General Zionists oor Sweeds

General Zionists

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She also, as one of the founders of the ŻOB, served on the Warsaw Jewish community's political council, the Jewish National Committee (Żydowska Komitet Narodowy; ŻKN), and also served on the Coordinating Committee, an umbrella organization comprising the ŻKN and the non-Zionist General Jewish Labour Bund (Bund), that sponsored the ŻOB.
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* Without Adolf Hitler, who was half Jewish and his Jewish generals, there would be no Zionist State in Israel .
eventuella avsevärda risker som de sjukdomar som de nationella åtgärderna omfattar utgör för vattenbruksdjurs eller vildlevande vattendjurs hälsosituation och åtgärdernas nödvändighet och ändamålsenlighetParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The ICIPP founders included: a group of dissidents from the Israeli establishment, among them were Major-General Mattityahu Peled, who was member of the IDF General Staff during the 1967 Six Day War and after being dishcarged from the army in 1969 turned increasingly in the direction of the left; Dr. Ya'akov Arnon, a well-known economist who headed the Zionist Federation in the Netherlands before coming to Israel in 1948, and was for many years director-general of the Israeli Ministry of Finance and afterwards chaired the Board of Directors of the Israeli Electricity Company; and Aryeh Eliav, who was secretary-general of the Labour Party until he broke with the then PM Golda Meir over the issue of whether or not a Palestinian People existed and had national rights.
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Palestinian Arabs - even terrorists - generally prefer life in what they call the "Zionist entity."
Det är en av mina... favoritinstitutionerParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Hojatoleslam Ali Shirazi, Khamenei's representative in the Revolutionary Guard: "The Zionist regime will soon be destroyed, and this generation will be witness to its destruction."
f) Om beslutet om förverkande är en uppföljning av ett beslut om frysning som översäntstill den verkställande staten enligt rambeslut #/#/RIF av den # juli # om verkställande i Europeiska unionen av beslut om frysning av egendom eller bevismaterial skall nödvändiga uppgifter för att identifiera frysningsbeslutet lämnas (datum för utfärdande och överföring av beslutet om frysning, myndighet som beslutet översänts till, i förekommande fall referensnummerParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ibrahim Alloush: Of course, the Arab public is distrustful of anything the Zionists say or do, and of the Western media in general.
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As early as 1969 General de Gaulle was denouncing the "excessive influence" of the Zionist lobby in all the media: From the press to television, from cinema to publishing.
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The man went on to become a respected lawyer and in the late 1970s was appointed Director General of the Jewish Agency (which is, in effect, the executive of the zionist movement).
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As the Israel Intelligence Heritage & Commemoration Center notes, the Iranian and Syrian governments exploited the event "to assail the United States, Israel and the Zionist movement, and to represent them as responsible for terrorism in India and the world in general."
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