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B and close to the planet C.
Politiska målOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In December 2015, the IAU announced the winning names were Titawin for υ Andromedae A and Saffar, Samh and Majriti for three of its planets (b, c, and d, respectively).
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In the early 23rd century, the United Planets Cruiser C-57D is sent to the planet Altair IV in the Altair star system, sixteen light years from Earth, to find out the fate of a colony expedition sent out some twenty years earlier.
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Probe C approaching planet seven.
Marsch till markskolanOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
(5) EESC opinion on the Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on a General Union Environment Action Programme to 2020 ‘Living well, within the limits of our planet’ (OJ C 161, 6.6.2013, p. 77, paragraph 1.2).
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In 2014, Kapteyn's Star was announced to host two planets, Kapteyn b and Kapteyn c.
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Later in 2004, a small inner planet designated Mu Arae c was announced with a mass comparable to that of Uranus in a 9-day orbit.
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The other planets discovered were designated υ Andromedae c, d, and e, in order of their discovery.
Medföredragande: Jonathan PeelWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On their discoveries the planets were successively designated 47 Ursae Majoris b, c and d.
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Since under Article 272 TFEU the EU Court enjoys full jurisdiction, enabling it, in contrast to a court reviewing the legality of an act under Article 263 TFEU, to hear and determine any type of action under an arbitration clause (see, to that effect, judgment of 26 February 2015 in Planet v Commission, C‐564/13 P, ECR, EU:C:2015:124, paragraphs 21 to 27, and Opinion of Advocate General Kokott in Planet v Commission, C‐564/13 P, ECR, C:2014:2352, points 19 to 22), Article 272 TFEU constitutes the appropriate legal basis on which to adjudicate on the applicants’ application for a declaration that the contractual claim at issue is non-existent.
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17 That being a matter of public policy, the Court should examine that question ex officio despite the fact that none of the parties raised it (see, to that effect, judgments of 12 November 2015, Elitaliana v Eulex Kosovo, C‐439/13 P, EU:C:2015:753, paragraphs 37 and 38, and of 26 February 2015, Planet v Commission, C‐564/13 P, EU:C:2015:124, paragraph 20).
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Any new international agreement later this year in Paris needs to be very ambitious and realistic at the same time, if we need to maintain the pathway towards keeping the planet's temperature below the 2° C objective.
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As of 2015, five extrasolar planets (designated 55 Cancri b, c, d, e and f; named Galileo, Brahe, Lipperhey, Janssen and Harriot, respectively) are believed to orbit 55 Cancri A. 55 Cancri is the system's Flamsteed designation.
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As of 2010, four extrasolar planets (designated Upsilon Andromedae b, c, d and e; the first three named Saffar, Samh and Majriti, respectively) are believed to orbit υ Andromedae A. All four are likely to be jovian planets that are comparable in size to Jupiter.
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With Narvik-C, we can finally arrive at our goal of making the planet a stable, sustainable concern.
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46 The appellant also claims in that regard that, in accordance with the case-law of the Court, and in particular the judgment of 26 February 2015, Planet v Commission (C‐564/13 P, EU:C:2015:124, paragraph 21), the interpretation and application of Articles 1162, 1134 and 1135 of the Belgian Civil Code, as falling under the national law applicable to the agreement by reason of an arbitration clause, is a question of law which may be presented to the Court in the context of an appeal.
Vid säkerhetsåtgärder och insolvensförfaranden: kopia av den eller de domar som avkunnats. (Varje dom som inte är utformad på franska skall åtföljas av en bestyrkt översättningeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
19 – Such a characterisation of the interest in bringing proceedings is confirmed, on the one hand, in the wording of certain official languages of the European Union, such as German, which designates the interest in bringing proceedings by the term ‘Rechtsschutzbedurfnis’ or ‘Rechtschutzinteresse’ (literally ‘need’ or ‘interest in judicial protection’) and, on the other hand, in the case-law of the Court, which refers to ‘a vested and current interest requiring judicial protection’ (see judgment in Planet v Commission, C‐564/13 P, EU:C:2015:124, paragraphs 28 and 34).
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Toonami was originally a weekday afternoon cartoon and action block hosted by Space Ghost villain-turned-producer Moltar (voiced by C. Martin Croker) at the Ghost Planet Industries building from 1997 to July 9, 1999.
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39 Furthermore, while, under an arbitration clause entered into pursuant to Article 272 TFEU, the General Court may be called on to decide a dispute on the basis of the national law governing the contract, its jurisdiction to hear a dispute concerning that contract falls to be determined solely with regard to Article 272 TFEU and the terms of the arbitration clause, and this cannot be affected by provisions of national law which allegedly exclude its jurisdiction (judgment of 26 February 2015, Planet v Commission, C‐564/13 P, EU:C:2015:124,, paragraph 21 and the case-law cited).
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30 As a preliminary point, it should be recalled that Article 272 TFEU is a specific provision allowing the Courts of the European Union to be seised under an arbitration clause agreed by the parties for contracts governed by either public or private law, and without restriction as regards the nature of the action to be brought before the Courts of the European Union (judgments of 26 February 2015, Planet v Commission, C‐564/13 P, EU:C:2015:124, paragraph 23, and of 7 November 2019, Rose Vision v Commission, C‐346/18 P, not published, EU:C:2019:939, paragraph 99).
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This is the only way we can keep the increase in the average temperature of the planet within the limit of 2°C. In this context, we must focus on specific proposals to strengthen funding and investments in clean technologies and the transfer of these technologies to developing countries.
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The star hosts four other planets discovered so far, although Kepler-186 b, c, d, and e (in order of increasing orbital radius), being too close to their star, are considered too hot to have liquid water.
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81 sinne gevind in 16 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.