Jabbok oor Sweeds


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The Yarmuk and the Jabbok are the Jordan’s main tributaries from the E.
Jarmuk och Jabbok är de viktigaste bifloderna på östra sidan.

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It lies nearly midway between the Arnon and the Jabbok.
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(De 2:37; Jos 13:8-10) Thus, whereas Joshua 13:25 states that the tribe of Gad received “half of the land of the sons of Ammon” as part of their tribal inheritance, the reference is evidently to that portion of land previously taken from the Ammonites by the Amorites, territory apparently situated between the Jordan River and the upper Jabbok.
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(2Ch 27:5) The ability of the Ammonites to pay this large sum during three successive years may have been due to their favorable position along one of the major trade routes from Arabia to Damascus and to the relative fertility of the Jabbok Valley region, wheat and barley still being principal products in this area.
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He also makes defensive moves, dividing his camp in two and transporting his wives and children across the ford of Jabbok.
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THE place is close to Penuel, near the torrent valley of Jabbok on the east side of the river Jordan.
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Yohanan Aharoni identifies Mahanaim with Tell edh-Dhahab el-Gharbi, on the N bank of the Jabbok, about 12 km (7.5 mi) E of the Jordan. —The Land of the Bible, translated and edited by A.
Europeiska läkemedelsmyndigheten (EMEA) kommer varje år att granska eventuell nytillkommen information, och denna sammanfattning kommer vid behov att uppdaterasjw2019 jw2019
After some 300 years of Israelite occupation, the Ammonites pressed a claim for the region lying between the Arnon and the Jabbok, but Judge Jephthah refuted their claim by showing that Israel had taken the land, including Aroer, from the Amorites. —Jg 11:13, 22, 26.
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(2Sa 2:29; Ge 31:21; 32:2, 22) Some suggest Khirbet Mahneh (or, Mihna), about 19 km (12 mi) N of the Jabbok and about the same distance E of the Jordan, but many feel that it is too far N of the Jabbok.
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About midpoint in this fertile plateau, the Jabbok River descends to the Jordan.
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Torrent valley of Jabbok
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It was during the night that Jacob crossed the torrent valley of Jabbok on his way to meet his brother Esau that he began struggling with what turned out to be an angel.
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Sihon’s kingdom at one time extended from the torrent valley of Jabbok, where it bordered King Og’s domain, down at least to the torrent valley of Arnon, and from the Jordan River eastward toward the desert.
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Shortly before the Israelites entered the Promised Land, the Amorite king Sihon controlled the section of Gilead S of the torrent valley of Jabbok, whereas Og the king of Bashan ruled over the part to the N.
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The Yarmuk and the Jabbok are the Jordan’s main tributaries from the E.
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When Laban found the object of his pursuit camped a few kilometers N of the Jabbok, he demanded that Jacob explain: Why had he left without allowing Laban to kiss his children and grandchildren good-bye, and why had he stolen Laban’s gods?
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They were excavating at Tell Deir Alla, just north of the river known in the Bible as the Jabbok, when they discovered some fragments of plaster with ancient Semitic writing on them.
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After he forded the Jabbok near Penuel, Jacob wrestled with an angel.
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The exact location of Mahanaim is uncertain, but it was E of the Jordan and evidently N of the Jabbok.
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Two and a half tribes settled north and south of the Jabbok along the trade road. —Numbers 20:17; Deuteronomy 2:26, 27.
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“Later during that night [Jacob] rose and took his two wives and his two maidservants and his eleven young sons and crossed over the ford of Jabbok.
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(De 3:13; 4:46, 47) The domain of Og extended from Mount Hermon to the Jabbok, territory E of the Jordan that included 60 fortified cities and numerous rural towns.
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Upon leaving Haran, Jacob and his family evidently traveled down this road to the Jabbok.
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One of the main torrent valleys, or wadis, E of the Jordan, first mentioned in Scripture with reference to Jacob’s crossing “the ford of Jabbok” with his household.
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Though the Jabbok’s headwaters rise near ʽAmman (ancient Rabbah), the wadi collects waters from several perennial streams and numerous winter torrents before flowing into the Jordan 39 km (24 mi) N of the Dead Sea.
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Once across, the Israelites pursued the enemies southward to Succoth and Penuel, near the Jabbok, then up hills to Jogbehah (close to modern Amman, Jordan).
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