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Subject: Repressive action against a peaceful rally in Smara
på något annat sätt inte uppfyller ett krav inom avtalets räckviddEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The International Secretariat of the OMCT has received highly disturbing reports concerning excessive use of force by the police against groups of demonstrators in a number of Moroccan cities and in the Sahara, especially Smara.
Han är hemma igen.Det är ni båda tvånot-set not-set
For some weeks now, a new and unprecedented phenomenon has been occurring around certain large occupied towns in Western Sahara, that is to say, more than 12 000 Saharawi men, women and children are, as we speak, deserting their towns and moving into tents in the vicinity of Laayoune, Smara and Boujdour.
Du valde dagEuroparl8 Europarl8
Again according to the reports, the night of Friday, 31 March to Saturday, 1 April 2006 saw a wave of repression, arrests and looting of the homes of Saharan activists in a number of cities, especially El Aaiun, Smara and Bojador.
Hur ska vi kunna det?not-set not-set
Again in Smara, according to the complaints received, two young Saharans, El Hussein Daudit Hakim and Mohamed Salem Sidi, were arrested by Moroccan police as they were leaving a cybercafé and taken to the local police station.
Ring chefen för Sydafrikas Rugby åt mignot-set not-set
Subject: Support for the Saharan refugees in Smara and Auserd following the floods
Nej, det gör jag inteEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Over the last few days there have been a series of violent interventions by the Moroccan authorities, who have assaulted and beaten refugees in the Bojador camp, destroyed the camp on the outskirts of Dakhla, violently cleared the camp at Smara and besieged the Dignity camp at El Aaiún, surrounding it with razor wire, cutting the water supply and preventing the arrival of food and medicines for the over 7 000 Sahrawis enclosed in the camp.
Håll händerna över huvudetnot-set not-set
The reports state that the state of emergency is still being applied in all the Saharan cities, especially El Aaiun, Bojador and Smara, which are being patrolled by a substantial detachment of the Moroccan security forces.
I den tredje rapporten om ekonomisk och social sammanhållning behandlar kommissionen investeringar i infrastrukturer som har anknytning till Natura # och bidrar till övergripande regional konkurrenskraft som ett av de områden där strukturfondsinsatser kan genomföras i framtidennot-set not-set
The International Secretariat of the OMCT has received highly disturbing reports concerning excessive use of force by the police against groups of demonstrators in a number of Moroccan cities and in the Sahara, especially Smara.
Bilagan till gemensam ståndpunkt #/#/GUSP bör därför kompletterasnot-set not-set
There have been a whole series of similar incidents: on 12 May in Smara, on 17 May in El-Aaiún and again on 27 May in Smara.
Försiktighet krävs vid samtidig användningnot-set not-set
Over 12 000 Sahrawi men, women and children have left their cities and set up tents in the outskirts of the cities El Aaiun, Smara and Boujdour in protest at the ongoing exploitation of Western Sahara’s natural resources and their dire socioeconomic situation, as well as the persistent refusal of Morocco to allow a free and fair referendum to be organised by the UN on the fate of the Western Sahara.
Så de kanske existerar bara timmar och minuter före explosionennot-set not-set
Initially, the Saharawi replicated the Laayoune protest at other towns such as Dakhla, Smara and Boujdour, but the protest camps in question were forcibly dismantled by the Moroccan authorities.
Till Regionkommittén utnämns härmed för återstoden av mandatperioden, dvs. till och med den # januarinot-set not-set
Question for oral answer O-0174/2010 to the Commission Rule 115 João Ferreira, Willy Meyer on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group Guido Milana Subject: Situation in Western Sahara It has come to our knowledge that in the last few weeks a new and unprecedented phenomenon has emerged around some of the major occupied cities of Western Sahara: over 12 000 Saharawi men, women and children are literally vacating their cities and setting up tents on the outskirts of El Aaiun, Smara and Boujdour.
Europeiska konventet, vars finansiering krävde en tilläggs- och ändringsbudget (nr #), som innebar att en budgetpost infördes i avsnitt I i budgeten (parlamentet) (artikel #), och en överföring på # miljon euro från kapitelnot-set not-set
Since Friday 15 October 2010, thousands of citizens of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic have been migrating to protest camps on the outskirts of the main towns in the territories occupied by Morocco: El Aaiún, Bojador, Dakhla and Smara.
Tidig diagnos är viktig för lämplig behandling av NMSnot-set not-set
On 27 May 2010 a group of Sahrawis were protesting peacefully outside the headquarters of the administration in Smara (in the territory occupied by Morocco) when they were dispersed by the Moroccan police using excessive force.
Säg det baranot-set not-set
The lawyer, Ennaâma Asfari, a defender of human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, and Co-President of Corelso (Committee for the Respect of Freedoms and Human Rights) was arrested on 5 January 2007 in Smara when he was visiting his family.
Får jag en pussnot-set not-set
44 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.