century egg oor Sweeds

century egg

Chinese delicacy made by preserving an egg in its shell in a mixture of charcoal and lime for around a hundred days

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In the 17th century, egg cells and sperm cells were discovered, but their actual role was misunderstood.
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Century eggs
Angående: Anslutningsförhandlingar med KroatientmClass tmClass
The transforming agent in a century egg is its alkaline material, which gradually raises the pH of the egg from approximately 9 to 12 or more.
I detta sammanhang ska de harmoniseringsåtgärder som motsvarar miljöskyddskraven i förekommande fall innehålla en skyddsklausul som tillåter medlemsstaterna att av icke-ekonomiska miljömässiga skäl vidta provisoriska åtgärder, som ska vara föremål för ett kontrollförfarande unionsnivåWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But it was not until the 19th century that mass production of chickens and eggs became a commercial venture.
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By the 18th century, though, researchers correctly recognized that an egg and a sperm combine to form an embryo.
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Brigham, who studied them a century ago, exclaimed: “From an egg laid by a bird with two feet and two wings comes an animal with four feet.”
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Many in Christendom decorate ‘Easter eggs,’ just as sun-worshipers did centuries ago.
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This specifically Alsatian tradition of using a high proportion of eggs is due to the fact that production, up until the 19th century, was essentially domestic and rural, with eggs easily available on the farm.
Rexxx, här bortaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This specifically Alsatian tradition of using a high proportion of eggs is due to the fact that production, up until the #th century, was essentially domestic and rural, with eggs easily available on the farm
I vissa fall kan viktuppgång vara ett symtom på hjärtsvikt, och därför bör vikten noggrant följasoj4 oj4
For more than three centuries, the tradition of pasta made with fresh eggs has been one of the gastronomic specialities of Alsace.
Det kan faktiskt kallas en psykiatrisk återfödelseEurLex-2 EurLex-2
For more than three centuries, the tradition of pasta made with fresh eggs has been one of the gastronomic specialities of Alsace
Därför röstade jag för Jan Mulders betänkande, där ett antagande av kommissionens förslag förespråkas.oj4 oj4
Century egg - Wikipedia
Du har bara din vita fars hatParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
For centuries, eggs have been used as a natural hair treatment.
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However, in that same century Redi showed that maggots appeared in meat only after flies laid eggs on it.
Det betyder inte att den här tuffingen inte har en mjukare sidajw2019 jw2019
In that same 17th century, Redi showed that maggots appeared in meat only after flies laid eggs on it.
Stämmer.Allt eller ingetjw2019 jw2019
Century eggs can be eaten without further preparation than peeling and rinsing them -- on their own, or as a side dish.
Det ska jag berättaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
A century ago, French writer Guy de Maupassant said that “the egg from which wars are hatched” is patriotism, which he called “a kind of religion.”
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We ordered everything on the menu and got to taste everything from century eggs to trotter nuggets which all came in a size XS.
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An early form of quiche can be found in Forme of Cury, a 14th-century recipe collection, as a Torte de Bry with a cheese and egg yolk filling.
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Contact Now Preserved Eggs Known also as century egg, hundred-year egg, thousand-year egg or thousand-year-old egg, the preserved egg is a Chinese delicacy used in many traditional dishes.
I vår grupp stod tre saker i centrum.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
At the end of the 19th century, collectors of farmyard products, known as coquetiers, would pass by the farm to collect eggs and chickens but also cheese.
Nej, gör det inte!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Finally, in the 17th century, Italian physician Francesco Redi proved that maggots appeared in rotten meat only after flies had laid eggs on it.
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The historical study carried out by Roland Oberle, heritage curator and cultural attaché for ‘Alsatian Art and History’ at the Bas-Rhin General Council, shows that pasta production in Alsace probably dates back to the 15th century and, more importantly, that Alsatian pasta has always egg-based:
Du måste bara ringa till honomEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The historical study carried out by Roland Oberle, heritage curator and cultural attaché for Alsatian Art and History at the Bas-Rhin General Council, shows that pasta production in Alsace probably dates back to the #th century and, more importantly, that Alsatian pasta has always egg-based
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In the twelfth century, people added eggs to Easter celebrations.
Påföljderna skall vara effektiva, proportionerliga och avskräckandeParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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