Inga Åberg oor Sweeds

Inga Åberg

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Inga Åberg


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Inga Åberg was referred to as one of the more noted stage artists of her generation in Sweden.
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He changed his name from Åberg to Åbergsson, because he wanted to avoid being connected to his scandal beauty-sister, Inga Åberg.
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In the season of 1809-10, the Royal Swedish Opera was opened again, and Wässelia was praised for "appealing modesty and naive love" for her performance in Le calife de Bagdad by Boieldieu opposite Gustav Åbergsson and Inga Åberg on the reopened Opera.
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Inga Åberg was the subject of a great scandal when the merchant millionaire Hall from Gothenburg, one of the richest men in Sweden, placed his teenage son John Hall under her tutelage with the task of correcting his behavior by instructing him in "the way of the world".
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A contemporary writer stated that Inga Åberg: "... would have become a great singer and an excellent actress, if her unusual beauty and not been an obstacle for her artistic studies, and she had been enticed to regard it as a source of income, richer but in the long term no more secure than art."
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