Messidor oor Sweeds


eienaam, naamwoord
(historical) The tenth month of the French Republican Calendar, from June 20 or 21 to July 19 or 20.

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the tenth month of the French Republican Calendar

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On 16 Messidor (6 July) all the acts issued during the Austrian occupation were annulled, and afterwards the tricolour flag was restored.
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On 19 May 1797, Napoleon transferred the territories of the former Duchy of Modena to Transpadania and, on 12 Messidor (29 June), he decreed the birth of the Cisalpine Republic, creating a Directory for the republic and appointing its ministers.
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It began at the autumn equinox: Autumn: Vendémiaire Brumaire Frimaire Winter: Nivôse Pluviôse Ventôse Spring: Germinal Floréal Prairial Summer: Messidor Thermidor Fructidor Purushottam Maas or Adhik Maas is an extra month in the Hindu calendar that is inserted to keep the lunar and solar calendars aligned.
Skälet är att läkaren kan behöva ta ställning till om effekten kommer att bibehållas eller om dosen behöver ändrasWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Quality Hotel Abaca Messidor - Paris 15
Smartare än delfiner eller valarParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Pets conditions in Quality Hotel Abaca Messidor - Paris 15
Stanna och äta?NejParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
About Quality Abaca Messidor has 3 stars.
När detta villkor väl är uppfyllt, gäller det att respektera den fria marknadens bestämmelser och skydda aktörernas och investeringarnas intressen på ett balanserat sättParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
With a stay at Quality Hotel Abaca Messidor - Paris 15, you'll be centrally located in Paris, within a 10-minute drive of Paris Expo Porte de Versailles and Les Invalides.
Lämpliga kalibrergaser ska föras in i analysatorerna, värdena registreras och kalibreringskurvan bestämmasParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Quality Hotel ABACA Messidor Hotel Area: 15. Tour Eiffel / Porte de Versailles
Jag är ledsenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
If the accidental fall of a brick had killed him, say, in January, 1793 [12*], his place would, of course, have been taken by somebody else, and although this person might have been inferior to him in every respect, nevertheless, events would have taken the same course as they did when Robespierre was alive. For example, even under these circumstances the Gironde [13*] would probably not have escaped defeat; but it is possible that Robespierre’s party would have lost power somewhat earlier and we would now be speaking, not of the Thermidor reaction, but of the Floréal, Prairial or Messidor reaction.
Du är patetiskParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The property provides an access to Messidor tram stop, which is only 300 meters away.
Då kombinerar man flera funktioner i samma datorParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Quality Abaca Messidor has 3 stars.
Kära medborgare av Capua!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Discover an engaging blend of professional service and a wide array of features at Hotel de la Paix. Quality Hotel ABACA Messidor
Få se hur du springer undan det härParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
12 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.