acidophile oor Sweeds


an organism that lives and thrives under acidic conditions; a form of extremophile

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organisms that thrive under highly acidic conditions (usually at pH 2.0 or below)
The flora mainly consists of the acidophilic and acidocline species.
Floran består till stor del av kategorierna acidofil och acidiclin.

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Atlantic acidophilous beech forests with Ilex and sometimes also Taxus in the shrublayer (Quercion robori-petraeae or Ilici-Fagenion)
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Oro-Moesian acidophilous grasslands
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Such variability translates within a single area or even during a single cow-day as a very varied supply of fodder sourced from a wide range of environments, from calcicole to acidophilous and xerophilous to moist (LEGROS et al. 1987; DORIOZ, 1995).’
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The area of Borovets on the Rila mountain in Bulgaria comprises imposing complexes of glacial lakes, siliceous rocky screes, acidophile grassland communities, and priority nardus grasslands on the Rila mountain.
Annars har vi aldrig pratat.- Du minns väl Anna?not-set not-set
Such variability translates within a single area or even during a single cow-day as a very varied supply of fodder sourced from a wide range of environments, from calcicole to acidophilous and xerophilous to moist (LEGROS et al. #; DORIOZ
Ur vägen, för helvete!oj4 oj4
The chemical composition of the fruit, and thus its quality, is linked to the fact that the chestnut tree, a markedly acidophile species, benefits within the ‘Marroni del Monfenera’ cultivation area from the presence of largely acidic foothill soils, with opposite reactivity from those of the bordering areas, which are not present in other foothill areas of Treviso province.
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It includes well-preserved natural habitats of Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the mountain to alpine levels, Alpine and Boreal heaths, Bushes with Pinus mugo and Rhododendron hirsutum (Mugo-Rhododendretum hirsuti), Rhodope Potentilla fruticosa thickets, Moesian silver fir forests, Rhodopide and Balkan Range Scots pine forests, Acidophilous Picea forests of the mountain to alpine levels (Vaccinio-Piceetea), Rupicolous Calcareous or basophilic grasslands of the Alysso-Sedion albi.
De tekniska arrangemang som krävs för detta måste dessförinnan inrättas i varje medlemsstatnot-set not-set
The chemical composition of the fruit, and thus its quality, is linked to the fact that the chestnut tree, a markedly acidophile species, benefits within the Marroni del Monfenera cultivation area from the presence of largely acidic foothill areas, with opposite reactivity from those of the bordering areas, which are not present in other foothill areas of Treviso province
De måste hämta ett barn.Svåra brännskadoroj4 oj4
9190 Old acidophilous oak woods with Quercus robur on sandy plains
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The area of Kostenets — Belmeken Peak comprises imposing complexes of glacial lakes, siliceous rocky screes, acidophile grassland communities and priority nardus-grasslands on the Rila Mountain.
Insatser för att främja målgruppernas varaktiga och hållbara deltagande i det medborgerliga och kulturella livetnot-set not-set
Acidophilous Picea forests of the montane to alpine levels (Vaccinio-Piceetea)
En amerikansk budbärare, SamirEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Some are lithotrophs that oxidize sulphur to create sulfuric acid as an energy source, thus requiring the microorganism to be adapted to very low pH (i.e., it is an acidophile as well as thermophile).
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Old acidophilous oak woods with Quercus robur on sandy plains
med beaktande av rådets förordning (EEG) nr # av den # juni # om den gemensamma organisationen av marknaden för spannmål, senast ändrad genom förordning (EG) nr #, särskilt artikel # i denna, och av följande skälEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Old acidophilous oak woods with Quercus robur on sandy plains
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The chemical composition of the fruit, and thus its quality, is linked to the fact that the chestnut tree, a markedly acidophile species, benefits within the ‘Marroni del Monfenera’ cultivation area from the presence of largely acidic foothill areas, with opposite reactivity from those of the bordering areas, which are not present in other foothill areas of Treviso province.
Atosibans plasmaproteinbindning är # till # % hos gravida kvinnorEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The area of Panichishte — The Seven Lakes — Kabul Peak comprises imposing complexes of glacial lakes, siliceous rocky screes, acidophile grassland communities and priority nardus grasslands on the Rila mountain.
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However, other acidophiles, such as Acetobacter aceti, have an acidified cytoplasm which forces nearly all proteins in the genome to evolve acid stability.
När det gäller alla andra fall med konsekvenser för uppgiftsskyddet bör datatillsynsmannen ges möjlighet att ge rekommendation om de val som dessa kommittéer görWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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