Gaullism oor Sweeds


French political ideology based on Charles de Gaulle's thoughts and actions.

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


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He advocated modernity and European integration and declared to represent a third way between Gaullism on the one hand and the Socialist and Communist Left on the other hand.
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You are about to celebrate something which has nothing to do with Spinelli’s idea; tomorrow you will approve a Europe of Nations that lies between social democracy and Gaullism.
Denna utvärdering ger vid handen att ett genomförande av omstruktureringsprogrammet och företagsplanen kommer att leda till att det berörda företaget kan överleva under normala marknadsvillkorEuroparl8 Europarl8
Madam President, I too support the excellent report by our colleague Mr Morillon, which integrates Atlanticism and Euro-Gaullism magnificently.
En dag kommer de ha hemligheterEuroparl8 Europarl8
More and more people are starting to have doubts about the value of the fast track to integration and indeed about the value of the Treaties which Mr Barnier, who has moved all the way from Gaullism to centrism finding no middle ground, would like to see enshrined in the constitution.
Kommittén skall själv anta sin arbetsordningEuroparl8 Europarl8
Another is the illusion of a Europe which is independent, powerful and authoritative because it has broken with the United States, an illusion which resurrects the short-circuiting tactics of Gaullism, both hostile towards the United States and insensitive to European supranationality, particularly in matters of foreign and defence policy.
Var och en av dessa utbildningar omfattar sammanlagt minst # år, varav minst # år skall fullgöras inom ramen för en strukturerad utbildning som utgörs av minst # års praktiktjänstgöring, med utbildning dels på ett företag, dels vid en yrkesskola, och # års praktisk yrkesverksamhet och avslutas med en mästarexamen som ger behörighet att utbilda praktikanter och använda titeln MeisterEuroparl8 Europarl8
The suppression of the mediations between the authorities and the people induced by the advent of Gaullism is often cited as one of the root causes of the May explosion.
I vissa fall anges även ämnenas trivialnamnParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
But if account is taken of the large number of workers who abstained on this occasion out of disgust for the politics of the big working-class organizations, but who nevertheless remain available for working-class action; if account is taken of the hundreds of thousands of young people who were in the vanguard of the May 1968 movement but who remain deprived of the right to vote by an anti-democratic electoral system, including 300,000 who – although over 21 years old could not vote because the régime refused to allow the electoral roll to be brought up to date; then one may presume without exaggeration that even after the immense disappointment of May 30th, the forces of the Left and those of Gaullism were evenly balanced among the French people.
Nej, jag tror att han hade velat att jag gjorde det, men jag känner mig så nära honomParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
To conceal the spontaneous and inevitable origins of this radicalization of the forms of action, and to give credence to the odious thesis of ‘left-wing provocateurs’ conspiring to create ‘violent incidents’ in the interests of Gaullism [6], the reformists and neo-reformists of every colour are obliged to ignore the fact that comparable demonstrations already occurred during the Belgian general strike of 1960–61 (street barricades in Hainaut, the attack on the Guillemins station at Lièges); that young workers went over to action of this sort massively during the strikes in Mans, Caen, Mulhouse, Besançon and elsewhere in France in 1967; that the radicalization of the young workers has been accompanied by the re-emergence of analogous forms of action in Italy (Trieste, Turin) and even in Western Germany.
Vladimír Špidla (ledamot av kommissionen) besvarade den muntliga fråganParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
8 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.