Narva oor Sweeds


City in Estonia.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


City in Estonia
Moreover, there must be appropriate accompanying measures to take account of social aspects in the Narva region.
Dessutom måste man ta hänsyn till sociala aspekter i Narva-regionen genom lämpliga stödåtgärder.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

Narva River
Battle of Narva
Slaget vid Narva


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Roos distinguished himself at the battle of Narva in 1700 and was promoted to colonel, as well as head of the Närke-Värmlands regemente in 1701.
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E20 Tallinn-Narva road, rehabilitation of Maardu-Valgejoe
De maximala stödnivåerna ökas med # procentenheter när utbildningen meddelas missgynnade arbetstagareEurLex-2 EurLex-2
A Swedish force consisting of 800 men under the command of generals Georg Reinhold Patkul and Hans Henrik von Tiesenhausen were sent out from Rakvere to secure the road at which the main army under Charles XII of Sweden were going in order to relief the city of Narva which had been besieged by the Russians for a while.
Sen blev det svart och när jag vaknade, var hela ansiktet bedövat, och jag baraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At the request of the Estonian authorities, and following a Community inspection, additional border inspection posts at Muuga Port, and Narva Road, should be added to the list
Bara fem rubel tilloj4 oj4
Subject: Erection near the town of Narva in Estonia of a memorial to Dutch members of the SS killed in action, bearing an inscription which describes war crimes as a duty
Därefter förbättrades dess ekonomiska situation, särskilt under # (vinst # %EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission also financed a euro travelling exhibition in four major Estonian cities (Tallinn, Narva, Tartu and Rakvere).
Vi måste göra sociala och ekonomiska investeringar så att folket och deras familjer får en blomstrande framtid, och så att de inte vill ha våld för sina barn.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
As a concrete example, NEFCO will provide co-financing for the improvement of the Narva water and wastewater network renovations that are both financed by ISPA.
De öppnade mina ögon-... precis som de öppnar de blindas ögon överallt, för de är oemotståndligaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Narva August 1917
Kul att se dig, Wallenby!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He used to work in Narva, Leningrad, and Moscow, for a chemical engineering company making parts for the military.
Vet du att mened är ett brott, mr Quesada?Literature Literature
Russian memorial near Narva Swedish Lion Monument in Narva Four years after the first battle of Narva, Peter I marched again in an attempt to capture Narva.
Även tre senatorer var inblandadeWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On the request of the citizens of Reval, Eric XIV bans all trade with Narva.
Gillar du det inte, Smith?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After the crushing defeat at Narva by Charles XII of Sweden, the Russian tsar Peter I of Russia gathered his forces near the Swedish borders at Pskov and Gdov in order to start a new offensive into the Swedish Livonia.
Enligt EESK:s åsikt måste man stärka EU-medborgarnas förtroende för Europeiska unionens institutionerWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Priorities in the road sector include upgrading the Via Baltica and Tallinn-Narva road.
Europaparlamentet godkänner kommissionens förslag med de ändringar som gjorts och ger sitt samtycke till ingåendet av protokolletEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In 1656 a Russian attack badly damaged the town, and the administrative centre was moved to Narva in neighbouring Swedish Estonia.
Talan mot Europeiska gemenskapernas kommission väckt den # februari # av Konungariket SverigeWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sheremetev would later face the Swedish vanguard at Pühhajoggi, however after initial skirmishes he was soon driven off leading to the battle of Narva where the Russian main army saw itself decisively defeated by the Swedish army.
Jag såg hur det föllWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On 13 November the Swedish main army broke up and marched towards Narva.
Flash, det var en olyckaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1900, 200 years after the battle of Narva, the Preobrazhensky and Semyonovsky regiments initiated the construction of a memorial to the Russian soldiers who had fallen in the Battle of Narva.
Denna TSD omfattar inte betalnings- och faktureringssystem för kunder, och inte heller betalnings- och faktureringssystem mellan olika tjänsteleverantörer såsom järnvägsföretag eller infrastrukturförvaltareWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
· Development of training and training environment of Narva Vocational Training Centre (Estonia)
Du är inte Jimmynot-set not-set
Narva, closure of ash field No 2
Till mig, så klartEurLex-2 EurLex-2
“I assume that this is Ines Hammujärvi, Estonian, seventeen years old, from Riepalu near Narva.
Romano Prodi säger att hans reform, som påbörjades 1999, redan fungerar.Literature Literature
Meanwhile the forces of Peter I had recovered from defeat at Narva and gained ground in Sweden's Baltic provinces, where they cemented Russian access to the Baltic Sea by founding Saint Petersburg in 1703.
Så jag tänkte att om jag stjäl grabbenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1656 a Russian attack badly damaged the town, and the administrative centre moved to Narva.
Han är där för att han vill vara detWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After the Battle of Narva many soldiers believed that God had sent them the blizzard that helped them to victory.
Jösses, vad illegaltWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At the villages of Varja and Aa they surprised a Russian force of 2,000 men from Boris Sheremetev's detachment gathering supplies for their army at Narva.
Kommissionen skall fatta beslut snarast möjligt om att inleda ett undersökningsförfarande efter varje klagomål som lämnats in i enlighet med artikel # eller #; beslutet skall normalt fattas inom # dagar efter det att klagomålet lämnats in; denna period kan förlängas på begäran av eller med samtycke från den klagande i syfte att fram kompletterande informationsom kan vara nödvändig för att till fullo bedöma falletWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the transport sector, EUR 5 million from the 1997 budget was contracted in 1998 for the repair and renewal of the Tallinn-Narva railway line, the most important line in Estonia.
SpökansiktetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
207 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.