clavier oor Sweeds


(music) The keyboard of an organ, pianoforte, or harmonium.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


I would have liked to play the clavier or perhaps compose.
Jag hade velat spela klaver eller kanske komponera.



Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

Well-Tempered Clavier
Das wohltemperierte Klavier


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
From the top of the main clavier, wires ascend to the floor above, and each key of the four and a half octaves is connected to a separate steel wire with a curious tension adjustment on it.
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Each bell, with its soft metal clapper on the inside, is activated by the steel wire connected to each key of the clavier below.
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The clavier, which kept silent through all of Parsifal (but listened), finally has something to say.
Vi upprepar dock att Europaparlamentet politiskt kommer att åta sig att se finansieringen av detta fiskeavtal som prioriterat.Literature Literature
The elevator in the tower takes us up to the first platform, where we are greeted by two large claviers, or keyboards, similar to those of organs.
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I would have liked to play the clavier or perhaps compose.
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VII The clavier, which kept silent through all of Parsifal (but listened), finally has something to say.
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Almost backing the practice keyboard is the real carillon clavier.
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Although the Well-Tempered Clavier was the first collection of fully worked keyboard pieces in all 24 keys, similar ideas had occurred earlier.
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The arrangement of letters used in that is present on most of the physical keyboards sold in the market (AZERTY), because the designers of these keyboards have watched over that the most frequently typed letters in Arabic are near to the fingers used when writing, in the design of the virtual keyboard, we had the choice between an alphabetical arrangement or the use by most of the keyboards physical, we opted for the second solution because people usually memorize the location of the keys after some use.
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Included in this adventure are the resorts Sestriere, Sauze d'Oulx, Oulx, Sansicario, Cesana, Pragelato, Claviere and the French Montgenèvre.
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At a height of 2035 m Sestriere and the other skiareas of Alta Valsusa (Sansicario, Sauze d’Oulx, Cesana and Clavier) offer you ca 400 km of pisted slopes, 118 slopes and over 100 lifts.
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The two works are now usually considered to make up a single work, The Well-Tempered Clavier, and are referred to respectively as Books I and II. less
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