Get Up and Jump oor Sweeds

Get Up and Jump

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

Get Up And Jump

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"Get Up and Jump" is a song by Red Hot Chili Peppers from their 1984 debut album, the eponymous The Red Hot Chili Peppers.
I annat fall står dessa regioner inför ökade förluster som drabbar både den befintliga näringsverksamheten och den utvecklingspotential den genererat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Now you can't even get through a meal without jumping up and.
För att ytterligare kunna stärka garantierna för att utredningarna sköts lagenligt och för att öka öppenheten i byråns arbete har en samling administrativa regler infogats i den nya versionen av handboken för OLAF:s operativa arbete (denna regelsamling kan också vidareutvecklas oberoende av den övriga handbokenOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If you sneak up behind it and get it to jump
Vet ni var de kommer att befinna sig?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Everyone gets up, and Amar is the first one to jump, launching himself into the night.
Ja, det är jättebraLiterature Literature
Miss Linda hears the phone ring again—it is inaudible to me—and jumps up to get it.
Kizzy.Skåda här det enda som är större än du självLiterature Literature
Jumping over the Madrid defence, gets up and hejams it in for the score!
Håll käften, Fatty!opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Cat comes sneaking up, jumps on to the desk and gets comfortable.
Preliminär tidtabell för utvärdering och urvalLiterature Literature
Then there was a knock on the door and Margaret jumped up to get it, as if she'd been expecting it all the time.
Herr talman! Alla har konstaterat att extremismen inom EU växer.Literature Literature
Don't jump up and down now or you'll get my other patients excited.
Det var rätt roligtOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Do you think you could jump up and grab me, then I' d get mad and light the fuse?
Hitta honomopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
And talk to your boy, cos punks jump up to get beat down.
Restil, Hiert, GhortOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And talk to your boy, cos punks jump up to get beat down
Jag har lite problemopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Next, we’re jumping, crawling, and doing other stuff that gets your heart rate up.
Är jag inte vid mötesplatsen en halvtimme efter avtalad tid, vet du vad du ska göraLiterature Literature
Julius jumped up to get it, afraid they’d hear it upstairs, come downstairs and catch him crying.
Risken är att EU kommer att hamna på efterkälken när det gäller att utveckladen nya modellens potential.Literature Literature
But I must say that it feels in my legs that I want to get up and jump when I listen to Slumlords.
Tryck här nuParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
She jumped to her feet, raised her sword, and before he could get up again, she decapitated him.
Du har alltid vetat att det skulle ske ändåLiterature Literature
I jumped up like a spring and ran over, eager to get out of that disgusting little room as quickly as possible.
Jag bad inte om det här!Literature Literature
There’s a knock at the door and he jumps up as if he had committed a crime by getting into bed.
Samtidigt ligger momssatsen på barnartiklar i EU på standardnivå, det vill säga högsta möjliga nivå.Literature Literature
He jumped up and down slapping his arms around him, but knew he would never get the warmth back.
Jag kan inte tvätta mig självLiterature Literature
20 km away) offers over 100 km of well prepared cross-country ski trails. Some of them even go all the way to the Czech Republic. So: Get up and jump on the slim boards!
Vill du ha ett ärligt förhållande med Lana borde du sluta testa henneParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
'Get up!'said the Queen, in a shrill, loud voice, and the three gardeners instantly jumped up, and began bowing to the King, the Queen, the royal children, and everybody else.
Tänker du åka omkring med en tiger i bilen?QED QED
Enjoy the nights at the new hotel, get up, have breakfast and jump on board the light rail heading for the city.
Efter fristens utgång får saken behandlas, även om något yttrande inte föreliggerParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Some of the bricks here are not what they seem. They are known as false bricks, fall-through bricks or traps. If you try to walk on them, you fall through. If the enemies walk on them, they can descend on you without warning. Sometimes you have to fall through a brick to get some gold. At the start, jump into the concrete pit, dig and drop through. That will get one enemy tied up for a while
Damer och herrar, Våra barn mår inte bra nu förtiden...Och vi behöver komma närmre dom... Och ge dom en stor kramKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Then get up to the door and jump to the right of it.
Ledamot av kommissionenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
131 sinne gevind in 59 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.