Left Alliance oor Sweeds

Left Alliance

Left Alliance (Finland)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


Left Alliance (Finland)
Finally, I want to say that it is especially pleasing to have a minister from the Left Alliance here too.
Slutligen vill jag säga att det är speciellt roligt att ha en minister från vänsterförbundet här också.
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Nordic Green Left Alliance
Nordic Green Left Alliance
Democratic Left Alliance
Demokratiska vänsterförbundet


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Markus Mustajärvi (born 24 February 1963) is a Finnish politician for the Left Alliance.
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Similarly, the OPZZ is the political partner of the opposition SLD (Democratic Left Alliance), albeit not so inextricably linked.
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Finally, I want to say that it is especially pleasing to have a minister from the Left Alliance here too.
Nedanstående tabell visar som exempel den kommersiella handelns omfattning när det gäller vinprodukter mellan Frankrike och övriga medlemsstater under de två sista år då åtgärderna pågick i FrankrikeEuroparl8 Europarl8
Even in this last period, this has been the choice of the left alliance, at least as much as the right.
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Matti Semi (born 26 January 1957, in Varkaus) is a Finnish politician and member of Finnish Parliament, representing the Left Alliance.
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The Nordic Green Left Alliance (NGLA) is an alliance of Nordic left-wing parties, founded in Reykjavík, Iceland, on 1 February 2004.
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They are expressing their disobedience and their insubordination towards this system and the centre-right and centre-left alliances that support and preserve it.
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Since the last elections in September 2001, Poland has been ruled by a coalition of the Democratic Left Alliance (SLD), the Union of Labour (UP) and the Polish Peasants' Party (PSL).
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In the Polish Sejm, Joanna Sosnowska of the ruling Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) declared that EU standards would be taken into account in tabling a draft law on unmarried couples in long-term relationships.
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In the Polish Sejm, Joanna Sosnowska of the ruling Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) declared that EU standards would be taken into account in tabling a draft law on unmarried couples in long-term relationships.
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Poland Domestic affairs Since the last elections in September 2001, Poland has been ruled by a coalition of the Democratic Left Alliance (SLD), the Union of Labour (UP) and the Polish Peasants' Party (PSL).
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However, in 2012 the BEP left the alliance after disagreeing with the leadership of ABOP head Ronnie Brunswijk.
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From 1963 to 1968 he was Deputy Prime Minister in the three successive governments led by Moro and in December 1968 he became Minister for Foreign Affairs in the first government of Mariano Rumor, but resigned in July 1969, when the centre-left alliance collapsed.
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The ties formed at this time laid the foundations of the Rainbow group: an alliance of left-wing and green parties which later became the European Greens–European Free Alliance group.
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By broadening his appeal, Salvini is filling the void that the demise of Silvio Berlusconi's alliance had left on the right of Italy's political spectrum.
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The Olive Tree (Italian: L'Ulivo) was a denomination used for several successive centre-left political and electoral alliances of Italian political parties from 1995 to 2007.
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The alliance contained both centre-left and centre-right parties.
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But I notice from the compromise situation agreed by the Socialists, Liberals, Left and Radical Alliance that there is a desire to relegate the European Union's action to a wait-and-see role or a role of judge.
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The fact that the alliance has been sucked into a political vacuum enabled the rebellion to undertake a breathtaking military campaign, but it left the alliance with a number of poorly trained and ill-disciplined new recruits and a few very loosely controlled contingents with specific ethnic characteristics, be it Banyamulenge or an independent historic origin, as the descendants of the so-called gendarmes Katangais .
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The BSD-ML is part of the Left Democratic Front and the 11-Party Alliance.
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And out of some sick alliance, someone is continuing where he left off.
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She emerged as a compromise candidate after the left-wing parties of the alliance would not agree to the nomination of former Home Minister Shivraj Patil or Karan Singh.
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Today's vote will again show up the bizarre alliance of market fundamentalists, ultra-left and ultra-right, which opposes this Treaty.
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Those left in semi-cohesive units retreated towards La Belle Alliance.
Vi har bidragit till utvecklingen av vänskapliga förhållanden mellan de medlemsstater som fram till nyligen historiskt sett var fiender.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
PPE: European People’s Party; PSE: Party of European Socialists; ELDR: European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party; EFPG: European Federation of Green Parties; AEN: Union for Europe of the Nations; PDE: European Democratic Party; GE: Party of the European Left; EFA: European Free Alliance
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