Ink Crossword oor Sweeds

Ink Crossword

A program in the Microsoft Experience Pack for Tablet PC with 12 crossword puzzles that you complete by using your tablet pen. You can also download a free daily puzzle and purchase more puzzle packs online.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

Ink Crossword

A program in the Microsoft Experience Pack for Tablet PC with 12 crossword puzzles that you complete by using your tablet pen. You can also download a free daily puzzle and purchase more puzzle packs online.

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Cute enough, but something tells me she's not exactly a crossword-in-ink kind of girl.""
Hon var visserligen söt, men något säger mig att hon inte exakt är en tjej som lyckas lösa ett svårt korsord.”Literature Literature
And she’s going to solve all her crosswords in ink.
Och hon kommer lösa alla sina korsord med bläck.Literature Literature
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