Hilversum oor Sweeds


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


Gemeente Hilversum then brought an action to prohibit the proposed price increase.
Till följd av detta väckte Gemeente Hilversum talan och yrkade att den angivna avgiftshöjningen skulle förbjudas.
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54 It follows that Hilversum does not, in principle, have power to intervene directly in the retail tariffs in respect of services falling within the NRF.
Farmakokinetiska egenskaperEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the present case, although, in the statement of the grounds of the order for reference and in question 2, the referring court mentions the idea that Gemeente Hilversum acted on the basis of private-law instruments in order to defend the public interests of its inhabitants, the referring court does not give the slightest indication of the nature of the interests in question.
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Gemeente Hilversum then brought an action to prohibit the proposed price increase.
Skippa hela den här " Sherminator " grejenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
20 UPC undertook, for its part, to make the investments necessary for the provision of a cable network capable of offering an improved service to the average subscriber in Hilversum and to make available to such subscribers, in addition to radio and television programmes, an attractive package of telecommunications services for private individuals and businesses.
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Since the conversion of CVK into a full-function undertaking, however, the works which were members of CVK had refused individual talks with customers and referred them to the CVK central office in Hilversum.
Ägare till tonfiskfiskefartyg eller fartyg för fiske med flytlinor skall åta sig att anställa medborgare från AVS-länderna på följande villkor och med följande förbehållEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Even assuming that Gemeente Hilversum meets the requirements of competence, functional and legal independence, impartiality and transparency laid down by Article 3 of the Framework Directive and by the Court’s case-law (25) for valid recognition as a NRA, (26) it cannot in any case be regarded as having acted legally in that capacity, as I shall show first, in so far as the tariff limitation clause imposed on UPC was adopted without regard to the detailed procedural rules of the relevant directives.
Är Sindi hennes porrnamn?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
By insisting on the continuous and unaltered application of that restriction on UPC’s freedom to set tariffs, even though the agreement provided for consultation in order to evaluate that clause in the light of the developments which had taken place between 1996 and 2006, Hilversum contributed to an infringement, within that municipality, of the rules of the NRF, which do not impose such a restriction on suppliers of electronic communications services but, on the contrary, stress the freedom to set tariffs, subject to specific restrictions which may, on the basis of market analysis and under precisely determined procedures, be set by NRAs.
Som ett resultat av det ovanstående, och eftersom utvärderingarna ofta gjordes för tidigt för att man skulle kunna behandla de mest relevanta frågorna, var kommissionens utvärderingssystem för ramprogrammen av begränsat värde för beslutsfattare, berörda parter och till och med för kommissionen självEurLex-2 EurLex-2
To be more exact, the referring court should determine, first, whether Gemeente Hilversum may be considered to have actually entrusted to UPC the operation of a service of general economic interest and, if so, whether European Union law precludes the performance of the particular task entrusted to it.
Skicka en vettig person!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
On that point, it is not possible to accept the argument, put forward by Gemeente Hilversum and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on the basis of the distinction between ‘supply of RTV services’ and ‘transmission of signals’ relating thereto, that UPC’s operations are not covered by the NRF in so far as its customers do not purchase empty transmission capacity, but content, a package of RTV programmes transmitted via a cable distribution network.
Detta tillkännagivande syftar särskilt till att visa hur Eftas övervakningsmyndighet avser att samarbeta med Eftastaterna i sin tillämpning av artiklarna # och # i EES-avtalet i enskilda ärenden och hur samarbetet i nätverket av konkurrensmyndigheter är tänkt att bedrivasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
However that may be, the tariff limitation clause imposed by Gemeente Hilversum on UPC cannot be considered to fall within the price control measures referred to in Article 13 of the Access Directive which may be taken in relation to undertakings with significant market power in accordance with Article 8 of that Directive.
Precis till vänster om katalogrutan, finns knappen Förhandsgranskning, som visar eller gömmer förhandsgranskningsfönstret i dialogrutanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Finally, as we shall see, the questions from the referring court fall into three main groups of issues, the first relating to the scope of the NRF, that is to say, the applicability of the relevant directives to the main proceedings (question 1), the second to the scope of the obligations of Gemeente Hilversum on the basis of those directives (question 2) and the duty of sincere cooperation on the basis of Article 4(3) TFEU (questions 3 and 4) and, finally, the third concerning the effect, if any, of Article 101(1) TFEU (questions 5 and 6), Article 101(2) TFEU (question 7) and Article 101(3) TFEU (question 8) on the outcome of the main proceedings.
Samtidigt, har det uttryckt solidaritet med det algeriska folket och, följaktligen, har det upprepade gånger manat algeriska myndigheter att anstränga sig till fullo för att aktivt skydda befolkningen från attacker.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 7 November 2013 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Gerechtshof te Amsterdam — Netherlands) — UPC Nederland BV v Gemeente Hilversum
De besskddar HonomEurLex-2 EurLex-2
24 Hilversum brought an application seeking to prohibit UPC from proceeding with the planned tariff increase.
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30 That action having been dismissed, UPC brought an appeal before the referring court, requesting that court, first, to annul the tariff clause or, in the alternative, to declare it non-applicable, and, secondly, to declare Hilversum liable for the loss which UPC considered itself to have suffered on account of its not being able to apply to its subscribers established in Hilversum the common tariff which it applied at national level.
Ge mig min kropp så blir jag gladEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(a) Does the Municipality [of Hilversum], against the background of the liberalisation of the telecommunications sector and the objectives of the new regulatory framework, including a strict coordination and consultation process before a [NRA] acquires (exclusive) competence to intervene in retail tariffs by means of a measure such as price control, still have the power (task) to protect the public interest of its inhabitants by intervening in retail tariffs by means of a [tariff] clause?
Fint hon har ordnat det, SaraEurLex-2 EurLex-2
To pursue further schooling in electronic engineering, I left my native Suriname for the Netherlands in September 1965 and settled in the city of Hilversum.
Slutligen uppmanar rådet den ärade parlamentsledamoten att rikta sin sista fråga om uttömmande information om kidnappningar av civila direkt till de berörda myndigheternajw2019 jw2019
The kantonrechter of Hilversum in the Netherlands has given a favourable judgment on an equal pay claim brought by a woman care worker.
Det sas mig att... vänskap... mognar fort härEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It appears from the order for reference and the written and oral observations before the Court that the main proceedings arise from the sale by Gemeente Hilversum of its cable television network and of the municipal undertaking which operated it to the legal predecessor of the company UPC Nederland (10) for approximately EUR 23 227 000.
Tobak är den enda jordbruksprodukten som behandlas på det här sättet och det är en orättvis behandling.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
At the hearing, Hilversum confirmed that it had refused any amendment of that clause on the expiry of that 10-year period, in view of its aim of retaining for its inhabitants the tariffs which were applicable under the agreement’s tariff clause.
Detta samråd måste dessutom inbegripa andra berörda parter, framför allt för att få information om bästa tillgängliga tekniska och ekonomiska medel för genomförandetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
UPC, the EFTA Surveillance Authority and the Commission consider, on the other hand, that such a clause is now incompatible with the NRF because the Gemeente Hilversum cannot be considered a NRA, which alone has the right to adopt retail price control measures such as the tariff limitation clause, or considered to have acted legally as a NRA.
Du är medveten om att hon är gift, va?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It must be pointed out here that the Court has no information concerning the general authorisation granted to UPC, apart from the fact that Gemeente Hilversum had to assist it to obtain that authorisation.
Jag vill hjälpa dig med utomjordingarna men kan inte få barnvaktEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Such a response should enable the referring court to rule not only on UPC’s application to annul that tariff clause but also on UPC’s application in the alternative seeking a declaration that, on account of the NRF, Hilversum may no longer rely on that clause.
Sov på jobbet?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
One night as a brother and I were leaving a secret meeting in Hilversum, someone bumped into me from the rear, and an object clattered to the ground at my feet.
Sammantaget verkar det som om den gemensamma ståndpunkten är bra.jw2019 jw2019
19 Hilversum undertook, pursuant to that agreement, to cooperate in enabling the purchaser to obtain authorisation to install, maintain and operate a cable broadcasting facility on the territory of that municipality.
Mina damer och herrar, Vi har nu nått vår höjd. på #, # fot, #, # fot?!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
C – The scope of the NRF : the rights of the Member States and the powers of Gemeente Hilversum (question 2)
Den # juli # instruerade kommissionen sina avdelningar att avsluta sina gällande avtalsförhållanden med fyra organisationer i enlighet med avtalsvillkorenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
134 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.