Pliska oor Sweeds


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Under Ottoman rule, the village known as Pliska since 1947 was instead called Aboba (Ağa Baba in Ottoman times), a name which it kept until 1925, when the name was changed to Pliskov, a variant of the current name.
När utfärdandet av exportlicenser leder eller riskerar att leda till att de budgeterade disponibla beloppen överskrids, eller till att de maximala kvantiteter som får exporteras med bidrag uppnås under den berörda perioden med hänsyn till de begränsningar som avses i artikel #.# i förordning (EG) nr #/# eller till att det inte är möjligt att garantera exportens kontinuitet under resten av den aktuella perioden, kan kommissionenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During this Russian and Byzantine war over Bulgaria, Pliska was destroyed between 969 and 972 and was not rebuilt.
Föreståndaren har satts i karantän och det ser ut som han fått detWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Byzantines plundered and burned the Bulgar capital Pliska which gave time for the Bulgarians to block passes in the Balkan Mountains that served as exits out of Bulgaria.
Den ändrade förordningen bör utjämna möjligheterna till utbetalningar för jordbrukare i de gamla och nya medlemsstaterna.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was established by Boris I in 885 or 886 in Bulgaria's capital, Pliska.
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Pliska was the capital of the First Bulgarian Empire between 681 and 893 AD.
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The capital of Bulgaria was moved from Pliska to Preslav.
Rättigheter för personer som beviljats pension före den # juni # kan på deras begäran omprövas enligt bestämmelserna i förordning (EEG) nrWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The ruins of the city of Pliska lie 3 km north of the modern village of Pliska.
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Culturally, it was the centre of the Preslav Literary School which was founded in Pliska in 886 and was moved to Preslav along with the rest of the court in 893.
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The pagan revolt of the Pliska nobility led by Prince Vladimir in 892 was decisive for the future destiny of the city.
Du blir den förste som får smaka på mitt svärdWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 893, Simeon I moved the seat of the school from Pliska to the new capital, Preslav.
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Naum was one of the founders of the Pliska Literary School where he worked between 886 and 893.
Resor för upptäckter och utbyten (turism, kultur, kulturarv etcWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thereafter, the four of them were sent to the Bulgarian capital of Pliska where they were commissioned by Boris I of Bulgaria to instruct the future clergy of the state in the Old Slavonic language.
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The proximity to the then Bulgarian capital of Pliska led to the fast development and expansion of Preslav during the reign of the Khans Krum and Omurtag.
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This was done at an assembly in Preslav which also proclaimed Bulgarian as the only language of state and church and moved the Bulgarian capital from Pliska to Preslav, to better cement the recent conversion.
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The archbishopric had its seat in the Bulgarian capital of Pliska and its diocese covered the whole territory of the Bulgarian state.
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TripAdvisor is proud to partner with Expedia,,, Travelocity, TripOnline SA, Hotwire, Cheap Tickets and Priceline so you can book your Pliska Hotel reservations with confidence.
Vad är det där?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
0.6 km to Kokolandia (Show map) Pliska Hotel is a 3-star property situated at about 6 km distance from Business Park Sofia.
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It is within a five minute walk of the 'Joliot Curie Street' Underground station and the 'Pliska Hotel' bus stop, from where you can access any part of the city, (tickets €0.80).
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Pliska - the ideal getaway for museums, tranquillity and nature! Pliska
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The best Pliska hotel deals are here with our lowest price guarantee.
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price for 1 night BOOK NOW Pliska Pretty Home
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Pliska Pretty Home apartment lies not far from Vitosha Boulevard and features 24 hour front desk assistance, laundry and ironing service.
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Staurakios or Stauracius (Greek: died January 11, 812) was Byzantine Emperor from July 26 to October 2, 811 in succession to his father, Nikephoros I, who had fallen at the Battle of Pliska. His rule was cut short by a severe wound suffered in the same battle, and he was forced into retirement in a monastery by his brother-in-law, Michael I Rangabe, where he died soon after.
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23 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.