cao pi oor Sweeds

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cao pi


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Cao Pi then established the state of Cao Wei and declared himself emperor.
Cao Pi förklarade sig sedan som kejsare av Konungadömet Wei.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Cao Pi declared himself Emperor of the Wei Dynasty.
Cao Pi förklarade sig sedan som kejsare av Konungadömet Wei.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Still jealous and insecure, Cao Pi itched to get rid of his brother for good.
Fortfarande svartsjuk och osäker, kliade det i Cao Pis fingrar att bli av med sin bror för gott.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Staggered no less by sentiment than awe, Cao Pi let little bro off.
Djupt chockad, men mindre av sentimentalitet än av respekt, lät Cao Pi lillebrorn slippa undan.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Liu Bei contested Cao Pi's claim to the throne and proclaimed himself "Emperor of Shu Han" in 221.
År 221 gjorde Liu Bei Liu Shan till tronarvinge.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Cao Cao died on 15 March 220 and his vassal king title was inherited by his son Cao Pi.
När han dog 220 efterträddes han av sin son Cao Pi som tvingade den sista hankejsaren Xian att abdikera.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
On the other hand, firstborn Cao Pi (“tsaow pea”) was greedy for power and cared little about his brother.
Den förstfödde Cao Pi ("tsaow pea")var emellertid makthungrig och brydde sig föga om sin bror.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Shortly after, Cao Cao died and his successor, Cao Pi, deposed Emperor Xian, and declared himself Emperor of Cao Wei.
Ett år senare dog Cao Cao och hans efterträdare Cao Pi tvingade Kejsare Xian att abdikera. Cao Pi förklarade sig sedan som kejsare av Konungadömet Wei.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
By December his son Cao Pi (187–226 AD) had Emperor Xian relinquish the throne to him and is known posthumously as Emperor Wen of Wei.
I december tvingade hans son Cao Pi (187-226) kejsare Xian att avträda tronen åt honom.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Cao Cao died in 220 and was succeeded by his son, Cao Pi, who forced the last Han ruler, Emperor Xian, to abdicate the throne in his favour.
När han dog 220 efterträddes han av sin son Cao Pi som tvingade den sista hankejsaren Xian att abdikera.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Seeing his chance, Cao Pi hauled his brother into court and laid down the conditions of his punishment: Compose a poem in the time you take seven strides, or pay with your life.
Cao Pi såg sin chans och släpade sin bror inför hovet och fastställde villkoren för hans straff: Komponera en dikt på den tid du tar sju steg, eller betala med ditt liv.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Available rare books, used books and second hand books of the title "Xianggang di mu ou pi ying xi ji qi yuan liu (Mandarin Chinese Edition)" from Benye Cao are completely listed.
Tillgängliga sällsynta böcker, begagnade böcker och begagnade böcker av titeln "Xianggang di mu ou pi ying xi ji qi yuan liu (Mandarin Chinese Edition)" från Benye Cao listas helt.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Available rare books, used books and second hand books of the title "Xianggang di mu ou pi ying xi ji qi yuan liu (Mandarin Chinese Edition)" from Benye Cao are completely gemacht
Tillgängliga sällsynta böcker, begagnade böcker och begagnade böcker av titeln "Xianggang di mu ou pi ying xi ji qi yuan liu (Mandarin Chinese Edition)" från Benye Cao listas helt.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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