Shiite oor Sweeds


/ʃiːaɪt/, /ˈʃiːaɪt/ adjektief, naamwoord
Of, or relating to Shiites or the Shi'a branch of Islam.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


of or pertaining to the Shi'a branch of Islam
She fell in love with a Shiite terrorist and got involved with him.
Hon blev kär i en shiitisk terrorist och de hade ett förhållande.


He came back a week ago with two more Shiites.
Han kom tillbaka för en vecka sen med två andra shiiter.

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

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However, we cannot forget that those who have suffered most from the terrorist and sectarian violence in Iraq are, in fact, Muslims, whether they be Shiites, Sunnis or others.
I motsats till den utbredda uppfattningen att USA:s ekonomi överträffar den europeiska, visar både IMF:s och OECD:s uppgifter att den europeiska ekonomin har uppnått bättre resultat än den amerikanska på vissa områdenEuroparl8 Europarl8
Let me say quite clearly that the defence of the so-called no-fly zones in Iraq is absolutely necessary and warranted, especially for the protection of the Kurds and Shiites.
Den övergripande strategin för migration efter ett år: På väg mot en samlad europeisk migrationspolitikEuroparl8 Europarl8
Hariri's wished-for step might also be supported by the Shiite Muslim party of Hizballah: both the Sunnis and the Shiites are Islamic.
Om Sheryl vill hälsa på oss, är hon välkommenGatestone Institute Corpus Gatestone Institute Corpus
B. whereas this Arab identity, while it manifests itself in varying forms in different real-life situations, be they political (in monarchies, Arab republics, or within the State of Israel and the Palestinian Authority), religious (among Sunni — including Wahhabi —, Alawite, Druze and Shiite Muslims, and Christians of various denominations) or social (in large cities, rural or mountainous areas, and among nomadic peoples), nevertheless displays a number of common, trans-national parameters,
Tillfredställer alltid sex dig?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
More than 40 people lost their lives in the disturbances last February and March, when members of the country’s Shiite majority took to the streets in protest against the royal family and the Sunni elite.
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whereas demonstrations started in Bahrain on 14 February 2011, the demonstrators calling for political reforms such as a constitutional monarchy and an elected government as well as an end to corruption and to the marginalisation of Shiites, who represent over 60 % of the population; whereas the situation in Bahrain remains tense, with between 50 and 100 people reported missing over the past week; whereas, according to reports, medical personnel, human rights defenders and political activists have been detained in Bahrain and hospital wards have been taken over by security forces,
Jag vet inte.Jagvar inte därEurLex-2 EurLex-2
No, Saddam Hussein is a ruthless dictator; he is a danger to those around him as well as a brutal oppressor of his own people, be they Kurds or Shiites, or simply ordinary Iraqi citizens. He even diverts foreign aid for the use of his own family and entourage instead of giving it to the people who really need it.
Denna sammanfattning aktualiserades senastEuroparl8 Europarl8
Calls on the the Council, the Commission and the Member States to continue to raise the issue of the law on the personal status of Shiite women and any discrimination against women and children, emphasising that they are unacceptable and incompatible with the long-term commitment made by the international community to assisting Afghanistan in its rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts;
Behandlade prover och kontrollproverEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Sunni and Shiite regional powers, however, did fight a full-scale war in 1733, when the Persians wanted to take Baghdad from the Ottomans.
Du får gärna ta med churros igenGatestone Institute Corpus Gatestone Institute Corpus
I didn't know there were Shiite terrorists in Madrid.
Direktivet gäller inte förOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
whereas Yemen is the poorest country in the Middle East, with widespread malnutrition, dwindling oil reserves, a growing population, weak central government, growing water shortages and little investment in the country's economy; whereas there is serious concern for the disintegration of the Yemeni state, a fragile truce having been in force since February with the Shiite rebels in the North, a secessionist movement existing in the South and many al-Qaeda fighters reportedly using Yemen as a base,
Europeiska myndigheten för livsmedelssäkerhet (nedan kallad myndigheten) konstaterade i sitt yttrande av den # september # tillsammans med yttrandet av den # april # att mangankelat av hydroxisubstituerat metionin för slaktkycklingar inte inverkar negativt på djurs och människors hälsa eller på miljönnot-set not-set
(EL) Mr President, the former leader of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, has been sentenced to death by hanging for crimes against humanity, because he was found guilty of the death of 148 Shiites following an assassination attempt against him in 1982.
Den mest omedelbara utmaning som Georgien står inför kommer i form av det demokratiska presidentval som skall hållas den 4 januari, och som sedan skall följas av parlamentsval i enlighet med de åtaganden som har gjorts till OSSE och Europarådet.Europarl8 Europarl8
Iranian society is torn between on the one hand the claim by the majority of the Shiite clergy to be creating an Islamic religious state, and on the other the desire of the majority of voters for a civil society.
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Mutlaq was an active member of the Ba'ath Party, but was expelled in 1977 after criticizing the government and insisting that 5 Shiite men accused of plotting against the state should receive a fair trial.
Han är ihop med min morWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
whereas Dr Hashem Aghajari, head of the history department at Tarbiat Modaress University in Teheran, was sentenced to death for apostasy by a local court in the town of Hamedan after giving a speech entitled ‘Islamic Protestantism’, reportedly calling for a ‘religious renewal of Shiite Islam’ in which Muslims should not ‘blindly follow religious leaders’,
Ja, ja, ja. jag älskar detnot-set not-set
Calls for the revision of the draft law concerning the personal status of Shiite women in Afghanistan, since it is clear that the substance of that draft law is not consistent with the principle of equality between men and women, as laid down in the Afghan Constitution and in international agreements;
En av de grundläggande beståndsdelarna är till exempel den fria rörligheten och den kräver en klar och tydlig lagstiftning, såväl för Europeiska unionens medborgare som för personer från tredjeland.not-set not-set
whereas Jews, Mandeans and Christians (including Assyrians, Armenian, Greek orthodox and other Christian minorities) are increasingly experiencing discrimination with regard to access to the labour market or basic social services and many are afraid of persecution by insurgent groups as well as Islamist militias, which have gained de facto control over entire neighbourhoods in various cities and villages in Iraq; whereas as part of increasing tensions between Sunnis and Shiite, individuals may also be solely targeted on the basis of their membership of ethnic or religious minorities,
Du kan inte erkänna det för du är en vilseledd jävla skitnot-set not-set
Consider, if you will, the state of affairs in Iran, where we are laboriously endeavouring to get talks underway, and where nobody has any real idea of how to prevent matters escalating now there is the possibility of Iraq ending up with a Shiite government that could ally itself with Iran, in view of the Palestinian elections having been won by Hamas, which is linked with and funded by Iran, not to mention Hezbollah and all the rest of it.
De har tagit överEuroparl8 Europarl8
But it was only the Shiite parts of Baghdad that continued to erupt.
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Yazeed organized a meeting with both Shiites and the religious leaders for this Friday.
Världsorganisationen för djurhälsa (OIE) spelar en ledande roll när det gäller indelning av länder eller regioner efter BSE-riskOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Calls for the revision of the draft law concerning the personal status of Shiite women in Afghanistan, since it is clear that the substance of that draft law is not consistent with the principle of equality between men and women, as laid down in the Afghan Constitution and in international agreements
Hon har smuts under naglarnaoj4 oj4
In fact, that self-same Resolution 1559 stipulates the disbanding of the Lebanese Shiite terrorist organisation Hezbollah, which, armed to the teeth and trained by its patrons Syria and Iran, operates from the south of the country against Israel.
Det är som en dos taskigt QuantrexEuroparl8 Europarl8
"We are getting reports of threats of aggression, including threats of beheading, by Sunnis against Shiites, but Yazidis and Christians are the most impacted.
Gemensamma EES-kommitténs beslutGatestone Institute Corpus Gatestone Institute Corpus
And we must protest against the persecution of Iraq's Christian minority, who have been forced to flee their homes in Mosul and its surrounding region in the thousands by militant Shiites.
Jag vill hellre vara ett spöke...... som svävar vid din sida som en fördömd själ...... än att träda in i himmelriket utan digEuroparl8 Europarl8
Calls for the withdrawal of the draft law concerning the Shiite population of Afghanistan, since it is clear that the substance of that draft law is not consistent with the principle of equality between men and women, as laid down in the Afghan Constitution and in international agreements;
Bifoga förteckning om det rör sig om fler än ennot-set not-set
205 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.