assuredness oor Sweeds


The state or quality of being assured.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds



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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
If there is one thing my constituents want out of a consumer protection policy, it is more information and more assuredness that they know what is going to happen if they get into difficulties in another Member State, in particular with regard to buying things such as property: how much help can European law give them here?
Provning av eventuella beläggningars vidhäftningsförmågaEuroparl8 Europarl8
He spoke Russian, of course, but Ryan recognized the fast tempo, the self-assuredness.
Du kanske ska be JJ att ordna lite mer plats på väggenLiterature Literature
But afterwards, I was told that I projected great calm and assuredness, despite having been so nervous.
I texten används begreppetLiterature Literature
We've become addicted to their certainty, their assuredness, their definitiveness, and in the process, we have ceded our responsibility, substituting our intellect and our intelligence for their supposed words of wisdom.
Han är bunden med repQED QED
Once they were naked together, all the assuredness and confidence transferred from him to her.
Mätningarna ska göras med användning av en dynamisk videosignal för programinnehåll som representerar ett typiskt utsänt tv-innehållLiterature Literature
Assuredness may be replaced by a bitter mixture of frustration, anger, hostility, even strong dislike.
Ett rejält uppehåll, faktisktjw2019 jw2019
You can believe that and you can accept that with an assuredness and truth that goes beyond doubt.
Det skulle motsvara överenskommelsen mellan kommissionen och rådet.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Its purpose is to reduce the risk of discrimination by increasing the knowledge and assuredness of personnel.
Feel the calmness and certainty of Self-assuredness and know that Heaven as well as Earth are now your allies.
Men en miljon låter bättre i vår storyParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
With an assuredness that is manifested in a confident smile with the hardtop open: The BMW M4 Convertible symbolises ambitious freedom on four wheels.
Vi bör bland annat se till att de som redan har betalat registreringsskatt får en rimlig ersättning tillbaka.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
#TOGETHER with our constantly improving and united team we provide our clients with the sense of assuredness and contribute to successful development of their business with our advanced solutions, at the same time creating financial value for the shareholders.
Vi var som små spinkiga djur.Alltid hungriga, alltid frusnaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
With an assuredness that is manifested in a confident smile with the hardtop open: The BMW M4 Convertible symbolizes ambitious freedom on four wheels.
Alla äter, talar, dricker, skrattar, bär kläderParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
12 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.