Polyxena oor Sweeds


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Polyxena's virginity was critical to the honor of her character, and she was described as dying bravely as the son of Achilles, Neoptolemus, slit her throat: she arranged her clothing around her carefully so that she was fully covered when she died.
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Achilles seemed to trust Polyxena—he told her of his only vulnerability: his vulnerable heel.
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Achilles' ghost had come back to the Greeks to demand the human sacrifice of Polyxena so as to appease the wind needed to set sail back to Hellas.
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During the Trojan War, Polyxena and Troilus were ambushed when they were attempting to fetch water from a fountain, and Troilus was killed by the Greek warrior Achilles, who soon became interested in the quiet sagacity of Polyxena.
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Some claimed Polyxena committed suicide after Achilles' death out of guilt.
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An oracle prophesied that Troy would not be defeated if Polyxena's brother, Prince Troilus, reached the age of twenty.
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Polyxena's virginity was critical to the honor of her character, and she was described as dying bravely as the son of Achilles, Neoptolemus, slit her throat: she arranged her clothing around her carefully so that she was fully covered when she died.[1]
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Polyxena ́s mother Hecuba, who had her husband and several sons and daughters brutally murdered by Achilles and his son, ended up as being passed on as a slave to Odysseus, but after maddened by fury she had gouged out the eyes of Polymestor, she lost her mind completely.
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Achilles' ghost had come back to the Greeks, demanding that the wind needed to set sail back to Hellas was to be appeased by the human sacrifice of Polyxena.
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Polyxena is considered the Trojan version of Iphigenia, daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra.
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