cigar-shape oor Sweeds


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That could well be the sinister cigar-shape of things to come.
Med tanke på det stora prisfallet på viktiga jordbruksmarknader förväntar sig EESK att effektiva åtgärder vidtas för att säkra att jordbrukarna får en rättvis andel i livsmedelskedjanEuroparl8 Europarl8
He reached under his zebra skin and produced a cigar-shaped tube.
skriftliga förklaringar införda i registret (artikel # i arbetsordningenLiterature Literature
The cigar-shaped germ was named legionella pneumophila.
& kxsldbg; tillhandahåller ett grafiskt gränssnitt till & xsldbg;, som stöder felsökning i & XSLT;-skriptjw2019 jw2019
" It is nothing very formidable, " he said, taking a long cigar- shaped roll from his pocket.
Jag hajar nog, du är pervers!QED QED
" Entirely. " " It is nothing very formidable, " he said, taking a long cigar- shaped roll from his pocket.
För att underlätta efterlevnaden ber EESK kommissionen att publicera en bilaga med detaljerade uppgifter om de olika tidsfristerna och skyldigheterna för varje fartygstypQED QED
In the wet autumn grass two floors below the high barred window of the cell lay a little cigar-shaped case.
Må presenterna kunna återlämnas!Literature Literature
It considers that, accordingly, account must also be taken of the end consumers of charcuterie (Joined Cases T-324/01 and T-110/02 Axionsand Belce v OHIM (Brown cigar shape and gold ingot shape) [2003] ECR II-1897, paragraph 31).
Det är hemligstämplatEurLex-2 EurLex-2
According to the case-law, the price of the product concerned is also immaterial as regards the definition of the relevant public, since price will also not be the subject of the registration (Joined Cases T-324/01 and T‐110/02 Axions and Belce v OHIM (Brown cigar shape and gold ingot shape) [2003] ECR II‐1897, paragraph 36).
Efter överenskommelse mellan alla berörda ägare ska tredje man som vill bedriva ytterligare forskning beviljas tillträdesrätt till förgrund på rättvisa avtalade och rimliga villkorEurLex-2 EurLex-2
On the other hand, where, as in the cases resulting in the judgments in Brown cigar shape and gold ingot shape and Shape of a white and transparent bottle, there is only one manufacturer of the end products using the shape in question, that shape will be capable of being used, provided that it is sufficiently distinctive, as a mark of the end product.
Det betyder inte att du ska lämna mig ensamEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Accordingly, the registrability of a sign as a Community trade mark must be assessed solely on the basis of that regulation, as interpreted by the Community Courts, and not on the basis of a previous practice of the Boards of Appeal (Case T-106/00 Streamserve v OHIM (STREAMSERVE) [2002] ECR II-723, paragraph 66, and Brown cigar shape and gold ingot shape, paragraph 51).
Asbestens effekter på hälsan har länge varit välkända.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Moreover, as the Board of Appeal noted, novelty or originality are not relevant criteria in the assessment of the distinctive character of a mark so that, for a three-dimensional mark to be registered, it does not suffice that it is original, but it must differ substantially from the basic shapes of the goods in question, commonly used in the trade, and not look like a mere variant of those shapes (Brown cigar shape and gold ingot shape, paragraph 44).
Han har sagt att det inte är hållbart att man i ett land betraktar nyttan av att ett nyttofordon, en passagerarbuss, inte följer säkerhetsföreskrifterna, vilket ju innebär en risk för människor till kropp och själ, som en sak kavaljerer emellan och i ett annat land bestraffar det hårt.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
43 Whilst it is accepted that factual or legal grounds contained in an earlier decision might constitute arguments to support a plea alleging infringement of a provision of Regulation No 40/94, the applicant has not claimed that the decisions he refers to contain grounds such as to call into question the findings made by the Board of Appeal and merely states that those marks relate to goods in the food sector (see, to that effect, Brown cigar shape and gold ingot shape, paragraph 52).
Det var inte hanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
28 The use of a mark as a mark in respect of packaging or as a mark in respect of the end products is a marketing choice made by the proprietor of the mark which is liable to be altered after its registration and cannot therefore have any bearing on the assessment of its registrability (see, to that effect, Case T-323/00 SAT.1 v OHIM (SAT.2) [2002] ECR II-2839, paragraph 45, and Brown cigar shape and gold ingot shape, paragraphs 36 and 40).
Det är säkert, sirEurLex-2 EurLex-2
26 In that respect, it should be noted that, in respect of goods which serve as packaging for other goods, it has been held that, even if, in principle, it is those in the business and not end consumers in general who acquire such goods, they none the less acquire them with a view to subsequent sales of the packaged goods to end consumers and that, accordingly, account must also be taken of the latter’s perception (see, to that effect, Brown cigar shape and gold ingot shape, paragraph 31).
Reformen av stabilitets- och tillväxtpakten # avsåg att stärka dess effektivitet och ekonomiska underbyggnad samt att säkerställa de offentliga finansernas långsiktiga hållbarhetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, as is apparent from the Court’s case-law, circumstances outside of the right conferred by the Community trade mark, such as the concept of marketing and in particular the price of the relevant product, are not subject to registration and consequently cannot be taken into account in the course of the assessment of the distinctive character of a mark (see, to that effect, Joined Cases T-324/01 and T-110/02 Axions and Belce v OHIM (Brown cigar shape and gold ingot shape) [2003] ECR II-1897, paragraph 36 and the case-law cited).
Åtgärdens rättsliga kontinuitet bör säkerställasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
24 Second, it must be observed that, according to the case-law, the criteria for assessing the distinctiveness of three-dimensional trade marks which consist of the shape of the goods themselves are no different from those which apply to other categories of mark (Brown cigar shape and gold ingot shape, cited in paragraph 21 above, paragraph 32, and Shape of a bottle, cited in paragraph 20 above, paragraph 35; see also, by analogy, Case C‐299/99 Philips [2002]ECR I‐5475, paragraph 48, and Joined Cases C‐53/01 to C‐55/01 Lindeand Others [2003] ECR I‐3161, paragraphs 42 and 46).
En skötsam flicka kan man lita på, men en tölp förblir en tölpEurLex-2 EurLex-2
21 Accordingly the distinctive character of a mark must be assessed, first, by reference to the products or services in respect of which registration has been applied for and, second, by reference to the perception of the relevant public (Joined Cases C‐468/01 P to C‐472/01 P Procter & Gamble v OHIM [2004] ECR I‐5141, paragraph 33; Joined Cases T‐324/01 and T‐110/02 Axions and Belce v OHIM(Brown cigar shape and gold ingot shape) [2003] ECR II‐1897, paragraph 30; Shape of a bottle, cited in paragraph 20 above, paragraph 29, and Shape of a whiteand transparent bottle, cited in paragraph 20 above, paragraph 32).
Jag kan lägga till anklagelser om sextrakasserierEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In this case, all that was sold in these boxes were 6 Ovos Moles cigars (they are now in the shape of a crab).
Man kan inte gå på den eller se igenom den... för att få in ringbultarna i sprickornaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Yet they were still taken by that beam of light into the belly of the cigar shaped UFO.
Injektionsvätska, lösning, i en injektionsflaskaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
A dark cigar shaped object seen from Barstow,...[more]
sekunder från måletParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Then the cigar shaped UFO hovered over me and I tried to out run it, but I couldn’t.
Europaparlamentet beviljar ansvarsfrihet för den verkställande direktören för Europeiska byrån för luftfartssäkerhet avseende genomförandet av byråns budget för budgetåretParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Then the cigar shaped UFO hovered over me and I tried to out run it, but I couldn't.
Psykopater vill bli berömda, de lämnar ledtrådarParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Yet they were still taken by that beam of light into the belly of the cigar shaped UFO.
Den här showen är vårt öde som bara väntar på att uppfyllasParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Rainbow snakehead has a cigar shaped body decorated with beautiful shades of brilliant orange and vivid blue.
Chris, det är till digParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Then the cigar shaped UFO hovered over me and I tried to out run it, but I couldn't.
Sâna här fester kostarParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
58 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.