cause-effect relation oor Sweeds

cause-effect relation

The relating of causes to the effects that they produce. (Source: UVAROV)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

förhållande mellan orsak och verkan

The relating of causes to the effects that they produce. (Source: UVAROV)


Tieteen Termipankki

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Point 8.2.4 establishes in advance a number of arguable cause-effect relations.
Inom ramen för kollektiva förhandlingar bör man medverka till att förhandla fram arbetsvillkor för studenter med flexibla arbetstider, adekvat ersättning, särskilt för praktikanter, och tid till fortbildningEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The study reports, among other findings, a cause-effect relation between frequenting indoor swimming pools as part of school sporting/recreational activities and compromised pulmonary health.
Han fick inte behålla hästen han gilladeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the context of industrial risk management, maps create a visual and thus "immediate" understanding of the cause/effect relations with regard to hypothetical major accidents on a "Seveso Plant" site and their effect on the immediate surroundings.
Det är dit de offentliga medlen bör i stället för att investeras i de globaliserade idrottsarenornas falska gudar.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It is also important to assess cause and effect relations, if any, between allergic reactions and synthetic fibres and colourants used in textile products.
Är inte hejarklacken nog?Europarl8 Europarl8
In determining whether a given computer-implemented invention makes a technical contribution, the following test shall be used: whether it constitutes a new teaching on cause-effect relations in the use of controllable forces of nature and has an industrial application in the strict sense of the expression, in terms of both method and result.
Totalt antal anläggningar med ankor och gäss där prover skall tasnot-set not-set
In determining whether a given computer-implemented invention makes a technical contribution, the following test shall be used: whether it constitutes a new teaching on cause-effect relations in the use of controllable forces of nature and has an industrial application in the strict sense of the expression, in terms of both method and result
Självklart, advokatenoj4 oj4
Take special care with Erbitux Erbitux may cause infusion-related side effects
Det var första gången han var i Italien efter krigetEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Myocet may cause infusion-related side effects, such as flushing, fever, chills, headaches and back pain
Ut ur mitt husEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
For substances that cause undesirable treatment related effects (e.g. sterility, excessive toxicity at the high dose), this may not be possible.
Kan du inte skjuta raktEurLex-2 EurLex-2
For substances that cause undesirable treatment related effects (e.g. sterility, excessive toxicity at the high dose), this may not be possible
Lorelei, du måste slutaoj4 oj4
In the Commission’s view, these thresholds will quite simply have the effect of causing discrimination related to the origin of the product.
Djurmodeller I djurmodeller av pulmonell hypertension minskade kronisk oral administrering av bosentan det pulmonella vaskulära motståndet och reverserade den pulmonella vaskulära och högerventrikulära hypertrofinEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This sensory effects ELVs (Table A2) is related to avoiding auditory effects caused by exposures of the head to pulsed microwave radiation.
Vårt möte kan skada tidslinjen ytterligarenot-set not-set
Relation of cause and effect must be investigated with the same care normally accorded to identifying therapeutic action;
Var inte så osäkerEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Another point: there is no relation of cause and effect between having a large number of children and equality.
Jag vill att du blir barnets gudmor.- Verkligen?- JaEuroparl8 Europarl8
I'm just saying, in a deterministic event, such as hitting a baseball, there actually is a strict relation between cause and effect.
Det finns en fråga som tagits upp av flera av er, den om skattelättnader.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In all events, the relation between cause and effect, the logical order, is different from that in which the supplementary question was put.
Enligt artikel # i förordning (EG) nr #/# ska återkravet begränsas till en period på tio år räknat bakåt från den # marsEuroparl8 Europarl8
They state that the merchants who traded with Iberian never stopped trading with BG and that the promotional payments did not have the effect of causing relations with merchants who did not accept them to be discontinued.
Den ska tillämpas från och med den # januari # med följande undantagEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Most of the identifiable hazards (harmful characteristics) which may cause adverse effects will be related to the gene or genes of interest, deliberately introduced into the GMO and the corresponding protein(s) being expressed from these genes.
Europaparlamentet uppmanar akademin, Olaf och kommissionen att utan dröjsmål informera den ansvarsbeviljande myndigheten om resultaten av Olafs undersökning så snart de finns tillgängligaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Sensory effects ELV from 0.3 GHz to 6 GHz This sensory effects ELV (Table A2) is related to avoiding auditory effects caused by exposures of the head to pulsed microwave radiation.
Företrädare för kommissionen kommer också att sitta med vid dessa mötennot-set not-set
Even if certain effects may have related causes, there is no systematic causal link between regions poorly integrated into the global economy and human rights violations
Sadlade och färdigaoj4 oj4
The same cause and effect relationship is present in relation to the nuclear issues, which are equally crucial to the further development of relations with the EU.
E är den första EU-institution som har fått detta intyg för all sin tekniska och administrativa verksamhetEuroparl8 Europarl8
816 sinne gevind in 37 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.