absolute monarchy oor Sweeds

absolute monarchy

A state over which a sole monarch has absolute and unlimited power.

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Absolut monarki

form of government in which the monarch has absolute power
from being an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy
från att ha varit en absolut monarki till att bli en konstitutionell monarki

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Over 40 years earlier, in 1849, the former absolute monarchy became a constitutional monarchy.
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This marked the triumph of the bourgeois revolution and the end of absolute monarchy.
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In presidential republics or in absolute monarchies, the head of state is also usually the head of government.
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At the introduction of absolute monarchy in 1660, the Council was abolished.
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Its collapse ushered in an absolute monarchy.”
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The Age of Absolute Monarchies
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In the interim, the Kingdom of France will be governed as an absolute monarchy.
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Finally under the rule of Charles XI the empire was consolidated under a semi-absolute monarchy.
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You operate on the principles of absolute monarchy.
Den härtill nödvändiga rättsliga ramen måste, såvitt jag förstår, kombineras med ett erkänt system för tidig varning i alla länder, där man vid misstanke om hälsorisker för människor offentligt namnger produkterna och deras tillverkare.Europarl8 Europarl8
Absolute monarchies are unsatisfactory.
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Gradually, absolute monarchies gave way to limited monarchies with legislatures or constitutions, or both.
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But absolute monarchies have for the most part been replaced by limited monarchies.
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This was not the sole method of ruling in absolute monarchies.
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Even when absolute monarchies were common, their power was limited.
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Its permanent attributes of a standing army, police, bureaucracy, and so on are a consequence of the absolute monarchy.
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At any rate, Ranum says: “No absolute monarchy approached the modern totalitarian state in its degree of cultural and economic centralization.”
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Being a rule of one, the effectiveness of an absolute monarchy is dependent on the effectiveness of the one who is its ruler.
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Thus, the enjoyment of individual freedom in the limited monarchies of today reaches levels far beyond those found in the absolute monarchies of the past.
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After the end of the absolute monarchy in 1932, Thailand endured sixty years of almost permanent military rule before the establishment of a democratically elected-government system.
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The only significant lasting reforms were the abolition of serfdom in Austria and Hungary, the end of absolute monarchy in Denmark, and the definitive end of the Capetian monarchy in France.
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The constitution was drawn up during the Allied occupation that followed World War II and was intended to replace Japan's previous militaristic system of quasi-absolute monarchy with a form of liberal democracy.
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Like its French predecessor, the palace was intended to display the power and grandeur of an absolute Bourbon monarchy.
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Last night, just before dawn, riot police mounted an attack on a makeshift encampment occupied by a group of peaceful protesters who since Tuesday had been demonstrating against the absolute monarchy and calling for greater political rights and freedoms.
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* Contrary to the views of the conservatives in the council, who were accustomed to Pius XII’s (1939-58) type of absolute monarchy, the liberals finally managed to get the council’s approval of the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Latin title, Lumen Gentium, Light of the Nations).
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The many cases of foot-dragging, delay and refusal to hand over documents to the Committee on Budgetary Control, together with the extraordinary fact that crucial reports and minutes are disappearing from the record offices where they belong, are an uncomfortable indication that a form of administration is being maintained which is more suited to the age of absolute monarchy.
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