Lansana Conté oor Sweeds

Lansana Conté

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

Lansana Conté

Mr President, President Lansana Conté was the archetypal African strong man, a corrupt dictator who ruled the people of Guinea with an iron fist.
(EN) Herr talman! President Lansana Conté var den arketypiske afrikanske starke mannen, en korrupt diktator som styrde folket i Guinea med järnhand.
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
whereas a military junta, led by Captain Moussa Dadis Camara, seized power on # December #, following the death of President Lansana Conté
Jag föredrar att undvika ytterligare, onödiga dödsfalloj4 oj4
Mr President, on 15 February 2007, we discussed the state violence of dictator Lansana Conté in Guinea as a matter of urgency.
Patienterna skall vara adekvat hydrerade och det bör övervägas att kontrollera njurfunktionen efter insättandet av samtidig behandling och regelbundet därefterEuroparl8 Europarl8
whereas a military junta, led by Captain Moussa Dadis Camara, seized power on 23 December 2008, following the death of President Lansana Conté,
Du väcker demEurLex-2 EurLex-2
D. recalling that the current President of Guinea, General Lansana Conté, came to power in 1984 as the result of a military coup,
Den är verkligen braEurLex-2 EurLex-2
having regard to the seizure of power by a group of officers on # December #, the day after the death of President Lansana Conté
Detta är en del av en större kampanj som har genomförts av Europaparlamentets socialdemokratiska grupp i hela Europa på området tolerans och som har pågått under flera månader nu.oj4 oj4
Mr President, President Lansana Conté was the archetypal African strong man, a corrupt dictator who ruled the people of Guinea with an iron fist.
Det är en bra plats för en ny startEuroparl8 Europarl8
having regard to the seizure of power by a group of officers on 23 December 2008, the day after the death of President Lansana Conté,
Vad används Apidra för?not-set not-set
Following Touré's death in 1984, a new totalitarian regime took over, headed by another dictator, Lansana Conté, who some claim was supported largely by the West.
Men du måste förstå, unge Hob...... att det tar en lång stund...... att säga något på gammel entiskaEuroparl8 Europarl8
3. Calls on the Guinean authorities and President General Lansana Conté to take the necessary action to restore immediately liberty and the full exercise of civil rights to Mr Condé;
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whereas Lansana Conté, then an officer, had himself taken power by force in # at the moment of the death of his predecessor, President Sékou Touré, remaining in power for # years
Vi behöver inga demokratilektioner av dem som har en massa hemuppgifter att göra i sina egna länder.oj4 oj4
whereas Lansana Conté, then an officer, had himself taken power by force in 1984 at the moment of the death of his predecessor, President Sékou Touré, remaining in power for 24 years,
Fortsätt prataEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Mr President, the day after the death of President Lansana Conté, on 23 December 2008, a military junta, led by Captain Camara, took power in Guinea, suspending the constitution and the right to political activity and dissolving the government.
Ursäkta mig, mr Nicholson?Europarl8 Europarl8
B. whereas Mr Condé, leader of the Guinean People's Rally opposition party, who stood against General Lansana Conté in the presidential elections of December 1998, was arrested just before the results were announced, without his parliamentary immunity being lifted,
Man blir disig av SparineEurLex-2 EurLex-2
whereas the human rights record of the late President Lansana Conté is extremely alarming, including as it does the use of excessive force by the military and police against civilians, arbitrary arrest and detention without trial, and attacks on freedom of expression,
Manöverprovnot-set not-set
whereas the human rights record of the late president Lansana Conté is extremely alarming, including as it does the use of excessive force by the military and police against civilians, arbitrary arrest and detention without trial, and attacks on freedom of expression,
antingen [a) kommer från anläggningarnot-set not-set
whereas the human rights record of the late President Lansana Conté is extremely alarming, including as it does the use of excessive force by the military and police against civilians, arbitrary arrest and detention without trial, and attacks on freedom of expression
För att lokala, regionala och nationella skillnader i skyddsnivåer för byggnadsverk ska kunna beaktas kan det enligt direktiv #/#/EEG bli nödvändigt att göra en klassindelning i tillämpningsdokumenten efter produktens reaktion med avseende på varje väsentligt kravoj4 oj4
Although inflation has been reduced and the exchange rate has risen, contributing to the conclusion of a three-year programme with the International Monetary Fund, the initial enthusiasm has given way to doubts concerning the Kouyaté government's capacity and determination to break with the shortcomings of the system under Lansana Conté.
Edward?- Vad är det som händer?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
gravely concerned by President Lansana Conté's declaration of a state of emergency on 13 February 2007 following the general strike launched on 10 January 2007 by Guinea's trade unions and civil society concerning economic and social claims and the violent repression by security forces of a peaceful demonstration held on 17 January 2007 in Conakry,
Gerry Haskins.Fint att du hade tidnot-set not-set
A. gravely concerned by President Lansana Conté's declaration of a state of emergency on 13 February 2007 following the general strike launched on 10 January 2007 by Guinea's trade unions and civil society concerning economic and social claims and the violent repression by security forces of a peaceful demonstration held on 17 January 2007 in Conakry,
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26 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.