Namib Desert oor Sweeds

Namib Desert

a desert in Namibia extending along the coast between the high plateau and the Atlantic Ocean

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Consider: Each morning, a fog drifts through Africa’s Namib desert.
Intressanta fakta: Varje morgon sveper en dimma in över Namiböknen i Afrika.

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In 2011, he ran a full marathon in the Namib Desert without water.
Ni kunde varit levande och rik, istället för fattig och dödLiterature Literature
HERE in the Namib Desert of southwestern Africa, the air is clear and crisp.
Han talade perfekt engelskajw2019 jw2019
The disease anthrax recently threatened the 29 elephants in Africa’s vast Namib Desert.
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Consider: Each morning, a fog drifts through Africa’s Namib desert.
Mittenhand kan kolla på detjw2019 jw2019
Now, look at this shot of the handsome oryx, or gemsbok, taken in the African Namib Desert.
Jag är gammal, Gandalfjw2019 jw2019
Learn how the world’s only true desert elephants survive in Africa’s Namib Desert.
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That’s just a few of the oddities of the Namib Desert, stretching along the western coast of southern Africa.
ANTAGNA TEXTERjw2019 jw2019
Researchers have recently discovered how beetles of the genus Stenocara obtain drinking water in the Namib Desert, in southwestern Africa.
Inte mycket har förändrats.jw2019 jw2019
The name Namibia is taken from the Namib Desert, which runs some 800 miles (1,300 km) down the west coast of Africa.
Jag har en överraskningjw2019 jw2019
Kolmanskop even sported a two- story casino, with theater and bowling alley —luxuries that made life more pleasant in the remote Namib Desert.
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The Namib Desert attracts numerous visitors, who may be surprised to see the remarkable variety of wildlife that manages to survive the harsh conditions.
Det är viktigt att som ni gör erkänna att Kinas engagemang ger upphov till frågor och ibland farhågor, till och med i Afrika.jw2019 jw2019
In the Namib Desert in South-West Africa, the annual rainfall varies from less than an eighth of an inch to six inches (0.3 cm to 15 cm).
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Unlike those of the Namib Desert on the west coast of South-West Africa, they are not pointed and irregular; they are long, rounded ridges comparable to gigantic waves.
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On the searing sands of the Namib Desert, near the windswept coast of southern Namibia, lie the empty ruins of a town that was inhabited for less than 50 years —Kolmanskop.
Så mysigt ni har detjw2019 jw2019
In a 1,500-mile [2,000 km] swath along the western edge of the Namib Desert in southwestern Africa, patches of barren, sandy soil 6 to 30 feet [2 m to 10 m] in diameter dot the landscape.
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With their natural instincts and built- in survival kits, these are the true desert survivors of the Namib.
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Desert Survivors of the Namib 25
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Desert Survivors of the Namib
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In area, though, the Namib is smaller than the world’s great deserts.
med beaktande av avtalet om ekonomiskt partnerskap, politisk samordning och samarbete mellan Europeiska gemenskapen och dess medlemsstater, å ena sidan, och Mexikos förenta stater, å andra sidan (nedan kallat avtalet), undertecknat i Bryssel den # december #, särskilt artiklarna # och # jämförda med artikel # i detta, ochjw2019 jw2019
Garth Owen- Smith, of the Namibia Wildlife Trust, says of these desert elephants of the Namib: “Remember . . . , we’re not just talking about any wild animals.
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Biome Desert Approximate boundaries of the Namib Desert
Detta tyder på ett mer allmänt beteendemönster som grundas på dumpning på stora marknader i tredjeländerParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
kitchen Located in Sesriem, in Namib Desert, Desert Camp offers luxurious self-catering units, with private bathrooms.
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In this issue we join experienced guide Nicolas Genoud on a fascinating trip through the Namib desert.
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The Namib Desert formed a natural barrier because of which all expeditions stranded on the coast.
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06 Day 6: Namib Desert Explore the Sesriem Canyon, a small canyon typical of the area.
Då kanjag kan göra mycket härifrån!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
39 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.