SkyEurope oor Sweeds


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


SkyEurope was a listed company, and so we had more information about it.
SkyEurope var ett börsnoterat företag, och därmed hade vi mer information om företaget.

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Therefore, it was with amazement that I listened to the explanations of the SkyEurope spokesman.
VridkapsylEuroparl8 Europarl8
Six months ago, we in the Transport Committee put a question to the Transport Commissioner because in the context of SkyEurope in Slovakia, we had the case of passengers with low-cost flights being stranded and not being transported further.
Många fönster och ett torg till vänster.- Visa migEuroparl8 Europarl8
Several airlines (British Airways, CityJet, Lufthansa, BMI, easyJet, TAP Portugal and SkyEurope Airlines) have declared their willingness to enter the market represented by Dublin airport, but the Commission omitted or ignored that information.
Kraven i punkt #.# i bilaga # ska gällaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Those who have purchased flights with credit cards must contact their bank to obtain reimbursement for unused SkyEurope flights, while no reimbursement will be possible for payments made directly to SkyEurope by other means (i.e. bank transfer or cash).
Europaparlamentet påpekar att övervakningsmekanismen för Microsoft enbart finansieras genom besparingarna på löner och pensioner under rubriknot-set not-set
furthermore, in the Annual Report of 2006, published on the web pages of the Airport, it has been stated that: ‘The management of the company, in the period before concluding the contract for sale of shares, had not tried to resolve on long-term basis serious impacts of contracts concluded with air carriers (with SkyEurope) and had concluded new contracts (with Ryanair) without an analysis of services or without analysis of them from the point of view of competition (6)’,
Lufttrafikföretaget som utför flygningen skall inte vara skyldigt att betala kompensation enligt artikel #, om det kan visa att den inställda flygningen beror på extraordinära omständigheter som inte skulle ha kunnat undvikas även om alla rimliga åtgärder hade vidtagitsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Despite the fact that air industry analysts had been predicting this bankruptcy for a long time, SkyEurope was, nevertheless, still selling tickets for its flights the day before presentation of the bankruptcy petition.
Detta samråd måste dessutom inbegripa andra berörda parter, framför allt för att få information om bästa tillgängliga tekniska och ekonomiska medel för genomförandetEuroparl8 Europarl8
the rules/circumstances under which charges were negotiated with other airlines and the policy under which charges are applied to other companies operating to/from Bratislava (Air Slovakia, ČSA, Lufthansa, SkyEurope),
Stödjande seismiska stationer måste i allt väsentligt uppfylla samma tekniska och operativa krav som primära seismiska stationerEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Faced with insurmountable economic difficulties, on 1 September SkyEurope suddenly and unexpectedly suspended flights from Prague and Bratislava without any warning, and then proceeded to cancel all routes with immediate effect, with serious consequences for more than 1 000 passengers scattered across the continent waiting to embark on flights; they have not only been refused reimbursement for the cancelled flights, but have also been forced to purchase tickets at their own expense from other airlines (Wizzair, Ryanair), which have come to their rescue charging distress prices.
Vad fan är du ute efter?not-set not-set
Besides OS and SN, SkyEurope, a low-cost carrier, operates one daily frequency on this route.
Ingen dosjustering krävs hos njurtransplanterade patienter med allvarlig parenkymal leversjukdomEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Subject: Collapse of SkyEurope
Hypotension kan uppträda under eller upp till två dagar efter behandlingen med IntronA och kan kräva understödjande behandlingEurLex-2 EurLex-2
I mention this experience in order to emphasise that SkyEurope was not a normal low-cost airline.
Multipel skleros, ansiktsförlamningEuroparl8 Europarl8
For the SkyEurope representative, this was only a statistic.
Hyperkalcemi, hyperkalciuri MagtarmkanalenEuroparl8 Europarl8
The example of SkyEurope demonstrates unambiguously that, in our common Europe, we have not yet succeeded in drafting legislation which would protect consumers of air services from the negative consequences of the collapse of an airline.
Jag sa som det vaEuroparl8 Europarl8
furthermore, in the Annual Report of #, published on the web pages of the Airport, it has been stated that: The management of the company, in the period before concluding the contract for sale of shares, had not tried to resolve on long-term basis serious impacts of contracts concluded with air carriers (with SkyEurope) and had concluded new contracts (with Ryanair) without an analysis of services or without analysis of them from the point of view of competition
Jag hoppas detoj4 oj4
Despite this, though, we have actually had the SkyEurope incident just in the last year.
Dessutom pekar hon i betänkandet på nödvändigheten av att ändra direktiven.Europarl8 Europarl8
SkyEurope was a listed company, and so we had more information about it.
Du har bara din vita fars hatEuroparl8 Europarl8
The collapse of SkyEurope, however, affected not only people at airports, but also 280 000 other clients who had bought tickets.
Kizzy.Skåda här det enda som är större än du självEuroparl8 Europarl8
For customers whose primary concern was not the date of the trip but rather the cost of the ticket, SkyEurope was the preferred choice in the Czech Republic.
Konverterar % # till förlustfritt filformatEuroparl8 Europarl8
The holiday season will begin in a few months and we certainly do not want to again experience problems similar to the collapse of the SkyEurope company last year.
Förteckning över handlingar som utfärdas av BULGARIENEuroparl8 Europarl8
We have heard here today how cut-price airline SkyEurope went bankrupt during the last holidays, leaving thousands of clients out of pocket.
Efter subkutan administrering hos patienter med kronisk njursjukdom som erhöll dialys observerades de maximala serumkoncentrationerna av metoxi-polyetylenglykol-epoetin beta efter # timmar (medianvärde) efter administreringEuroparl8 Europarl8
The support offered by European airlines at a cost, although a modest one, to passengers with a company which has gone bankrupt, as highlighted in the case of SkyEurope, is laudable in itself, but only provides a temporary solution to get through a particular crisis.
Du kommer att gråta och be.Du kommer att skrikaEuroparl8 Europarl8
With the same aim of optimising the resources available to us, when the airline SkyEurope went bankrupt, for example, the network of European consumer protection centres was called in to advise consumers about their rights and to collect claims.
Europaparlamentet uppmanar kommissionen att se till att företag respekterar sitt sociala och ekonomiska ansvar, agerar på ett ansvarsfullt sätt och är rättvisa mot alla berörda parter, inklusive de lokala och regionala myndigheter och de samhällen där deras verksamhet är baseradEuroparl8 Europarl8
The market share of the parties for SN’s time-sensitive passengers appears considerably underestimated as SN did not offer any business class tickets and SN’s flexible ‘b.flex economy+’ ticket sales are not taken into account in the parties’ estimate, while at the same time the market share of SkyEurope appears highly overestimated given that is has only one daily frequency.
Oh, viIken tur, här kommer pIogbiIenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
41 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.