Party, I should like to say that Mrs Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou's report deals with a very important issue, namely measures enabling the combination of family life with a period of studies.
Jag såg en man som var på väg att döda en kvinnaEuroparl8 Europarl8
Preliminary results showed that the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), its Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union (CSU), and the Free Democratic Party (FDP) won the election, and the three parties announced their intention to form a new centre-right government with Angela Merkel as Chancellor.
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The Christian Democratic Union (CDU), the Christian Social Union of Bavaria (CSU), and the Free Democratic Party (FDP) were able to form a centre-right government, with Angela Merkel of the CDU continuing as the Chancellor and the leader of the FDP, Guido Westerwelle, becoming Foreign Minister and Vice-Chancellor.
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Mr President, the MEPs belonging to the Free Democratic Party have voted against the resolution on the economic and social consequences of business restructuring operations in Europe, being convinced that, in Europe’s market economies, businesses should be free from political pressure in deciding where their production sites should be located.
Han är hemma igen.Det är ni båda tvåEuroparl8 Europarl8
From a Liberal viewpoint, and particularly from the point of view of my own German Free Democratic Party, the objective of free and fair world trade is of great importance, particularly right now, as, in the course of the economic and financial crisis, we see tendencies towards protectionism, tendencies which must be resolutely countered in the interests of prosperity and jobs in the European Union.
Jag åker efterEuroparl8 Europarl8
The elections I am talking about must be free, multi-party, democratic elections which guarantee full right of expression to all parties in Cambodia.
Jag älskar er ocksåEuroparl8 Europarl8
Democracy is also more than just free, democratic elections between multiple candidates and multiple parties, although that is part of it.
Ta hand om Claire.Kämpa mot ondskanEuroparl8 Europarl8
In 1992 the Democratic Party of Albania won the nation's first free elections and Sali Berisha became president.
I de flesta fall räcker det med en rimlig uppskattning av antalet dagarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
PPE: European People’s Party; PSE: Party of European Socialists; ELDR: European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party; EFPG: European Federation of Green Parties; AEN: Union for Europe of the Nations; PDE: European Democratic Party; GE: Party of the European Left; EFA: European Free Alliance
Jag glömde mig väskanot-set not-set
PPE: European People's Party; PSE: Party of European Socialists; ELDR: European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party; EFPG: European Federation of Green Parties; AEN: Union for Europe of the Nations; PDE: European Democratic Party; GE: Party of the European Left; EFA: European Free Alliance
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