Grey Wolves oor Sweeds

Grey Wolves

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

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To Mustafa and Akim from Van and Diyarbakir, who were murdered by the Grey Wolves in Adana.
Mustafa och Akim från Van och Diyarbakir som mördades av De grå vargarna i Adana.
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grey wolves

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

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The Grey Wolves worked in collaboration with the police.
Vid skada på tvärskeppsskott/barriär skall det vatten som samlats på däck ha en gemensam yta på båda sidor om det skadade skottet/barriären vid höjden hw (se figurLiterature Literature
The Grey Wolves took Grandfather, and now they’ve turned up here in another guise.
Det är min bror, MichaelLiterature Literature
Question # (Dimitrios Papadimoulis): Demonstration by Grey Wolves against the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
Det här åtagandet för Gud och landet har satt oss i ett tropiskt paradisoj4 oj4
There are more than 2,000 grey wolves in the Great Forest.
För att helt och fullt säkerställa tillämpningen av förordning (EG) nr #/# bör en punkt läggas till i beslutet, i vilken det anges att förordning (EG) nr #/# skall vara tillämplig på behandling av personuppgifter om Europols personalOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To Mustafa and Akim from Van and Diyarbakir, who were murdered by the Grey Wolves in Adana.
I vissa fall kan viktuppgång vara ett symtom på hjärtsvikt, och därför bör vikten noggrant följasEuroparl8 Europarl8
Eyewitnesses said that the disturbances were obviously well organised, with the involvement of the Turkish extreme right-wing Grey Wolves.
Fortsätt prataEurLex-2 EurLex-2
John Ottway (Liam Neeson) works in Alaska as a marksman for an undisclosed oil company, killing grey wolves that threaten the drillers.
Nej: den belgiske snoken Poirot.-Det var ju det jag sa, RosalieWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Grey Wolves are, in fact, the youth wing of the Nationalist Action Party headed by the Turkish Deputy Prime Minister, Devlet Bahçeli.
Det räcker därför inte med att bara sätta i gång diskussionenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The "Grey Wolves" are, in fact, the youth wing of the "Nationalist Action Party" headed by the Turkish Deputy Prime Minister, Devlet Bahçeli.
Denna punkt är avsedd att täcka ECNN:s utgifter för skadestånd och utgifter till följd av dess civilrättsliga ansvarnot-set not-set
Moreover, the ‘Grey Wolves’ are maintaining a particularly aggressive presence in the Black Sea region where they are reported to be operating using weapons, cameras, surveillance, violence etc.
Det stämmernot-set not-set
The accusation was that the request referred to the Turkish-based extreme right-wing organisation the Grey Wolves, which was described as a criminal act and a national betrayal of Greece.
Enligt förordning (EG) nr #/# skall livsmedelsföretagare se till att de metoder för värmebehandling som används för bearbetning av obehandlad mjölk och mjölkprodukter uppfyller kraven enligt en internationellt erkänd standardEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Are these accession negotiations being influenced by these shocking and brutal episodes and by the freedom of operation enjoyed by the racist organisation ‘Grey Wolves’, with its extremist and fascist ideology?
Hur en enkel rapport kan skapasnot-set not-set
The accusation was that the request referred to the Turkish-based extreme right-wing organisation the "Grey Wolves", which was described as a "criminal act" and a "national betrayal of Greece".
Hennes ständiga gnäll, då?not-set not-set
Has the Commission raised with the Turkish leaders the question of the immediate disbanding of the fascist organisation, the ‘Grey Wolves’, which is fomenting racism and hatred against non-Turks in Turkey?
Och då ser du detnot-set not-set
Does the Commissioner's reluctance to answer the Question mean that the "Grey Wolves" acts of violence and racial hatred inside and outside Turkey have not come to the attention of the Commission?
Nej, han är bortanot-set not-set
Does the Commissioner's reluctance to answer the Question mean that the Grey Wolves acts of violence and racial hatred inside and outside Turkey have not come to the attention of the Commission?
According to an Associated Press despatch from Germany, a Catholic church in the German town of Kassel was set on fire and desecrated by members of the Turkish nationalist organisation the "Grey Wolves".
Har du fortfarande inte fattat?not-set not-set
According to an Associated Press despatch from Germany, a Catholic church in the German town of Kassel was set on fire and desecrated by members of the Turkish nationalist organisation the Grey Wolves.
Aktivt europeiskt ihågkommandeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Neither does the Centre have any practical impact whatever on racism in the applicant countries, such as Turkey, where the anti-Semitic and fascist Grey Wolves organisation operates unhindered inside and outside the country.
Hur skulle vi veta att han fortfarande lever?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Motion for a resolution on the classification of the Grey Wolves as a group involved in terrorist acts and subject to restrictive measures (B9-0374/2020) referred to responsible : AFET opinion : LIBE - Ivan Vilibor Sinčić.
innerdeklarationnot-set not-set
Perhaps, in order to strengthen the Union' s democracy, it would now be appropriate to isolate Austria and criminalise a party that was democratically elected by the Austrian citizens, while bringing Turkey and its "Grey Wolves" into Europe.
Han lägger ribban rätt högtEuroparl8 Europarl8
In Turkey, hundreds of nationalist members of the paramilitary organisation the 'Grey Wolves' held a heated demonstration outside the Ecumenical Patriarchate, throwing stones and pieces of wood, after which they hanged and burned an effigy of a Greek priest.
Varmvatten (till exempel installation av nya anordningar, direkt och effektiv användning vid uppvärmning av utrymmen, i tvättmaskinerEuroparl8 Europarl8
1996 – Death of Abdullah Çatlı, leader of the Turkish ultra-nationalist organisation Grey Wolves in the Susurluk car-crash, which leads to the resignation of the Turkish Interior Minister, Mehmet Ağar (a leader of the True Path Party, DYP).
glukagonbehandlingen måste du behandlas på sjukhusWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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