Italian Football Federation oor Sweeds

Italian Football Federation

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Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio


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Unless the Italian football federation, FIGC, acts to prevent this, there is a risk that FIFA will suspend the FIGC.
Kommissionens beslut av den # februari # om ändring av beslut #/#/EG om godkännande av de planer för kontroll av restsubstanser som lagts fram av tredje land i enlighet med rådets direktiv #/#/EG [delgivet med nr K #]not-set not-set
Subject: Unlawfulness of the sports contract established by the Italian Football Federation, which ties amateur footballers to their clubs up to the age of
Därför anser jag - till skillnad från föregående talare - att det är särskilt viktigt att tanken på ett europeiskt-islamiskt universitet fullföljs.oj4 oj4
as regards possible irregularities with respect to the law governing the Italian Football Federation (FIGC) these are matters outside the competence of the Commission
Distributionsvolymen vid steady state (median Vd på #, # till #, # liter) var oberoende av den givna dosen, vilket tyder att infliximab huvudsakligen distribueras inom blodomloppetoj4 oj4
as regards possible irregularities with respect to the law governing the Italian Football Federation (FIGC) these are matters outside the competence of the Commission.
Artikel #.# sista meningen EG skall tolkas så, att den nationella domstolen inte är skyldig att förordna om återkrav av ett stöd som genomförts med åsidosättande av denna bestämmelse, när Europeiska gemenskapernas kommission har fattat ett slutgiltigt beslut där den slagit fast att nämnda stöd är förenligt med den gemensamma marknaden i den mening som avses i artikel # EGEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Subject: Unlawfulness of the sports contract established by the Italian Football Federation, which ties amateur footballers to their clubs up to the age of 25
Hej, det är jagEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Those sanctions were imposed on Juventus by the Federal Appeals Commission of the Federazione italiana giuoco calcio (Italian Football Federation (‘FIGC’), by decision of 14 July 2006.
Sitt ner, mr CashEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The system adopted by the FIGC [Italian Football Federation], which involves the drawing up of a special list, does not comply with Italian law since it does not meet the criteria required for the system to be recognised as a professional body.
Eugene Krabba, tiden är inneEurLex-2 EurLex-2
1. say why Barcelona and the Spanish Football Federation are refusing the transfer to the Italian Football Federation and Inter, the club chosen by Ronaldo after telling Barcelona in writing that he wanted to rescind the contract, since they claim that the clause in valid in Spain only;
Toxicitet vid upprepad doseringEurLex-2 EurLex-2
With regard to footballers, the internal federal organisational rules (NOIF) of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC) provide that, outside the professional category, footballers who are members of clubs are classified as ‘young’ — broken down into the various categories laid down by the NOIF — and ‘non-professional’ (commonly known as ‘amateur’).
Vad gäller betänkandena vill jag gärna ha sagt att motionsidrotternas sociala och pedagogiska betydelse nämligen måste lyftas fram just gentemot denna big business-idrott.not-set not-set
On the basis of the characteristics of national sports law, can the Federazione calcistica italiana (Italian Football Federation, ‘FIGC’) be classified as a body governed by public law in so far as it was established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character?
Vad ska det betyda?Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Regarding the question of whether the fact that the President and board members of the football League — as opposed to chairmen of amateur clubs — are remunerated, amounts to a distortion of competition or involves serious irregularities with respect to the law governing the Italian Football Federation (FIGC), the Commission wishes to indicate the following:
Håll käften!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Regarding the question of whether the fact that the President and board members of the football League- as opposed to chairmen of amateur clubs- are remunerated, amounts to a distortion of competition or involves serious irregularities with respect to the law governing the Italian Football Federation (FIGC), the Commission wishes to indicate the following
Funktionsplanoj4 oj4
For purposes of illustration only, the table includes details of FIFA ticket allocations to the French, English, Italian and Scottish football federations.
Låt oss lägga detEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In particular, the action taken by the regulatory authority in respect of clubs in divisions A and B of the Italian Football League to tackle the perennial contractual issue of pay-per-view television rights has been ineffective, since it is directed at a body that belongs to the Italian Football Federation (Article 6(II) of the Statute) which effectively enjoys a monopoly in the game of soccer (Articles 1 and 2 of the Statute).
Min far är inte på sitt rumEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Similarly, in its Decision 92/521/EEC of 27 October 1992 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/33.384 and IV/33.378 - Distribution of package tours during the 1990 World Cup) (OJ 1992 L 326, p. 31), the Commission stated that FIFA (International Federation of Association Football) and the Italian Football Federation were exercising an economic activity, in particular in the context of the distribution of tickets for the 1990 Football World Cup in Italy, and that they must therefore be regarded as undertakings.
Jag gnider den och det känns jätte sköntEurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, other managers in the football sector, from the President of the League to board members, are known to receive remuneration of thousands of euro in the form of per diem allowances to cover their expenses, which are questionable from the tax point of view and circumvent the provisions of Article 10 of the law governing the Italian Football Federation (FIGC) which says that the duties performed by officers shall not be remunerated and prohibits offices in the federation from being held by those who derive financial gain from their involvement in football.
Utnämning av EU:s operationschefEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In early March the Italian Football Federation announced that five Bologna players had tested positive for amphetamines after the victory against Torino on February 2.
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Going into the final round of the season Inter and Juventus were tied for the lead in Serie A with 46 points each when the FIGC (Italian Football Federation) announced that it upheld Juventus appeal and decided that the match should be replayed.
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(On the basis of the characteristics of national sports law, can the Federazione calcistica italiana (Italian Football Federation, ‘FIGC’) be classified as a body governed by public law in so far as it was established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character?
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The applicant seeks annulment of Commission Decision C(2009) 3916 of 12 May 2009 by which the Commission rejected, as lacking legitimate interest and lacking Community interest, the applicant’s complaint concerning the alleged violations of Articles 81 EC and 82 EC committed by the Federazione Italiano Gioco Calcio (FIGC) (Italian National Soccer Federation), the Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano (CONI) (Italian National Olympic Committee), the Union des associations européennes de football (UEFA) (Union of European Football Associations) and the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) (International Federation of Association Football) in relation to disciplinary measures imposed on Juventus Football Club S.p.A of Turin (‘Juventus’).
Medlemsstaterna skall, senast fyra månader efter det att kommissionen har överlämnat de strategiska riktlinjerna, för kommissionen lägga fram sina utkast till fleråriga programEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The club currently plays in Serie D. The club was founded as Società Sportiva Serenissima in 1960 by the San Marino Football Federation, in order to have a team representing the Republic of San Marino in the Italian league.
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You can now watch live sports right here 7 days a week, all day and all night, with pictures as quick as TV. Among the live sports available, they have international football (Italian Serie A and B, English Carling Cup, Championship, Division 1 and 2, plus top football leagues in France, Belgium, Holland, Portugal, Scotland, Denmark, Sweden and Poland), tennis (ATP, WTA, Davis Cup, Federation Cup and even ATP Challengers where upcoming stars are playing) and also other sports like basketball, volleyball, handball and snooker.
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24 sinne gevind in 16 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.