Three Gorges Dam oor Sweeds

Three Gorges Dam

River dam that spans the Yangtze River in China and that is in use since 2006.

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Ma also added that large hydroelectric projects like the Three Gorges Dam might also have played a role.
Utdelande av Sacharovpriset (högtidligt mötegv2019 gv2019
Once completed, the Three Gorges Dam on China’s Yangtze River will be the world’s largest hydroelectric power station.
Och skylten nedanför kullen?jw2019 jw2019
Those are the engineers from the Three Gorges Dam.
Du vet, besöker dig.Du kan... visa mig din världOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Consider the case of the Three Gorges Dam.
Hos dessa patienter bidrar både erytropoietinbristen och ett minskat svar av erytrocyternas stamceller på endogent erytropoietin signifikant till aneminLiterature Literature
Could you arrange a meeting with the hydro-engineering team from the Three Gorges Dam?
År # upprättade kommissionen ett forum för användarna av finansiella tjänster (FIN-USE) som ska ta tillvara expertinlägg från ett användarperspektiv i Europeiska kommissionens politik för finansiella tjänster så att användarna blir mer aktivt involverade och kan framföra sina synpunkterOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Take, for instance, the construction of the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River.
Vad är det du vill?Literature Literature
At that period, she decided to reveal the dark side of the Three Gorges Dam.
Det var det vi delade i livetWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The impact of the construction of the Three Gorges Dam on the country's environment is yet to be evaluated.
På rådets vägnargv2019 gv2019
Before the construction of the Three Gorges Dam Ship Lift, the highest boat lift, with a 73.15-metre (240.0 ft) height difference and European Class IV (1350 tonne) capacity, was the Strépy-Thieu boat lift in Belgium opened in 2002.
Man vänjer sigWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
One Day Three Gorges Dam Cruise
Enligt dessa allmänna bestämmelser bör de varor som beskrivs i kolumn # i tabellen i bilagan klassificeras enligt motsvarande KN-nummer i kolumn # enligt den motivering som anges i kolumn # i tabellenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Xylem solution helps prevent flooding at Three Gorges Dam
Skrevs in för sex veckor sedanParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It carries important traffic from the coast in Shanghai to the Three Gorges Dam.
Samarbetet med ursprungsländerna bör förbättras när det gäller hanteringen av invandringenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Take a look at Three Gorges Dam Project (TGP) that is the world's largest hydropower complex project located in the Yangtze River in China.
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The recently built Three Gorges dam on the Yangtze River in China is the largest – 181 meters high and with a storage capacity of over 39 km3.
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View the Three Gorges Dam, Shennong Stream and temples of Shibaozhai up close on daily shore excursions, and have the option to also visit Three Gorges Tribe, White Emperor City and Fengdu Ghost City.
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Bosch Rexroth has automated the gate drives in over 30 locks around the world, including the world's largest hydro-engineering projects – the Three-Gorges Dam in China and the locks on the Panama Canal.
Europaparlamentets och rådets beslut nr #/#/EG av den # marsParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
18 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.