Stewart Copeland oor Sweeds

Stewart Copeland

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Stewart Copeland

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In 1983, Stewart Copeland composed the musical score for Francis Ford Coppola's film Rumble Fish.
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As Sting's fame rose, his relationship with Stewart Copeland deteriorated.
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Stewart Copeland gave a scathing review of the show on his own website, which the press interpreted as a feud occurring two gigs into the tour.
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In 2006, Stewart Copeland made a rockumentary about the band called Everyone Stares: The Police Inside Out, based on Super-8 filming he did when the band was touring and recording in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
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As Sting's fame rose, his relationship with band founder Stewart Copeland deteriorated.
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Stewart Copeland, the music composer of the three original games, wrote a new main theme for the compilation.
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In January 1977, Sting moved from Newcastle to London, and soon thereafter he joined Stewart Copeland and Henry Padovani (who was soon replaced by Andy Summers) to form the New Wave band The Police.
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Stewart Copeland's older brother Miles Copeland III was initially sceptical of the inclusion of Summers in the band, fearing it would undermine their punk credibility, and reluctantly agreed to provide £1,500 to finance the Police's first album.
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Stewart Copeland's older brother Miles Copeland III was initially sceptical of the inclusion of Summers in the band, fearing it would undermine their punk credibility, and reluctantly agreed to come through with £1,500 to finance the Police's first album.
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