commuter traffic oor Sweeds

commuter traffic

Traffic caused by people travelling regularly over some distance, as between a suburb and a city and back, between their place of residence and their place of work.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


Traffic caused by people travelling regularly over some distance, as between a suburb and a city and back, between their place of residence and their place of work.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
All the places named above see a great deal of daily commuter traffic in all directions.
Dessa är tecken på förbättring av situationen i östra Demokratiska republiken Kongo.not-set not-set
I drive away and am soon lost in the heavy commuter traffic going west into Jacksonville.
Det är tre mord, RichardLiterature Literature
However, the stretch between Asker and Spikkestad was kept as a branch line for local commuter traffic.
Upp och hoppa, poj kar och flickorWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
City bound commuter traffic could be decreased with road-pricing, if there are efficient door to door alternatives.
Jag köper en läskEurLex-2 EurLex-2
For example, apps can use your phone's location to see commute traffic or find nearby restaurants.
In this context, the volume of commuting traffic to and from metropolitan areas will require specific attention.
En procedur i tre dimensioner för att bedöma representativitetenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
On the weekend, with no commuter traffic, the birds routinely sang more softly than on weekdays.”
omfånget baseras på uppskattat medelvärde avgränsat av ett # % prediktionsintervalljw2019 jw2019
Climate control systems for trains and city and intercity vehicles, for use in commuter traffic, school buses and tourist buses
Biverkning Infektioner ochtmClass tmClass
whereas #% of all car journeys and #% of all rail journeys in daily regional and commuter traffic are no longer than #km
Anskaffningsvärdet, för andra varor än dem som omfattas av punkt #, skall beräknas genom tillämpning av först in, först ut-metoden (FIFU), eller av metoder som bygger på vägda genomsnittspriseroj4 oj4
On weekday mornings, most commuter traffic flows westbound to Europe, so four of the six lanes run westbound and only two eastbound.
Gör flickorna dem också?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Installation of climate control systems in trains and city and intercity vehicles, for use in commuter traffic, school buses and tourist buses
Kanske.DefinitivttmClass tmClass
whereas 60% of all car journeys and 90% of all rail journeys in daily regional and commuter traffic are no longer than 30km,
Ett SPE ska omfattas av koncernredovisningen när den ekonomiska innebörden av affärsförbindelserna mellan ett företag och ett SPE tyder på att företaget utövar ett bestämmande inflytande över detta SPEnot-set not-set
whereas 60% of all car journeys and 90% of all rail journeys in daily regional and commuter traffic are no longer than 30km,
Det är därför nödvändigt att fastställa en vägledande fördelning av tillgängliga medel mellan de berörda medlemsstaterna i enlighet med artikel #.# i förordning (EG) nrEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Because of increasingly heavy commuter traffic, various measures have been taken in previous years in Belgium to promote the use of public transport.
Tack så mycketnot-set not-set
The approach envisaged by the Dutch government addresses road congestion through the charging of daily commuter traffic in densely populated regions in the Netherlands.
Clark, vad är fel?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Research, development and design of climate control systems for trains and for city and intercity vehicles, for use in commuter traffic, school buses and tourist buses
Jag kan inte förklara hur mycket vi uppskattar tipsettmClass tmClass
On transferability: in my opinion, an open labour market can only function with more free commuter traffic which does not put employees who exercise that right at a disadvantage.
(EL) Herr talman! Jag vill tacka vice ordföranden.Europarl8 Europarl8
In the same way, restricting public support to particular groups of travellers would threaten the competitiveness of public transport in commuter traffic and increase the use of private cars correspondingly.
Kom du fram till nåt?- De äldre sa att drömmen var verklignot-set not-set
- having regard to the increase in the number of households in which more than one person is in paid employment and which are thus contributing to an increase in commuter traffic,
Smartare än delfiner eller valarEurLex-2 EurLex-2
As well as encouraging people to take exercise, events of this kind also promote cycling as a mode of transport, helping to reduce car use, and therefore traffic congestion, including commuter traffic.
Han är fantastisk, eller hur?not-set not-set
Large green areas around cities have been transformed into large suburban zones, where daily commuting causes traffic jams and environmental problems.
Det har också utförts en systematisk översikt som omfattade mer än # cancerpatienter i # kliniska läEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Stresses the potential of rail transport as a low-carbon, energy-efficient mode of transport, both for long-distance freight haulage and for short- and medium-distance regional and commuter traffic, and asks that such priorities be reflected in the criteria for the support of regional and cohesion funds;
Rotigotin metaboliseras genom N-dealkylering liksom direkt och sekundär konjugeringnot-set not-set
Stresses the potential of rail transport as a low-carbon, energy-efficient mode of transport, both for long-distance freight haulage and for short- and medium-distance regional and commuter traffic, and asks that such priorities be reflected in the criteria for the support of regional and cohesion funds;
mg/dag (en gång dagligen eller uppdelat på två dosernot-set not-set
285 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.