The Day of the Jackal oor Sweeds

The Day of the Jackal

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


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He does look like Eddie Fox in the Day of the Jackal.
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Though principally a stage actor, Jacobi has appeared in a number of films, including The Day of the Jackal (1973), Henry V (1989), Dead Again (1991), Gladiator (2000), Gosford Park (2001), The Riddle (2007), The King's Speech (2010), My Week with Marilyn (2011), Cinderella (2015), and Murder on the Orient Express (2017).
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Indeed, by the days of the prophet Malachi, God made Edom’s “mountains a desolated waste and his inheritance for the jackals of the wilderness.”
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The present-day natives of Syria and Palestine do not always differentiate between the jackal and the fox, and many scholars believe that the Hebrew designation shu·ʽalʹ probably includes both the fox (Vulpes vulpes) and the jackal (Canis aureus).
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By Malachi’s day, God had made the mountains of Edom a desolated waste and Edom’s inheritance for the jackals. —Malachi 1:3.
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