The Party Album oor Sweeds

The Party Album

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

The Party Album


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Two singles were released from The Party Album: "Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom!!" and "We're Going to Ibiza".
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After the 1982 Swedish Melodifestivalen success, the album Having a Party was released, and sold around 100,000 copies in Sweden.
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The song has also been recorded by Sten & Stanley on the 1987 album Musik, dans & party 2 1987 and by Leif Hagbergs on the album Låtar vi minns 6 2007.
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424 Last, and in any event, although those tables are complicated to read owing to the fact that they juxtapose Sony’s and BMG’s data alternatively, whereas the comparison must be made between the discounts granted by each of the parties to the concentration to its various customers and not between the discounts granted for the albums of one of those parties by reference to the discounts granted to the other party’s albums, careful examination of the tables shows that the variations appear ultimately to be rather limited.
Betänkande om att ändra Europaparlamentets arbetsordning i fråga om godkännande av kommissionen [#/#(REG)]- Utskottet för konstitutionella frågorEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The song was since renamed "Party Poison" and was included on the new album.
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"Me and My Friends" is a song by The Red Hot Chili Peppers from their 1987 album, The Uplift Mofo Party Plan.
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Thus, the annexes to the defence show that, even for the top 20 albums of each party to the concentration, there are wide variations in discounts.
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Sten & Stanley on the 1994 album Musik, dans & party 10 as "Nu leker livet igen".
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Dra dit pepparn växer is a song written by Ulf Nordquist, and originally recorded by Sten & Stanley on the 1985 album Musik, dans & party.
Ur uppgiftsskyddssynpunkt är det viktigt att fastställa vilken myndighet som ska kontrollera de uppgifter som används för att framställa statistikWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Yes, get me the VIP list for Jamal's album release party.
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During the album's listening party on August 20, 2012 at Germano Studios in Manhattan, New York, Two Eleven's executive producer Breyon Prescott revealed that there would be fifteen songs on the final track listing.
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The song lyric (“Party girls don’t get hurt...”) is from “Chandelier” by Sia, from the album 1000 Forms of Fear, 2014.
tunna trådar (whiskers), antingen mono- eller polykristallinska av valfri längdLiterature Literature
Slovak performed on the second and third albums, Freaky Styley (1985) and The Uplift Mofo Party Plan (1987), but he died from a heroin overdose in 1988.
Låt mig ändå betona att det är medlemsstaterna som ska fatta det slutgiltiga beslutet.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Paul McCartney also recorded and released the song (under the title "Party") on his 1999 Run Devil Run album.
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She sang lead on three of the album's tracks—"Femme Fatale", "All Tomorrow's Parties" and "I'll Be Your Mirror"—and back-up on "Sunday Morning".
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Dave Donnelly of Allmusic gave the album a 2 out of 5 stars, saying that the lyrics were uninteresting and that the album was "given over to ironic frat-boy party rap" (using the singles "Everywhere I Go" and "No. 5" as examples).
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However, the stable relationship between average gross and net prices (that is to say, the average discount) of each of the parties to the concentration for all albums in a given country inevitably levels out the effects of different types of invoice discounts (file discounts and campaign discounts), of differences in invoice discounts (file discounts and campaign discounts) granted to different customers and of differences in invoice discounts (essentially campaign discounts) granted for individual albums.
Begränsningarna skall automatiskt upphöra att gälla när informationen i fråga utan förbehåll avslöjas av innehavarenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The parties to the concentration have submitted evidence that the mix of PPDs for their respective top 20 single CD albums often changed substantially from one quarter to the next.
Därför bör inte längre stöd för privat lagring av griskött beviljas och ett slutdatum bör fastställas för inlämnande av ansökningarEurLex-2 EurLex-2
On 9 November 2009 she released her new album The Time of Our Lives, with the lead single being "Party in the USA".
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Only Sony’s and BMG’s data were taken into account, because the other majors stated that they only billed net prices; and, in order to overcome the problem arising from the fact that a given album may have more than one PPD in the course of a given year, the parties to the concentration attributed a single gross price to each album corresponding to the PPD at which most copies of that album were sold in the year in question (gross sales per album were thus calculated simply as PPD x number of albums sold).
Fastän det är tragiskt att diskriminering, tagande av fångar, misshandel, tortyr, tillfogande av skada och mord fortfarande sker i öppet trots mot de grundläggande mänskliga rättigheterna, är sådana dåd nu allmänt ansedda som kriminella och många tyrraniska regimer har i realiteten fallit.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The song was first previewed during a six-song listening party of Lopez's then-upcoming eighth studio album on April 25, 2014.
Genom avvikelse från artikel # i direktiv #/#/EG bemyndigas Konungariket Nederländerna härmed att inom konfektionssektorn till och med den # december # tillämpa ett system som innebär att en underleverantörs skyldighet att betala in mervärdeskatt till skattemyndigheterna överförs till konfektionsföretaget (huvudentreprenörenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On the contrary, the study submitted by the parties to the concentration tends to show that, both for full-price albums and for other albums, the variations in retail price for a given album at a given time in a variety of different retail outlets had no specific relationship with the invoice discounts granted to those retailers for that album (table 3.1).
Och jag borde vetaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
‘In addition, the [parties to the concentration] submitted data according to which invoice discounts for a given customer varied over time and from album to album, and discounts for a given album varied from customer to customer.
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Jan has set up his old stereo; he puts on Rami’s album and turns up the volume to drown out the noise of the party.
Vad vill du, Curran?Literature Literature
134 The annex presenting a breakdown into bands of the discounts granted by the parties to the concentration for their respective top 20 CD albums between 1998 and 2003 in the five large Member States, permitted the Commission to ascertain the proportion of sales of their respective top 20 single CD albums to all customers made by each of the two majors at a given discount (expressed in narrow bands of 2.5%) by reference to the list prices (PPDs) of the albums concerned.
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96 sinne gevind in 20 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.