astrologic oor Sweeds


Archaic form of [i]astrological[/i].

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


He carves an astrological symbol on the body.
Han har ristat in en astrologisk symbol på kroppen.
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
For example, French astrologer Nostradamus continues to be popular, though he has been dead for centuries.
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Noted astrologer Jeanne Dixon claims to have predicted President John Kennedy’s death in Dallas, Texas, in 1963 —but she doesn’t say too much about her prediction that the Vietnam War would end in 1966.
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Astrological and spiritual services, funerary services, religious services
De strider även mot den överenskommelse som gjordes 1979 och ratificerades 1986 och som tagits upp i de texter som utgör den grundläggande källan till gemenskapslagstiftningen.tmClass tmClass
Showing a close connection with astrology, palmists speak of the hand as having “mounts,” named after the seven planets known to ancient astrologers.
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Many scientists have therefore become alarmed at the growing acceptance of astrology.
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People of every social class believed in astrology, witchcraft, talismans, fortune-telling, and many other forms of divination.
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The Bible does not say whether this involved angelic assistance, meteorite showers that were interpreted ominously by Sisera’s wise men, or perhaps astrological predictions for Sisera that proved false.
Dessa samordnare kommer att bli ansvariga för att se till att alla tänkbara ansträngningar görs längs korridorens hela längd – det handlar i första hand om järnvägskorridorer och även flodkorridorer – för att garantera att korridoren hålls samman, inom den tillåtna tiden.jw2019 jw2019
However, many opposed such astrological divination.
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Whatever else can be made of that account, it certainly did much to bring into the open the vast interest in astrology among people in the Western world, where modern science is supposed to have dispelled the last vestige of astrology.
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We studied occultism, astrology and many other themes.
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‘Remember to pray for me, the astrologer’s son,’ begged Pilate in his dream.
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For example, Nebuchadnezzar was so infuriated when the astrologers and the rest of “the wise men” failed to reveal his dream that he exclaimed: “Dismembered is what you will be, and into public privies your own houses will be turned.”
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(1 John 5:19) By maneuvering things to make certain predictions appear to come true, Satan and the demons have successfully captured the people’s fancy and turned astrology into a cult.
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Is Astrology Scientific?
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Astrology, fortune telling and the like
Grunder: Åsidosättande av artikel #.# b rådets förordning (EG) nr #/# av den # februari # om gemenskapsvarumärken, eftersom det föreligger förväxlingsrisk mellan de motstående varumärkenaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Witchcraft schools are said to abound, and there is even a marketed computer that produces astrological charts in seconds.
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Astrological and numerological forecasting
Får ni står till svars för vad ni gjort, är det ert eget feltmClass tmClass
But they must admit that at times astrologers have made serious errors in “reading the stars.”
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As to Jesus’ age at that time, remember that, based on what Herod had learned from the astrologers, he decreed that all the boys in the district of Bethlehem two years of age and under were to be destroyed.—Matt.
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Concepts covered within the Chinese classic texts present a wide range of subjects including poetry, astrology, astronomy, calendar, constellations and many others.
Samtidigt ligger momssatsen på barnartiklar i EU på standardnivå, det vill säga högsta möjliga nivå.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
How does God protect his Son?— Well, when the astrologers find Jesus, they give him gifts.
Nederländska jordbrukare som bedriver jordbruk på marker i Tyskland och använder så kallad röd dieselolja som bränsle i sina jordbruksfordon, alltså dieselolja som har lägre accis än vanligt och är avsedd att användas inom jordbruket, får böta för tullen i Tyskland, eftersom det i Tyskland inte är tillåtet att använda sådan dieselolja med nedsatt accisjw2019 jw2019
But “science” in this verse does not mean the foolish astrological and magical sciences based on the philosophical and religious views of that day.
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In this context, the expression evidently refers to the location of the astrologers when they saw the star, though some have understood it to mean that the astrologers saw the star on the eastern sky or as it was “rising,” or appearing.
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ACCORDING to one poll, 1 out of every 4 Americans uses astrology when making decisions.
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However, the Bible reveals that the demons are real and are behind astrology, witchcraft, and some types of magic.
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223 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.