Guarapuava oor Sweeds


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Brother Sousa explained that Paulo lived in the country, taking care of the family farm so that his 74-year-old mother, who had a heart condition, could live in Guarapuava, where she received medical attention.
Merparten av justeringen skulle göras på utgiftssidanLDS LDS
As he plows his farm today, Paulo still tries to plant gospel seeds by singing hymns for his neighbors, and he still travels 40 kilometers to church in Guarapuava.
Ansvarig personLDS LDS
We can help you to find the perfect Guarapuava hotel room for almost any occaision.
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Guarapuava (population: 172,000) is a city in the mid south of Paraná state in Brazil.
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- Location within Guarapuava
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Dessutom bör tröskelvärdena med hänsyn till den monetära unionen fastställas i euro på ett sätt som gör det enklare att tillämpa dessa bestämmelser samtidigt som tröskelvärdena enligt avtalet, som uttrycks i särskilda dragningsrätter, iakttasParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Guarapuava: choose a ride
För det ändamålet skulle jag vilja påminna mina ledamotskolleger om nödvändigheten i att integrera finansieringsvillkor av lämpligt slag för europeisk filmproduktion i programmet Media 2007.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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And when you make a hotel reservation in Guarapuava with we'll send you email and text confirmations with the reservation details of your Guarapuava hotel booking along with contact details, directions, information on nearby Guarapuava attractions, restaurants and even the weather - and if you get stuck, we're only a phone call away.
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