SSAB oor Sweeds


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


16 The applicant, supported by SSAB Svenskt Stål, claims that the Court should:
16 Sökanden, med stöd av SSAB Svenskt stål, har yrkat att förstainstansrätten skall

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
SSAB Svenskt Stål is in fact seeking to introduce a new plea alleging infringement of procedural rules relating to the EEA Agreement, whereas the present proceedings are concerned solely with the legal context of the ECSC Treaty.
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16 The applicant, supported by SSAB Svenskt Stål, claims that the Court should:
Visste du att Farva berättade för Grady om vår plan?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
84 SSAB Svenskt Stål states that the contested decisions affect trade between the Community and the EFTA countries, covered by the EEA Agreement.
Får jag besvära er med att skicka hem Mun efter detta?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Request for a preliminary ruling from the Korkein hallinto-oikeus (Finland) lodged on 12 November 2014 — Yara Suomi Oy, Borealis Polymers Oy, Neste Oil Oyj, SSAB Europe Oy
Snack, han valde det självEurLex-2 EurLex-2
- Admissibility of the new arguments put forward by SSAB Svenskt Stål on the basis of the EEA Agreement
Kronisk toxicitetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
16 The allocation decision of 8 January 2014 was challenged by four operators of greenhouse gas-emitting installations, namely Yara Suomi, Borealis Polymers, Neste Oil and SSAB Europe, before the Korkein hallinto-oikeus (Administrative Supreme Court, Finland).
Därför är fonden den grundläggande ingrediensen, och inte några halvreligiösa egenskaper som vissa försöker förse sammanhållningskonceptet med.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In this case, SSAB Svenskt Stål and Det Danske Stålvalseværk, interveners in support of the applicant, must bear their own costs.
Samarbetet med ursprungsländerna bör förbättras när det gäller hanteringen av invandringenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Court therefore considers it necessary to examine, on the basis of Article 113 of the Rules of Procedure, the admissibility of the new arguments raised by SSAB Svenskt Stål.
Denna grupp, som huvudsakligen bestod av civila och militära luftfartsmyndigheter i medlemsstaterna, lade fram sin rapport i novemberEurLex-2 EurLex-2
71 In this case, the point is whether SSAB Svenskt Stål's arguments must be regarded as admissible in the light of the procedural provisions and case-law cited above.
Har ni hittat Dr. Sing?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
They are followed by a number of producers including Voest-Alpine, Rautaruuki, Salzgitter, Duferco and SSAB which are considerably smaller.
Nu... är det upp till dig, ElvisEurLex-2 EurLex-2
95 Having regard to those procedural provisions, as interpreted by the judgments cited in paragraph 70 above, the question to be asked is whether SSAB Svenskt Stål's arguments, although falling within the scope of the applicant's submissions (that is to say, the form of order sought by it), seek to alter the framework of the dispute or whether, on the contrary, they leave it untouched in substance and may therefore be regarded as admissible.
Denna grupp, som huvudsakligen bestod av civila och militära luftfartsmyndigheter i medlemsstaterna, lade fram sin rapport i novemberEurLex-2 EurLex-2
94 According to the order for reference, the eighth question referred for a preliminary ruling concerns the situation of an undertaking, namely SSAB EMEA AB, which supplies heating to a district heating network serving individuals.
Jag väntar härEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In 2010 Faxander was named Leader of the Year by Swedish business weekly Affärsvärlden based on his achievements as CEO of SSAB.
Inget liknande får tillåtas hända igen, och valet av placering av huvudkontor måste göras på grundval av kompetens och kostnadseffektivitet.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Finally, a number of second-tier producers are very active in this market, such as SSAB, Rautaruukki, Voest-Alpine and Salzgitter.
Det var det du fick medalj förEurLex-2 EurLex-2
152 According to British Steel, supported by SSAB Svenskt Stål, the Commission failed to fulfil the obligation laid down by Article 15 of the Treaty to state the reasons on which its decisions are based.
Kan jag få en broschyr?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
61 The intervener SSAB Svenskt Stål refers to the legal framework established by the agreement on the European Economic Area (hereinafter the `EEA Agreement') and states that, by Decision No 7/94 of 31 March 1994 of the EEA Joint Committee (OJ 1994 L 160), the Fifth Aid Code was integrated into Annex XV to the EEA Agreement in accordance with Article 5 of Protocol XIV to the EEA Agreement.
Varningar och försiktighetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Court therefore considers it necessary to examine, on the basis of Article 113 of its Rules of Procedure, the admissibility of the new arguments put forward by SSAB Svenskt Stål.
I förfarandet vid alltför stora underskott enligt artikel # föreskrivs att det skall beslutas huruvida det föreligger ett alltför stort underskott, och i protokollet om förfarandet vid alltför stora underskott som bifogats fördraget anges närmare bestämmelser om genomförandet av förfarandet vid alltför stora underskottEurLex-2 EurLex-2
170 British Steel, supported by SSAB Svenskt Stål, maintains that, in failing to open the contentious procedure provided for by Article 6 of the Aid Code, the Commission infringed an essential procedural requirement of Community law.
Herr ordförande!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
73 It follows that the arguments advanced by SSAB Svenskt Stål in connection with the second plea in law cannot be declared admissible.
Myndighetens stämpelEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the European Union of 15 Member States there were only 15 companies or groups of companies which operated installations for the production of pig iron and steel, namely the applicant, Corus, ThyssenKrupp, HKM, Riva, Lucchini, SSAB, Voest Alpine, Salzgitter, Duferco, Rauttaruukki, Fundia, Saint Gobain, DHS and Neue Maxhütte, to which may be added, since 1 May 2004, 5 producers of pig iron or steel in the 10 new Member States, namely Ispat Polska, Czech Steel Company, Moravia Steel, Dunaferr Dunai and US Steel Košice.
Vill du hoppa över dagsjobbet, kanske se en film eller något?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
2 The request was made in the context of proceedings between several operators of greenhouse gas-emitting installations, namely, Borealis AB, Kubikenborg Aluminium AB, Yara AB, SSAB EMEA AB, Lulekraft AB, Värmevärden i Nynäshamn AB, Cementa AB and Höganäs Sweden AB, on the one hand, and the Naturvårdsverket (Swedish Environmental Protection Agency), on the other hand, regarding the legality of the decision adopted by that agency on 21 November 2013 (‘the decision of 21 November 2013’) on the final allocation of greenhouse gas emission allowances (‘allowances’) for the period of 2013 to 2020, after the application of uniform cross-sectoral correction factor referred to in Article 10a(5) of Directive 2003/87 (the ‘correction factor’).
Varför låtsas han laga kaffebryggaren?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
44 Yara Suomi, Borealis Polymers, Neste Oil and SSAB Europe submit that the application of the correction factor prevents installations belonging to a sector exposed to a risk of carbon leakage from receiving 100% of the allowances they require.
Det exakta ersättningsbelopp som kommer att beviljas avgörs på grundval av det antal flygningar som faktiskt genomförs, ett intyg från den civila luftfartsmyndighetens ansvariga avdelningar där det anges att avtalsvillkoren uppfyllts korrekt, samt det ersättningsbelopp som fastställts i ett prorata-systemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
36 SSAB Europe considers that it is apparent from those provisions that benchmarks must be established on the basis of the performance of 10% of the most efficient installations in the sector concerned by the benchmark.
Dessutom har de italienska myndigheterna i samband med denna granskning inte lagt fram bevismaterial som visar att stödet var berättigat genom att bidra till regional utveckling, eller genom arten, och de har inte heller visat att det står i proportion till de nackdelar som det är avsett att uppvägaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
67 The Swedish undertaking SSAB Svenskt Stål, intervening in support of British Steel, has raised arguments concerning the EEA Agreement.
Jag trodde vi hade ett möte härEurLex-2 EurLex-2
12 It was in those circumstances that, by application lodged at the Registry of the Court of First Instance on 27 June 1994, British Steel plc (hereinafter British Steel), supported by Svenskt Stål AB (SSAB) and Det Danske Stålvalseværk A/S, applied under Article 33 of the ECSC Treaty for the annulment of those two decisions.
InbiIIar jag mig, eIIer har kIassen växt avsevärt?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
209 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.