Mary of Burgundy oor Sweeds

Mary of Burgundy

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

Maria av Burgund

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Now popular in engagement rings, this usage dates back to the marriage of Maximilian I to Mary of Burgundy in 1477.
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At the request of Louis XIV, a prologue was added for the official premiere, a concert performance on 17 December at the Trianon (Versailles) for the festivities surrounding the marriage of Princess Marie Adélaïde of Savoy to Louis' grandson, the Duke of Burgundy, to whom Issé was dedicated.
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In 1477, the first diamond ring was given as a gesture of “will you marry me” by Archduke Maximillian to Mary of Burgundy.
Det måste ha varit en musikskola?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
landing And the first diamond ring from a man to a woman was given in 1477 by the Archduke of Austria to Mary of Burgundy.
Herr talman, bästa kolleger som ännu är vakna! Jag vill tacka Jarzembowski och Swoboda för de klara betänkandena med vilka man äntligen strävar efter att blåsa liv i järnvägarna genom att öppna dem för konkurrens.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This is in reference to Archduke Maximillian’s proposal to Mary of Burgundy, significant because it was the first ever proposal made with a diamond ring.
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landing And the earliest diamond ring from a man to a woman was given in 1477 by the Archduke of Austria to Mary of Burgundy.
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Margaret was born on 10 January 1480, as the second child and only daughter of Maximilian of Austria and Mary of Burgundy, co-sovereigns of the Low Countries.
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The church displays a valuable art collection: Michelangelo’s world-famous Madonna and Child, countless paintings, 13th-century painted sepulchres and the tombs of Mary of Burgundy and Charles the Bold.
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On 6 December 1697, on her twelfth birthday, Marie Adelaïde was formally married to the Duke of Burgundy in the Palace of Versailles.
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On 6 December 1697, on her twelfth birthday, Princess Marie Adelaïde of Savoy was formally married to the Duke of Burgundy in the Palace of Versailles.
Jag älskar mat VerkligenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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