collection of poems oor Sweeds

collection of poems

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A year after his baccalauréat, he published a collection of poems, Le Faune noir.
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The Rubáiyát is a collection of poems by the Persian mathematician and astronomer Omar Khayyám (1048–1122).
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He published six collections of poems in the English and Rarotongan languages.
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Blake's first collection of poems, Poetical Sketches, was printed around 1783.
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Adichie published a collection of poems in 1997 (Decisions) and a play (For Love of Biafra) in 1998.
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Songs of Innocence and of Experience is an illustrated collection of poems by William Blake.
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In 1913, with help from the siblings, Mayakovsky brought out his first collection of poems, the lithographed I!
Den optimala dosen baseras anemins grad och kronicitet och på effektens önskadevaraktighetLiterature Literature
His first book, Juvenilia 1 (1961), was a collection of poems.
Kommissionen ska fortlöpande hålla styrelsen för säkerhetsackreditering underrättad om konsekvenserna av eventuella planerade styrelsebeslut om det korrekta genomförandet av programmen och planerna för hantering av kvarstående riskerWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Norman made his literary debut with a collection of poems in 1996.
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In 1921 his first original collection of poems, Mondo kaj Koro (“World and heart”) was published.
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Her first collection of poems called Yek bahse feministi ghabl az pokhtane sibzaminiha was published in 2010.
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She wrote of her family's fate during the Holocaust in the collection of poems entitled "Daughter of Olga and Leo."
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It is a collection of poems or songs of grief because of the fall of Jerusalem and the Israelite nation.
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Initially, this dirge became part of the collection of poems, songs and other writings that constituted the book of Jashar.
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In 1565 a group of former students published a collection of poems to commemorate their admired master: Apotheosis D. Georgii Macropedii.
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In 2002, appeared the collection of poems Malabar Mind, and in 2003 Where the Rain is Born - Writings about Kerala which she has edited.
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After her death, Landet som icke är ("The Land which Is Not") was released, containing a collection of poems that had been rejected from her earlier volumes.
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The name Sæmundar Edda was given by the Bishop Brynjólfur Sveinsson to the collection of poems contained in the Codex Regius, many of which are quoted by Snorri.
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Gunnar Henningsson has published the collections of poems "En ungkarl på landet", "Ragnarök" and "Dikter 1928-1950" and also the prose stories "Grävlingarna och hans grannar" and "Harstigar och svampmarker".
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Subsequently, he worked for a period as an industrial worker and as a sailor before he debuted as a poet with his collection of poems titled Valfart (Pilgrimage) in 1968.
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This resulted in the publication, three months before Jill, of The North Ship (1945), a collection of poems written between 1942 and 1944 which showed the increasing influence of Yeats.
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He is known to posterity primarily for his collection of poems titled Poems on Various Subjects, whereto is Prefixed a Short Essay on the Structure of English Verse, published in 1765.
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Later that year, Keys released her novel Tears for Water: Songbook of Poems and Lyrics, a collection of unreleased poems from her journals and lyrics.
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Her debut was in 1931 with the collection of poems Jord och rymd (Earth and Space), but her real breakthrough came with Fiskläge (The Fishing Village, 1939) depicting life in the Bohuslän archipelago.
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During that period, Sikelianos came in contact with Greek intellectuals, and in 1909 he published his first collection of poems, Alafroískïotos (The Moonstruck), which had an immediate impact and was recognized by critics as an important work.
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