bound state oor Sweeds

bound state

(physics) A composite of two or more particles that behaves as a single particle.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

bundet tillstånd

composite of particles that behaves as a single particle

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
A person domiciled in a State bound by this Convention may, in another State bound by this Convention, be sued
Du slutar aldrig att förvånaoj4 oj4
A person domiciled in a State bound by this Convention may, in another State bound by this Convention, be sued:
Byråns inkomst- och utgiftsredovisning och balansräkning för budgetåret # sammanfattas i tabellerna # ochEurLex-2 EurLex-2
‘A person domiciled in a State bound by this Convention may, in another State bound by this Convention, be sued:
Om en rymningeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
deeply concerned by the rules in Sharia-bound states, compelling women to remain indoors at night, segregating the transport system by sex and denying women's equal rights in the inheritance of property,
Kanske, kanske intenot-set not-set
A judgment given in a State bound by this Convention shall be recognised in the other States bound by this Convention without any special procedure being required.
Jag vill helst inte prata om detEurLex-2 EurLex-2
A judgment given in a State bound by this Convention shall be recognised in the other States bound by this Convention without any special procedure being required
Jag är heller inte så förtjust, i kylanoj4 oj4
However, I feel bound to state that the Commission's statement is extremely unsatisfactory.
eget initiativ informera finansunderrättelseenheten när de känner till, misstänker eller har rimliga skäl att misstänka att det förekommer, har förekommit, eller gjorts försök till penningtvätt, finansiering av terrorism eller brottsliga handlingar i auktionernaEuroparl8 Europarl8
I am bound to state I am completely opposed to Fraga becoming part of such a state.
Jag letar efter nån.- Hollis MulwrayEuroparl8 Europarl8
I am bound to state that she ate an enormous dinner, so I did not feel any anxiety.
Precis som kommissionsledamoten sa står vi inför ett problem, men det innebär också en möjlighet.Literature Literature
I am bound to state that she never told me he was good–looking.
Det är lugntLiterature Literature
The Commission will also support other initiatives leading to alliances and to a large-scale pooling of resources, for example in the form of Important Projects of Common European Interest, where targeted time-bound State aid can help build new innovative value chains.
Vet du vad som fanns i den?Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
(10) For the purposes of the free movement of judgments, judgments given in a Member State bound by this Regulation should be recognised and enforced in another Member State bound by this Regulation ...
De värdefulla bidragen vid hearingen i Katowice vittnade inte bara om turismens variationsrikedom i de olika medlemsstaterna, utan också om de många olika strategier som varje medlemsstat, region och lokalsamhälle kan välja för att utveckla sina egna turismmodeller för både dagens och morgondagens behovEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Likewise, any judgments delivered in one State bound by the Regulation must be recognised and enforced in accordance with the terms of the Regulation in any other State bound by the Regulation.
För stödet till försäkringspremier för försäkring av utsäde och grödor likställs följande väderförhållanden med naturkatastrofer: vårfrost, hagel, blixtnedslag, brand till följd av blixtnedslag, storm och översvämningEurLex-2 EurLex-2
When funding such measures, the Commission as well as the Member States are bound by the State aid rules, which are designed to avoid distortions of competition.
Primater är sociala djur, men denna generositet glömmer jag ändå aldrigEurLex-2 EurLex-2
8107 sinne gevind in 24 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.