Song for Juli oor Sweeds

Song for Juli

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

Song for Juli


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After premiering the song on So You Think You Can Dance, Perri returned to the stage on July 17, 2010, performing the song live for the first time.
Om ni viII ha det får ni hämta det sjäIvaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The song also appeared at Svensktoppen for seven weeks during the period 16 July-27 August 1994.
Ja, det gjorde jagWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The song "Jag ångrar ingenting" charted at Svensktoppen for one week on 25 July 2010, before getting knocked out of chart.
Vi bör göra allt vi kan för att ändra detta förhållande.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"American Ride" debuted at No. 38 on the U.S. Billboard Hot Country Songs chart for the chart week of July 18, 2009, and reached No. 1 on the chart week of October 10, 2009, becoming his 19th Number One hit.
Det är förnedrande för ett land att ligga i toppen av en sådan negativlista.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In July 2000, Lawson came up with an idea for a song he thought would be ideal for Lopez.
En successivt allt fastare sammansvetsning av Europas länder har varit huvudmålet för den europeiska integrationen alltsedan 1950-talet.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The song was also tested for Svensktoppen, where it charted for listan 13 weeks between 3 July-18 September 1993 .
Synpunkterna kan sändas till kommissionen per telefax nr (#-#) # # # eller # # #) eller per post med angivande av referensnummer COMP/M.COMP/M.# – Owens-Illinois/BSN Glasspack tillWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Speaking on a live webcast on July 20, 2010, she said, "I actually wrote all the songs myself for this record.
Ja, det ska vara till enWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The song debuted at number six on the Billboard Korea K-Pop Hot 100 for the week of July 28, 2012.
Det sexigaste organet av alla.Du vet, ju större desto bättreWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As released under Sten & Stanley's name the song charted at Svensktoppen for eleven weeks between 12 May-21 July 1974. and it also appeared at the band's 1975 compilation album Sten & Stanleys bästa bitar.
Hej, sergeantenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In mid-2016, the band was highly featured with "We Are Better Together", this year's specially written Gothia Cup song, performed during the opening ceremony at Ullevi on July 18, 2016, for an audience of 60,000.
Berkut Air har visat bristande förmåga att ta itu med säkerhetsbristerna, som ännu inte har åtgärdatsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The duo has performed two acoustic renditions of the song, one in November 2012 in a studio session for Alter The Press!, and in July 2013 on their interview by the WNYC program Soundcheck.
Ej stödberättigade är kostnader relaterade till arrendekontrakt med köpoption, exklusive vad som anges i a) och b), som skatter, arrendegivarens vinst, refinansieringskostnader för räntorna, allmänna omkostnader, försäkringskostnader etcWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On May 30, 2013, the band released a teaser trailer for their second studio album, and premiered a lyric video for the track "Follow Me Down" on June 17, 2013, while the song "Burn" premiered on July 1.
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On July 7, 2009, Carey – alongside Trey Lorenz – performed her version of The Jackson 5 song "I'll Be There" at the memorial service for Michael Jackson.
Ingen aning.Den liknar en slags gyllene statyWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The song topped the Billboard Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart (most airplay of a track from an album) for four weeks in July 2000; a month later it reached the U.S. top 40 (in sales).
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Despite the option for withdrawal attracting the majority of the vote, MRT announced on 15 July 2014 that Macedonia would compete at the Eurovision Song Contest 2015 and that the winner of the Skopje Festival 2014 would represent the country.
Jag vill gärna ha sällskap- Om # minuterWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Released on July 25, 2006, the song serves as the first single from the original soundtrack to the film Step Up (2006), as well as the lead single for her second album, Ciara: The Evolution.
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Other notable live performances of the song include when it was performed in Tokyo on July 7, 2007 and broadcast as part of Live Earth, The Concerts for a Climate in Crisis, as well as when it was performed on the May 12, 2007 episode of Saturday Night Live.
De åtgärder som föreskrivs i förordningen skall inte gälla för den befintliga infrastrukturen för den civila luftfarten i LiechtensteinWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nor does there appear to be any foundation for Butterfly's assertion that its right, as a third party acting in good faith, to continue the exploitation of Mina's songs even after 1 July 1995 may be derived directly from Article 10 of Directive 93/98.
Nu gör vi detEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(40) Finally, it is striking that the FKNK (one of the two promoters of the reintroduction of finch trapping) (41) confirmed in its Memorandum on Trapping of July 2012 that the practice of finch trapping is intended ‘for the sole purpose of keeping birds alive for their song, decoying and breeding in captivity’.
Jag vill hänvisa till kampanjen ”Put the Children First”, som drivs av Europeiska Socialdemokraters Parti.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
An experimental album for Harris, the record included Harris's rendition of the Neil Young–penned title track (Young himself provided guest vocals on two of the album's songs), Steve Earle's "Goodbye", Julie Miller's "All My Tears", Jimi Hendrix's "May This Be Love", Anna McGarrigle's "Goin' Back to Harlan" and Gillian Welch's "Orphan Girl".
Den 31 augusti lade jag fram en prioriterad fråga för kommissionen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Visfestival Holmön (Holmön Song Festival) is important for Nordic singers. From the 25th to the 27th of July 2014 organisers Visans Vänner in Umeå will present one of Scandinavia’s most multifaceted song festivals.
Kapten, jag kan ta mig lite närmare.-NejParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The song debuted at number six on the Billboard Korea K-Pop Hot 100 for the week of July 28, 2012.
Namn och adress till det eller de anmälda organ som medverkat i förfarandet för kontroll av överensstämmelse, kontrollintygets datumsamt giltighetstid och giltighetsvillkor för intygenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The song debuted at number 6 on the Billboard Korea K-Pop Hot 100 for the week of July 28, 2012.
Detta anslag är avsett att täcka samtliga kostnader för löner och socialförsäkring, samt alla bidrag, tillägg och andra kostnader för dessa anställdaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
However, on 7 July 2014, the Greek broadcaster New Hellenic Radio, Internet and Television (NERIT) confirmed to the same web site that they would not be participating. Hungary – Despite being heavily rumoured to be planning a début for the 2014 Contest, on 9 July 2014, the Hungarian broadcaster MTVA announced they would not be taking part in the contest. Ireland – One of the Irish broadcasters, Raidió Teilifís Éireann (RTÉ), announced in December 2013 that they do not have any interest in participating in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest, despite attending a steering group meeting.
Vi måste hitta dem innan SektenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
31 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.